Chapter 11 : Journal : Republic Day

As I woke up in the morning, I felt somebody's hand caressing my hair. I opened my eyes and saw Aamaya standing next to me and looking at me fondly. I got up from the chair and asked her when did they reach the hospital.

She replied "It's been half an hour. Mom has gone to the pharmacy to purchase some medicines for Geeta and dad is waiting outside the room."

I told Aamaya, "I will leave for home now and will be back later in the evening."

She replied that aunty and she will be in the hospital with Geeta. I told her that one of my friend Kaushik will be in the hospital during the day. If they need anything, they can get in touch with him and he will help them out. Saying this, I left for home.

I met Vikas who was having a cup of tea in the local Paan shop(this is a small shop where you can get cigarettes, tobacco, and tea). I took Vikash's mobile phone and called up Kaushik and asked him to be in the hospital.

I was not going to risk Geeta's life once again with these dangerous people. Half an hour later, Koushik reached the hospital and then we left. Vikash dropped me home.

Mom inquired about Geeta and I had to tell her that there were no changes. I had my breakfast and retired to my room. I woke up at around 3:30 PM and felt my stomach growl in hunger. I quickly had my very-y-y-y late lunch or a very heavy evening snack and informed my mom that I will be staying in the hospital tonight as well.

She replied "I am ok with that son... Actually, before your father left for the office, he asked me to let you know that you should stay with the Banerjee daughter tonight as well. Mr. Banerjee feels comfortable when you or your friends are near his second child."

I replied "Thank you mom... but what about Monika? What should I say to her?"

Mum replied that she had already told Monika that I will be there with her friend.

Later in the evening at around 5 o'clock, Mom packed some dinner for me. As I came out of the house, I found Vikash waiting for me at the gate.

I asked him what was the matter and he replied "Mr. Banerjee had called a doctor from Chennai. He has diagnosed Geeta's condition and said that her vitals are showing signs of improvement, even though she is very weak from the inside. There has been no internal injury to her head. She should be awake in the next few days."

I was very glad and elated upon hearing this news and wanted to share this with Monika immediately. We went inside and gave the news about Geeta's recovery to Monika and my mom. And then we left for the hospital.

We went to Geeta's room and found that the whole family was waiting outside the room. Mr. Banerjee said that the doctor is examining her. About 15 minutes later, I saw Dad and Monika approaching us. Dad asked Mr. Banerjee if we can go and see Geeta, and then all the 3 of us went in to see her.

Monika was on the verge of crying, I saw dad holding Geeta's hand and whispering something into her ear. As I stepped closer, I could hear him saying "My child your Uncle Jairus is here. He wants you to wake up, please. I am very sorry about what happened."

Monika asked dad what was he saying to Geeta and he replied: "I was just reciting a prayer to God for her recovery and well-being."

I couldn't believe dad just blatantly lied to Monika. What was the harm in telling her the truth?

We came out of the room and dad convinced Mrs. Banerjee and the girls to go home and that I would be staying for the night.

Mrs. Banerjee didn't say much and agreed to it. Uncle decided to stay with me. Once everyone was gone I continued reading the diary.

21st January 1992

Something happened in school today that made me feel really proud. During the lunch break, I saw Soham trying to bully Monika. He was trying to force Monika to say that she cheated in the exam and as a result she topped, and Monika retaliated by saying that she didn't and that she topped because she studied well. I was angry at Soham and his friends for trying to bully a lady, so I went and intervened.

Dad had always taught me to respect a lady, and if they are in trouble, we should stand up to protect them. I went and told Soham that if she has scored better than you, it means she has studied and worked harder than him, he should back off and stop bullying Monika. Soham kept insisting that Monika can never score better than him, not in a million years.

I could not help but challenge him again that knowing Monika, I could bet that she is going to top the class this year. Soham too overconfidently countered that if Monika does score better than him, he is going to let her do anything she wants to him. To be frank, I didn't know how good or bad Monika is in her studies or for that matter I don't know anything about her at all.

Aarohi was standing next to me and was admiring my courage in taking a stand against 4 bullies for the sake of someone I barely knew. I looked around to talk to Monika but she was nowhere to be seen. I think I'll talk to her tomorrow.

22nd January 1992

I was fully prepared that I would go and have a word with Monika. Aarohi warned me that I should be very careful with her. If she gets mad, she can beat the pulp out of me. Monika has been winning the junior karate champion for the past 2 years. When Aarohi told me about this, I wondered why was she sitting quietly and allowing those guys to bully her, she could have easily stood up against the four of them.

I found Monika sitting all alone and trying to study. I went to her and apologized. She looked at me angrily and asked me if I really believed that she can score better than Soham. I told her that if she studied hard then she can obviously top the final exams. She told me that if I really believed in her then why was I the one who challenged them and not her, and then she stood up and said I don't like boys like you standing up for me. I can take care of myself very well.

