Author's note

Hello dear readers, First I wanted to apologise for how inactive my writing must have been, for this book and the other books. I have been really busy even throughout lockdown I have been busy.

I have also been really stressed with what had happened and school, and the reasons why I hadn't been writing.

I also have improved my English language, and I can write more correctly and longer sentences. Which is why I am here giving a note; I'd like to edit/rewrite the chapter already made. So, unfortunately the story may change an little by the end of the last chapter. Only because I feel as thought it needs more sense and more creativity to the writing. I will also try to cut in some chapter with more then 2000 words to make more chapters.

I hope you, reader, will continue to support me, and read this story even if it has to go through another hiatus. I am aware that School/college has restarted and that it may seems pointless for me to start writing again as I may stop midway. Well I hope I won't. I have another 2 week before I officially start, so I will use this to my advantage to edit the chapters again. Once all this is done, I will make sure to write another notice for you all, so keep on the look out. Thank you.

For now, I will go back to read my own story (because I have no idea where I am now) and rewrite.

Thank you, bye