

It was peacefully silent.


A cool breeze came by, caressing his skin.

He was leaning on the wall on the rooftop's entrance as he looks at the clear blue sky above, and since the wall was shielding him from the sun, he could look at the sky comfortably with leisure.

'A butterfly cloud'

Clouds with different shapes were in the sky, moving in one direction slowly.

Some kind of birds could also be seen flying above; some flying in flocks, some alone.

The rooftop should have been off-limits for the students, and it should have been locked, but ever since the day he found out that it was unlocked for some reason around this time, he would always come around to enjoy the place.

He just finished his lunch earlier, so he is now just passing off time.

He felt really at peace... away from the noisy crowd.

It would be about a month since he had this luxury. If he could have this all the time in his remaining years then he wouldn't mind thanking the Gods for it.

But, as he was closing his eyes and was about to take a nap, he suddenly starts hearing something.



"Psst!" as he was passing it off as a hallucination at first, he heard it again.

His eyes began to twitch.

"Ooii~" Now, he hears the voice clearly, there was a voice which was calling someone.

As he opened his eyes and tried looking around to find out what it was all about, he found nothing.

"Above~" he heard the voice again, this time since his mind is beginning to clear, he could easily distinguish that it was somewhat coming from above.

And as the voice too, said 'Above' albeit somewhat playfully, he looks up above.

Then their eyes met.

Standing on the edge of the wall above, unafraid of having her underwear seen...

A girl was looking at him with a smile, with a necklace dangling from her neck.

She was beautiful; long black hair so silky it reflects the light of the sun, pale white skin that is almost like porcelain, looking so smooth and tender. She had an otherworldly beauty, seemingly belonging to a higher race.

Looking at the girl's face, he remembered a story he once read in a library...

It was a story of a woman so stunningly beautiful, but the woman happens to be someone not from the world of humankind, so in the end, she returned where she belongs, gone from the world of man.

He always finds it with cringe when someone was trying to describe another with excess exaggeration, but seeing the one above him, then instead of being put off, he finds that he was somewhat even lacking in vocabulary when trying to define her beauty. Not that he really cares, she is beautiful, no doubt, but what does it have to do with him.

One thing he knew for sure, the girl lacks the grace to compliment her looks, as he looks on what's above her thighs.

"Yo" The girl gives off a greeting smugly.

He then replies after being still for a few seconds.



Damian opened his eyes as he had awoken from his dream.

It was an experience long ago, a memory that would probably best left forgotten.

But sometimes, the memory of the person would return, not just on his dream, yesterday, there were times when he thought of her again too.

'Rubbish' He thought to himself, what a hypocrite he is.

He looks at the necklace on his neck which just happened to be only one thing that remained when he was transported.

As he holds it again, he was starting to think of some things.

It seems that he is somewhat- having some kind of expectation?


How funny...


A bothersome person is a bothersome person, even if she was gone, she kept on bothering him, he thought.

Clearing his mind to his current thoughts, he looks on his side and he finds the sight peculiar.

His avatar, or should he say, Lucius is still sleeping.

He looked in interest.

Damian examines Lucius' memory, he finds this topic really interesting.

Does Lucius dream?

Lucius is him, he knew this for sure, he has two bodies, Lucius is just role-playing as an independent individual for the sake of convenience, but that doesn't change the fact that he could still feel what Lucius feel, hear what he hears, see what he sees, smell what he smells, taste what he tastes, and touch what he touches.

But when Lucius' is asleep, these feelings are somewhat blurry.

Memories about his dream are even more so, it's like a file is made, and then it somehow gets deleted.

Damian focuses his mind on Lucius' current memory.


Lucius' Dream...

It was dark, he could see nothing, hear nothing...

There was nothing at all...

Everything is black.

It was creepy...

And he could feel that his self is floating...

And as he keeps on floating, he was starting to feel something...


'This is...'

'This is pretty good'

'This is nice'...


"Yup, that was nice" Damian thought, as he thought of Lucius' feeling, he then felt it too.

He took off his mind on it, to afford not being distracted.

He looked at the clock and saw that it is currently about six in the morning.

He looks at the miniature bed and saw the pixie still sleeping.

Then Damian checks the scouts.

All of the bats are currently sleeping.

Damian Contacted those who seemingly stop in place earlier than others.

3 Bats...

17 Bats left, one of the bats in the east got eaten by a flying monster.

The North pair, on the other hand, made a huge discovery, they found a city.

It seems that the bats need to rest and need food in order to replenish their energy, which means that being outside of his territory probably makes the territory's mana unable to support them.

It's good that they are vampiric reported one bat, they just need blood from small animals. And it seems that they easily found prey in the night to suck blood for none of them seems hungry.

The kitten, on the other hand, has been working hard, it found the nest of the goblins and determined the goblins to be more than 2 000 strong, there are also; A couple-dozen of human captives, about 200 reared wild dogs, and about 500 tall goblins, it also has a big goblin leading them though the kitten said that the leader of the goblins was much weaker than it was, and the kitten could kill it anytime without being noticed.

The kitten is currently on the 1st floor since it was ordered to retreat before sunrise, it seems it didn't really need to sleep since it was supported by mana.

So that means Damian wasted 30 points last night.

Still, though, it seems that time for action is already nearing, Damian was determined to one-up his rivals.

If he could harvest everything then it would probably earn him more than 20 000 points.

Damian called the kitten...

And as he did so, Flan contacted him.

Flan has something to report...