
From the mid-length wavy black hair giving them a wild feeling, evil-looking eyes that seem to glare straight into your soul, up to every corner of their body, they look the same.

Two people who looked like each other, one sitting on the chair, and the other naked on the ground.

Looking from another angle, they would seem like twins, but no, they're not.

As Damian look down on his avatar, he couldn't help but feel somewhat weird.

He already knew what would happen, but he couldn't help but still find it really weird now that he is now feeling it.

Everything that the avatar sensed; sight, smell, hear, taste, and touch... He could somewhat feel enter his memory.

He wouldn't feel them at the same time, but after it happened, it somehow gets recorded into his memory.

To explain simply, it is like if you have many folders representing your memory, a new conspicuous folder is added where the avatar's memory was stored, it was not stored in the recent folder but on that conspicuous folder. The avatar too feels that way, whereas its conspicuous folder happens to be the main body's.

Not just that, what's really weird is that he could think perfectly inside the avatar separately, he could feel conscious inside the avatar.

The avatar is him but at the same time, the avatar is an independent body! it was absurd, it was unscientific! But he knew that what's in front of him is not an illusion, it is the reality.

The topic of consciousness was always controversial, he too in the past keep thinking about the meaning of consciousness from time to time even if he knew that it wouldn't be answered, and now feeling this bizarre sensation, it almost made him mad.

The good thing is, that he somehow knew a little about how his skill works, like some kind of thing, made him aware about how it works after using it, or else he would really turn a little bit crazy.

Basically, it's like a part of his soul was cut and put into another body that is the avatar, some kind of unexplainable link is then made that connects the two bodies.

It sometimes can be confusing to the point that his movements on both somehow get delayed, but the trick is to think of them as separate bodies.

Damian thought about an animated show in his past world, there was a guy in the show that controlled 6 bodies, and he limited his specialties into them and controlled them as if they are a separate entity.

Damian thought so for the time being, as he is still learning and adjusting with his unique skill, this kind of role-playing is not a bad idea.

Thinking so, he thought about naming his avatar in order to give it a sense of individuality.

Since he couldn't avoid making the main body stay in the dungeon as a safety measure, he needed to have someone he could trust to be in the light, and now that he has this avatar, nothing else would be perfect for the job besides it. The job of moving outside, searching for civilization, searching for other dungeons.

He is the shadow, and this avatar will be the light, so a name that means light.

"Then 'Lucius', your name will be 'Lucius' from now on"

As Damian said so, mana then began gathering from the surroundings and circled his avatar's body.


[Baptism granted!]


Grants 1 random skill base on the subject's race and grade

1st named Bonus

Grants 2 addition random skill base on the subject's race and grade.

Number of possible Baptism remaining: 0


'This is?'

Seeing a window appeared in front of him, it seems that it is another secret from the system.

It was triggered by giving someone a name, and the act of doing so gives skills into the one's named, thinking so, he inspects his avatar's changes.



[Name: Lucius]


[Str: C] [Agi: DDD]

[Mag: C] [Vit: CC]


[Inspect (Active)]

[C Rank Harden (Active)]

[Heroic Skill: Heroic Strength (Passive)]

Basic Daily Income:

[230 points]


[Inspect (Active)] - Inspects object.

[C Rank Harden (Active)] - Using mana, the skin becomes as hard as C quality armor.

[Heroic Skill: Heroic Strength (Passive)] - 300% Increase in Strength.

Looking up the skills and checking them on the Catalogue, Damian found himself lucky, that there was a silver heroic skill.

Because of the heroic skill, it seems that his avatar could display a strength of CCC, despite the status still displaying C.

Earlier Damian tried using the system using his avatar and failed to do so, nothing happened no matter how much he said 'Inspect' or 'Menu' on his mind while using Lucius.

Now, he tried using inspect using his avatar again since he had a skill now with the name inspect.



[Name: Damian Spade]


[Str: C] [Agi: DDD]

[Mag: C] [Vit: CC]


[Inspect (Active)]

[C Rank Harden (Active)]

[Unique Skill Lvl 1: Avatar (1/1)]

Basic Daily Income:

[230 points]


'My main body learned the skills too, no, to be specific, my main body only learned the active or non-heroic skills'

'What are the criteria for learning?'

'Does it have to be an active skill or does it need to be a non-heroic?'

Damian was thinking about why did his body not learn the heroic skill, but he still didn't have enough information to have a conclusion.

There was a change in his unique skill too, there was a (1/1) written which he didn't see when he previously inspects.

He thought about his avatar...

While having an avatar may be convenient, he still has many questions about it.

Especially in the case of its accidental death.

What happens if it dies? Could he revive it? it seems that he doesn't have any idea about it, it wasn't included in what he learned during the ritual.

But despite so, Damian has a feeling that if his avatar dies, then it would be permanent, or at least revival probably won't be easy.

And his Unique skill is only at Lvl 1, how does he level it? and seeing the (1/1) on the skill, it seems that it still has room for more avatars, does he need to repeat the ritual? He should ask again from Flan.

It should be now included in his major objectives.

Now going back to his status and the avatar's, it seems that the skills don't do anything about the points given, so in finding for points farms, it would be best to look for races which are gifted in status but lacking in skills.

Now, since Damian is finished inspecting, they would now move into their next subject matter.


Thinking about scouting, Damian thought of letting some of the bats to scout at night too since he had an additional guardian here, thinking so, he ordered twenty of the vampiric bats to start scouting, their target was to scout for any trace of civilization.

With the kitten scouting the ground, scouting the nearby area for anything, the bats would scout from above with one purpose, and since they could fly, it would be faster.

Meanwhile, he should delay his avatar's travel outside until he finds a trace of civilization since the daily points given by his avatar is a big amount, a day wasted without it will be a huge loss, he needs to make it sure that if it ever travels outside then the profit should make up for the loss.

Tomorrow, he also plans to make additional day time scouts in order to speed up things.

But first, he needs to buy some clothes first...