Chapter 3: Arriving in Godric's Hollow

Making his way out of the forest Kai saw a muddy road covered in tire marks. This road lead him out of the forest and into the countryside where Kai started running at full speed and while using his enhanced sense of smell to follow the scent he detected earlier.

While running Kai saw the beautiful and peaceful countryside which made him decide to slow down so that he could admire the view. Due to Kai having lived in that city in his past life her had rarely gotten a chance to see the beauty of nature in person, so he slowed down to just a fraction of his true speed. Kai witnessed the white fluffy snow falling from the sky, large sheets of ice covering the surroundings and the orange and yellow sky of the setting suns sunset. Thinking to himself Kai thought that in the forest it felt more like summer or autumn while out of the forest it was winter, 'how bizarre,' he thought.

Another thing that he noticed was that he wasn't feeling cold at all but rather that the snow just felt wet and a bit uncomfortable. Recalling to memory that vampires were undead, in other words, their physical bodies were in fact dead. So naturally he wasn't feeling cold because according to science a hot body would transfer its heat to a weaker heat source and since he had no heat, he shouldn't feel the cold weather.

Suddenly the sound of two engines roared to life breaching his perception and he instantly focuses on them. Bursting to his top speed once again he overtook the two older looking vehicles in seconds. At least to Kai they looked old as he was used to the cars of the twenty-first century.

Kai was trying to decide whether to appear in from of the two racers (well he assumed that they were racers and probably second-generation rich kids too due to how expensive these powerful cars were), but he decided not to. He chose to instead hypnotize them, though he wasn't sure if they'd remember the event, so it was better if he didn't leave any defining feature for them to see.

Kai caused his entire body to vibrate on an extreme level of speed without moving from his spot because it would blur his features, leaving only his eyes clear. He channeled the golden energy into his eyes and the runes inside them started to spin and give off a gentle glow.

All his decisions happened in a fraction of a second because of his ability speed up time in his mind-space and thoughts (meaning that he was processing everything so quickly that it seems as though he had slowed time down for himself). Kai decided to stop around a kilometer in front of the cars and waited for the two racers to notice him.

Which they did rather quickly with loud shouts of surprise and simultaneously pressing on the brakes. Both cars came to a screeching halt as the manage to stop before the ran into Kai. Seeing the two very angry drivers stop and preparing to get out of the cars to shout at him. The first driver stepped out of the car on the right while the other got out of the car on the left.

The left racer shouted at Kai, while the racer on the left was of a better temper but still mad and decided to ask Kai if he was okay and if he was robbed, because he was still naked in their eyes and registering to them as a normal naked body. Kai however was rather embarrassed and bashful because of this fact and that he was currently naked in front of two young men in the middle of nowhere made it worse.

Though as the same time he was surprised that they didn't notice his body being blurred but he didn't dwell on it as they wouldn't remember him in the future. In addition to embarrassment kai also noticed that the man was speaking to him with an English accent, giving him an idea of where he was. Looking at them he commands in an authoritative tone, "Look into my eyes." His voice pulled their attention to Kai's eyes and the moment they looked they fell into a daze.

"What are your names?" Kai asks.

"My name is John, while my friend her is called Duncan," states the racer on the right.

Kai then asks, "What is the date, time and where is the closest town?"

This time the racer on the left, Duncan answers, "The date is Halloween the 31 of October and it's 5:32 in the afternoon. The Closest town is Godric's Hollow."

Thinking to himself Kai murmurs 'So I'm in England.' 'Wait! Where have I heard of that town?' After thinking for a few moments Kai slapped his thigh and yelled excitedly, "I'm in Harry Potter!" Calming down his thoughts he then realized, 'The 31 of October is when Lord Voldemort kills James and Lilly Potter.'

Kai then ordered John and Duncan to show him any spare clothing that they had with them. With this command they both dashed back to the trunk of their cars and pulled out a big plastic bag each. Inside John's bag there was a long black trench coat, blue high-quality jeans, a white formal dress shirt, black sneakers, black boxers and a pair of white short socks. While in Duncan he had a biker's leather jacket, black jeans, black combat boots, white boxers and a pair of black long socks.

Looking at the variety of clothes the two had kai select the black sneakers, the black jeans, the white dress shirt, white sock, and the leather biker jacket. Leaving the boxers even when the young men told him that they hadn't worn any of the clothes yet as they were in a middle of a race when he stopped them.

Waving them off he got dressed and when he looked in the car mirror, he looked like a brooding bad boy from those dumb teen dramas and his crimson eyes further emphasized the look, 'It will do,' he thought. He was about to run to Godric's Hollow when he realized that his newly acquired clothes wouldn't be able to withstand the friction from the speed of his running and that he would end up back where he started. So, turning around Kai told the two John and Duncan to give him the fastest car and Duncan answered that his has but it was hard to control which was why John could rival his speed when they raced.

Kai ordered Duncan to give him the keys for his car and just as he was about to sit in the car, he remembered that John and Duncan were still hypnotized. Kai walked over to them again told them that they were robbed and fall asleep for ten minutes and that when they woke up, they wouldn't remember him.

Ten minutes later Kai had reached Godric's Hollow in his newly owned car. As he drove into town, he saw a sign at the entrance of the town that said "Godric's Hollow." Once he passed the sign, he drove through the town until he reached the main square where he started to ask random people, "Does anybody know where the Potter's residence is?" He didn't know where the house was because it was never specified in the books or the movies.

After a few tries a middle-aged woman cam up to his car and said, "I heard that you were looking for the potter residence." Kai answered, "Yeah, I'm Lily's childhood friend and she invited me to see her son, but it seems that she forgot to tell me her address." At the same time, he answered her he empowered his eyes and hypnotized her.

When he had opened his eyes with the golden energy, he discovered that the woman in front of him was also covered in a golden glowing energy. Kai asked the now hypnotized woman, "Are you a witch?" To which she answered, "Yes." This answer made him think about what the golden energy is, but he quickly stopped himself as he needed the address to the Potter's house urgently.

He quickly asked the woman for the address and she told him, "It's a few houses away from mine if you want, I can take you there." Kai told the woman to get into the car and she gave him directions. After a few minutes he arrived at the Potter's cottage and he told the hypnotized woman that she will go back to her house and go to sleep and that when she wakes up, she will not remember him.

(Now to the intentional plot sequence change, so new readers don't get angry at me for this supposed plot hole.)

Kai looked at the time and saw that it was 6:40 p.m., so he parked his car in front of the house the witch had gone into and gazed at the Potter's cottage. 'Well all that left to do is wait for the plot to start,' he thought, "well no, actually I'm really just waiting for Voldemort.'