
Damian now knows what he should be doing.

But first, he has to list down what he needed to take note while planning for the future.

1.) There are 2 masters within 50km, and he should automatically list them as hostile. And just like Flan, their Unique summons could have also informed them about the presence of each other and could probably now be planning to hunt.

2.) There are 2 Unique summons and 2 Premium draw monster summons other than his. Thinking about the worst-case scenario, he should think of their premium as the jackpot reward which should be significantly stronger than the heroic shadow cat.

3.) Unscouted area around the base, there could be danger around which could end his life before he could even enter the territory of other masters.

4.) Need a good defense that could protect him against possible invasion.

5.) Lack of funds.

No matter how much he plans, it all comes down into having enough points to set it into motion, so first, he must find a way to earn many points as possible and scout the area around.

There are 3 ways that he knows in acquiring points.

1.) Income from the lifeforms inside his territory.

2.) Killing others inside his territory.

3.) System Bonus from Unique summons.

The first two ways to acquire points came from the crystal, and the 3rd one came from summoning Flan.

Now he has 11 + 100 points as income.

As he thought about income, it seemed that the kitten didn't give any amount of points as income.

Wondering about where the basic 10 points came from, it could pretty much be a system bonus from himself.

He then used 'Inspect' on himself.



[Name: Damian Spade]


[Str: D] [Agi: EEE]

[Mag: E] [Vit: DD]


[Unique Skill Lvl 0: Avatar]

Basic Daily Income:

[10 points]


It seems like he could use the inspect on himself, but there was no system bonus, instead, there is a basic daily income.

Now thinking about it, now he knows why the 100 points from Flan isn't being affected by the bonus 10%, his and Flan's are different from each other.

Looking at his status, there is an eye-catching Unique skill too with rainbow font, it is called Avatar and there was even a level, even though it's currently zero.

There was no description of his skill and he didn't know how to use it.

He closed his status window and looked at the Catalogue to find his skill but disappointingly found out that it didn't exist there.

He summoned his status window again and tried using inspect on the skill itself, but it still didn't work.

The only thing he knew about it, is that it is a Unique skill.

Thinking about being Unique, he remembered Flan which is branded unique everywhere, perhaps she knows something about it.

"Flan! come here for a sec, I need your help on something"

He looked at where Flan is as he called and saw Flan currently putting some tools on a wooden table(50 points) that she bought from the item shop.

"Hmm? okie" with a smile, Flan came to grab her chair and sat beside him.

Seeing Flan beside him, Damian then began asking.

"I have something called Unique skill named avatar on my status which I currently don't know anything about, do you know something about it?"

With a pondering look, Flan was silent for a while and then began talking.

"It seems that you have discovered another system information Master, I didn't know about masters having Unique skills, as for how to use them I have no one to compare to, the only one with Unique skill I know is myself, It is called Delay & Modify, and I only know how to used it when I meditated on a special place, it's like I have a sudden epiphany or something"

"To be specific, I was meditating in a place full of magic power about how to be a better healer"

Listening to Flan's words, Damian now has an idea about how to awaken his skill. Damian then said, "First we need to recreate the atmosphere, I already have an idea about the meditation"

As Damian wondered if he could buy something on the item shop, Flan interrupted him.

"About that Master... I think I could help with that"

Flan said to him with a somewhat hesitant expression.


Looking at the floor with a violet magic circle releasing magic power, Damian couldn't help but praise Flan.

There are 5 body parts of an unknown monster which serves as the catalyst forming a pentagram inside the magic circle.

Flan then urged Damian to start meditating inside for it could only last for 12 hours, and she didn't have anything left that could act as a catalyst.

Sitting inside the magic circle, Damian began absorbing magic power as he then started meditating...


Then with the word avatar as the base, Damian began running his memory to search what the word most likely represents. From his memory, the most common thing the avatar was mentioned, was in games, and accounts, it was something that represents the user, be it an icon or a character. He could also patch some memories that mention avatar as an incarnation of a deity.

As he keeps on meditating, he was starting to have an idea about it and it seems like there is already something awakening inside him, as he was feeling so, he suddenly felt his body in pain.

It seems that absorbing magic could somehow harm him as parts of his body started hurting...


A vein on his left arm just exploded as he could feel the blood flowing out of it. As he felt the pain, he felt that he was already near awakening something inside him in meditation and didn't want to stop.

As he felt more veins popping out, he suddenly felt less pain mysteriously as if he was being healed.

Feeling, alright, he continues his meditation.


Darkness surrounded everywhere; Damian is currently floating on a space with nothing but darkness.

But weirdly enough, he could see himself clearly despite the darkness.

Suddenly he could see his image in front of him.

It was like a mirror; as he moves, it would also move too.

After a few moments, he was already moving the mirror image quite differently.

Then before he knew, he could move his own body and the image at the same time, doing thing completely different from each other.

What the image sees, he could also see...

What the image touch, he could also touch...

Controlling the image to attack himself, he was attacking it too, it was like having two bodies, despite having one mind.

"I see, so this is how my skill work..."

"So, this is an Avatar"


*Psk *Psk *Psk!

Many veins exploded at the same time, as Damian suddenly awaken.

Checking his body, he is currently bathing in his own blood, and he didn't know how he is even surviving, but looking at his right, it seems like the hands were even pumping him with blood.

Damian is currently surrounded by Flan's magic arms as she helped him survive the whole thing. Without her assistance, he would probably have passed out long ago.

"I'm done awakening now Flan, we could stop the magic circle now" He is currently being tortured by the magic, and he asked Flan if she could somehow stop the magic circle since they were using some rare stuff, and its currently getting wasted.

But he couldn't help but be dumbfounded as Flan said "It's alright, you can continue absorbing the magic, it's beneficial to your body, don't worry I can assist you until it ends"

"Ok, then I'm in your care"

Now awake from the special state, Damian could now feel the pain ten times much clearer and each second was torture for him, but despite the pain, Damian without hesitation accepted it immediately, he understood with Flan's earlier expression that she already did a huge sacrifice helping him.

And it is also for his sake.

For his own survival what was a little pain?...


Lying exhausted in a pool of blood, Damian couldn't help but laugh as he looks at his status.



[Name: Damian Spade]


[Str: C] [Agi: DDD]

[Mag: C] [Vit: CC]


[Unique Skill Lvl 1: Avatar]

Basic Daily Income:

[230 points]


He looked at Flan who was lying face down exhausted on his right.

But before he could say anything, the system suddenly alerted him.

He then used the command 'Map'

Looking at the map, in his territory with a radius of 100 meters, 2 red dots appeared signifying intruders.