Her angry stare made me feel like she was about to pounce on me, and took a step back instinctively, and told her I am sorry ma'am. Suddenly I saw Aarohi and Monika giggling at my reaction and conceding that they were just playing with me. Aarohi and Monika were already the best of friends and my gallant act has just admitted me to their group. Now we were the Three Musketeers.

And just for fun we raised our hands and promised to one another "All For One And One For All" "No matter how life gets difficult for us, we will always find out a way to overcome it and win. We further promise to remain friends and take care of one another till eternity"

***** I could not help but smile at the antics of these 3 kids. Wow!!! now that was a promise worth keeping. I hope they have not taken the promise too far and caused any harm. I continued reading and found nothing much was written except the fact that the trio requested their Poddar ma'am to let the 3 of them sit together in class and help each other in their studies. and that there is going to be a surprise in school on republic day. ****

26th January 1992

It has been 2 weeks now. Papa has still not returned. Today was Republic Day, even though it was a Sunday we were told to come to school. We were told to gather for the assembly and we were expecting a chief guest for the ceremony. Poddar Maam had nominated me, Monika, Aarohi and Soham's name to give a speech on the occasion of republic day. So this was the surprise that Poddar ma'am was talking about last Thursday. Our school captain asked Soham to come to the stage for his speech. He gave a speech on the great revolutionary Chandrashekhar Azad. Once he was done, it was Monika who went next. She started telling about her brother who is also her idol and is studying in a military school and wants to become an Army General like General Patton one day. Then it was Aarohi, who spoke about the greatest army Commander of India, Field Marshall Sam Manekshaw and finally, it was my turn. I was not sure of whom to speak about in my speech and then finally went with the person whom I knew and idolized more than anyone else. I started talking about my father Lt. Colonel Bandopadhyay, who was in the 18th battalion Assam regiment. As I completed my speech the whole school applauded the four of us. It was the proudest moment of our life. As the applause continued, I noticed a military Jeep coming towards us from the horizon and stopping at the school gate. A man in uniform got down from the Jeep and started coming towards us. I asked Aarohi if she can see the man in uniform too and she replied that she does and he looked like my dad. I didn't wait for another second and jumped from the stage and ran towards him. As I came close to him, my doubt was cleared, he was my dad. I hugged him. I cannot say how happy I was to see him. As dad and I approached the stage, he told me that he was the chief guest. Dad told me to get back into the line, he shook hands with the principal and hoisted the national flag. He then gave a speech and the four of us were awarded a certificate of merit. After the ceremony, we came back home. The school was declared a holiday for Monday.

****** I never thought Monika thinks so great of me. With all our quarrels and mockery, she still considered me as her idol. My dear Monika, I promise to be a better brother from now on. I will never quarrel with you again. I went through the notes to check further. ******

27th January 1992

I spent the whole day with dad today. He told me that he will be here for only 3 days and then he will have to return to his unit, However, he is coming on leave during March for 15 days. He promised me that we will go and live in our home in Purulia during school vacations which will be around that time. Around 11 o'clock Monika came to meet Aarohi at our home. I was not ready to let dad out of my sight not even for a moment. Monika and Aarohi were also in my room talking to dad. I introduced dad to Monika. He was really happy to meet her and learn about her brother who also wanted to be an army man like him. As we were talking, Aarohi found my diary. I told her that if I feel alone, I write, which lets the burden off my shoulder. Dad also started to tell Monika and Aarohi about the perks of keeping a diary. How it is helpful and how writing a diary helps us improve our ability to write good literature. The best thing dad told us that day was that in the near future when we look back and read the diary, it will bring back all the good memories we had as a child. The 3 of us made a promise that day to maintain a journal of our lives. No matter how difficult life gets, that will be a constant friend whom we could turn to.

***** That's a nice habit Col. Banerjee had taught the children. I just hope Monika is still maintaining her journal. But she keeps telling that she doesn't maintain one. Maybe she doesn't want to show it to anyone. After all, diaries are meant to be kept a secret. ******

The journal seemed interesting and so I decided to go through it. I kept reading the whole night. Everything seemed normal, they went to school, had fun, studied and came back home. Nothing out of the ordinary.

There was an entry where the final exam date was declared and it was supposed to start from the 1st of March 1992. He wrote that the three of them spent the whole of February studying for the exams. and nothing much happened except for the news that after the exam, there will be a selection for team members for the school sub-junior basketball team who will get to play for All Bengal Inter School basketball Tournament and 10 players from the whole of Bengal will be head-hunted by sports agents from Sports Authority of India.

These 10 players will be specially trained by the Sports Authority of India to represent the nation for Youth Olympics taking place in Space Coast. Florida 1994.

I wanted to read on but was feeling very tired and went off to sleep holding Geeta's hands with the hope that my re-assuring touch might make her feel comfortable and awake her from her deep slumber.