Chapter 6: Lily and James Potter's Death - Part 3

Kai who was watching all that had happened was shocked to see that the magical energy in Lily's body leave and merge with the surrounding magical energy of the house and Harry's gathering around him to form a barrier that seeped into his body.

Lord Voldemort formed another the killing curse aiming it at Harry. The curse headed for but its magical energy was suddenly being sucked out of it while it was flying through the air and the skull was rapidly gaining cracks as it neared him. When the curse hit suddenly hit the barrier in his body, most of it was absorbed while the other half rebounded back to hit Lord Voldemort instantly not giving him the chance to dodge.

Kai saw the barrier release a spell which looked like a smoky skull, with something like a key in its mouth. The smoke from the skull looked similar the Confringo curse that James had conjured earlier, while Kai assumed that the key was the Alohamora charm.

Kai theorized that the barrier protecting Harry could absorb remnants of the spells in the air and merge them all into one powerful spell, however, Kai didn't miss the tiny strand of the spell that merged with Harry. Knowing that the that strand was a piece of the Dark Lords' soul that was unintentionally placed inside Harry Potter making him into the last of the Horcrux's. When Kai saw the other part of the killing curse hit Lord Voldemort he quickly dashed back to his car and entered it quickly.

He knew that the entire street would explode at any moment and that if he didn't move the car it would get destroyed. Picking up his car effortlessly by it's side like it didn't weight anything but when he grasped down on the car, he forgot to control his strength due to his sense of urgency to protect the car from the explosion. Kai's clothes and car were damaged to a certain degree, the car had all of its glass windows either cracked or destroyed by the time he managed to reach the central street and placed his car down on the roadside. However, Kai's clothes were less fortunate, they had completely turned into rags that looked like they had been inside a high - powered mixer from his rough movements while he moved the car.

Kai quickly ran back to the Potters' former residence and when he entered the street, he saw an explosion that seemed like a missile had been dropped there. While the flames and debris settled Kai looked around with his Runic eyes and saw a small glowing baby shaped body giving off a magical energy signature in the wreckage. Carefully getting some of the bit and piece off of boy's bed and away from him.

Turning off his runic eyes he picked up Harry and thought to himself, 'I've already figured out that I'm not your typical vampire. I'm most likely the first vampire of my kind, which would make me the progenitor. So, if I inject my vampire venom into Harry there may be a high chance that he will grow up until at least 17 or 18 years old, otherwise there wouldn't be a plot and the whole world story will collapse. So, in theory, there should be no problem with this little gamble of mine, but if there is then it's bad for the plot but I'm here to have fun so it doesn't really matter I guess!'

After reorganizing his thoughts, Kai injected Harry with the vampire venom and hypnotized Harry to sleep for 3 days so that he wouldn't feel any pain during the transformation. Just as Kai was about to leave, he remembered that Sirius Black and Rubeus Hagrid should be coming soon, so in order to calm them down after setting Harry back on his bed and found some slightly burnt tablecloth that he had found in the wreckage and wrote a note on it using a small sharpie he had found in the back of his pants when he was putting them on. Tucking is around the sleeping Harry afterwards so that the witting would be visible.

//Hi there, I mean no harm.

The baby will be asleep for 3 days due to his injuries from the explosion.

You're Welcome

Kai Nova//

Kai thought to himself, 'I'd have liked to come back in three days to see how everything turns outs but Dumbledore will most likely be keeping a watchful eye on him once they come to get him.'


Somewhere in an unknown location a middle-aged woman's face transfigured from her older aged face to that of a young beautiful woman's, as she thought out loud, "That was interesting, someone actually tried to hypnotize me and actually managed to succeed for a moment. I'd better keep an eye on that boy."

Conjuring up a mist screen to see where Kai was. She sees Kai writing the note, biting Harry's wrist and then runoff.

"Ohhh, so he's a vampire," she murmured to herself, "but that really doesn't explain why he's so must more powerful compared to a normal wizard or vampire. I guess I really do need to keep an eye on him, especially so that I can understand what has caused him to be different and strong."

Continuing to stare into the screen conjured of mist as saw Harry sleeping on the ground, she thought to herself, "That vampire lad should be coming here soon to most likely keep an on the young chosen one now that he's marked him."


Kai was sitting back in his broken car and was trying to decide what to do next: Kai had a few ideas for what to do in the near future and the first step was to go to the Dursleys' house to see how Harry was adapting and at the same time. Finding a way to move into Harry's childhood to create a trustworthy image of himself for Harry.

While Kai tried to start his car, he realized that the car had broken down, so instead he decided to just sit in the car for now and think about the magical slaughter that he just witnessed. Thinking back it was actually kind of amusing, as he recollected Lord Voldemort stepping into the house as James rushed into the room with a stunned look on his face at how Lord Voldemort looked as he was wearing the classical attire of an evil conqueror bent on ruling the world. A large black robe made of a heavy thick material, a black cloak with a hood that was draped over his head, but no shoes?!!!

Kai thought to himself, 'What a weirdo, he has mountains made of money hidden all over Europe and yet he still can't seem to buy a pair of simple shoes.'

Kai remembered how a gust of wind that he created knocked down Lord Voldemort's hood showing his inhuman face. James had a look of disgust and horror in addition to his initial shock when the wind blew off Lord Voldemort's hood. At the same time as Kai was remembering the scene of when James had looked into Lord Voldemort, he felt a pair of eyes watching him with of hate and malice. However, when he turned his head and scanned the surroundings around the car, he didn't see anything out of place.

Due to Kai feeling uncomfortable he wanted to move out of the area, 'I'll just return at a later date.' While he was making a mental note to get some sturdier clothes as he was getting out of the now sad looking car, he heard a voice as if it was coming from right next to his ear, say in a low voice "Avada Kadavra!"