
Yuri was on her way to the studio where EXO are having their photoshoot, running for her life because she's late again. She's working as EXO's assistant and today they have an event but she's running late. The members will surely kill her for this, though they were nice to her except for Sehun still, she's really a dead meat.

She's been panting when she arrived at the building but that's not the end of her run for your life marathon because she still needs to go to the room where the EXO is waiting. She ran and run until she reached the room, she holds the doorknob of the practice room then turned it open. She rushed inside and didn't see that Sehun was standing. She bumped into Sehun and they fall together on the floor with her on his top. Her eyes were closed and she just felt something soft on her lips and she heard a gasp coming from the members. When she opened her eyes, she was surprised when her lips touch Sehun's lips. My first kiss she said inside her mind. She gets up right away and she feels that her face is burning and she can sense that Sehun didn't like it.

"Okay, that was pretty awkward" Xiumin said when he approached her and stand next to her. She was unable to speak and she can feel that Sehun's been glaring at her as if he wants to kill her.

"What the hell were you thinking Song Yuri?!" Sehun exclaimed. She flinched when she heard Sehun's deep and serious tone of voice. She tried to avoid his gaze when she turned around and saw his furious eyes on her.

"I-I d-din't m-mean i-it S-Sehun-ssi." she stuttered. It's really scary when Sehun is mad, he really has a bad temper which scared her.

"Calm down Hunnie, you're scaring Yuri." Jongdae said who stand next to Sehun and tapped his shoulders. Sehun just rolled his eyes. Jeez, he's really scary.

"I told you to hire someone who's older and more responsible, not this young and who always comes in late." Sehun said glaring at her. She hide behind Xiumin then he heard him giggle. Well, he can't blame her for being young, though he's just 1 year older than her, age doesn't matter. She's a responsible assistant and she's doing her job well even though she almost always comes in late.

"C'mon Hunnie, give Yuri a break. Maybe she has a good reason why she's late today, right Yuri?" Chanyeol said winking at her which made her blushed. She's been fangirling Chanyeol ever since they debut and until she became their assistant.

"Stop defending her hyung, that's why she never learned her lesson because you're always defending her and taking her side." Sehun said who's still mad at her. Who wouldn't? She just kissed him, well it's just an accident and she didn't mean it.

"And you all know what she just did to me a while ago." he added

"Oh c'mon Hunnie, as if she did it on purpose. We all know that it was just an accident, so loosen up a bit Oh Sehun." Suho said.He just rolled his eyes and heave a deep sigh.

"Besides Sehun, it's not even your first kiss. So what's the big deal?" Baekhyun said who joined them with a playful smile on his face. Sehun just glared at him.

"Whatever. Accident or not, she's still at fault. I don't want to deal with this, let's just get started so that we can rest." Sehun said then headed to the dressing room to prepare.

The other members followed him and so is she. She went inside the dressing room and saw that the members started preparing for their photoshoot. She can feel that Sehun's been glaring at her, she gulped and tried to ignore his glare. She approached Chanyeol to assist him with his outfit.

"Oppa, let me help you with that." she offered. Chanyeol just smiled at her and let her help him, she blushed when he smiled at her.

"Why are you just helping Chanyeol hyung? You're not just Chanyeol hyung's assistant." Sehun said still glaring at her. She flinched when she heard him speak and saw that he was standing behind her with his eyes fixed on her.

"Mian." she said avoiding his gaze.

"Follow me." he said then left. She was hesitant to follow him but she can't do anything, this is her job.

She followed Sehun from somewhere she doesn't know. He just left the dressing room and went to somewhere which is far from their dressing room. She got curious of why Sehun left the dressing room when they haven't started their pictorial yet, but she just followed him. She's too afraid to ask him so she just shrugged it off and continued following him until they stop into a corner which is already far from their dressing room and she sees no people passing on that place.

"S-Sehun oppa, why are we here? I thought that you're going to prepare for the pic --" she couldn't finish her sentence because Sehun pushed her on the wall that made her surprised.

"O-oppa, what do you think you're doing?" she asked. She's getting nervous because Sehun had never done this to her before, even though she knew that Sehun hated her but he just ignored her or keep on bossing her around but not this. She raised her head to see Sehun's face and she saw his expressionless face which made her confused.

"Why did you do that?" Sehun finally spoke after a moment of silence but his question made her confused.

"W-what did you mean?" she asked still confused. Sehun lowered his head so that he can see her eyes and there she saw his eyes full of emotions.

"Why did you kiss me?" he asked in a deep tone of voice. She was taken aback because she didn't expect that Sehun will ask her that.

"I-I didn't mean to kiss you, I just didn't see you standing there that's why I accidentally kissed you." she said trying to avoid his eyes when he's staring at her.

"Do you think I would believe that?" Sehun said with a smirked on his face and moved his head forward that only inches apart from her.

"I-I'm t-telling t-the t-truth." she stuttered which made him smirked even more. He moved his head to her side and whispered in her ears that gave her goosebumps.

"Let me tell you this Song Yuri, I know that you liked Chanyeol hyung and I don't care about that but just for you to know, Chanyeol hyung will never like you. He may be kind to you but he will never like you. And oh, even if you kissed me on purpose or what but still you're at fault. I'm the type of person who wouldn't let anyone, especially you, kiss me without my permission. I don't know what kind of a girl are you but I don't like you from the beginning you became our assistant. I don't know why they hired you but still, I don't like you and now that you have kissed me without my permission, I will make your working days with us even harder than you expected until you will give up and resign." Sehun said then left her being speechless. She just found herself sitting on the floor wiping her tears.

She didn't mean to kiss him, it was just an accident but that doesn't mean that she deserves being treated like that. She already knows that Chanyeol will never like her and she never wished for Chanyeol to like her. All she wants is to have a peaceful job and to be with EXO, well except for Sehun. She doesn't know why he hated her so much when he's so sweet and kind to their other fans. Like hello, she's an EXO fan too.

She stands up and wiped away the remaining tears on her face, she has decided that she will find the reason why Sehun hated her and she will prove to him that she won't get affected by him that she will never ever quit and give up her job.

"Song Yuri, fighting!" she said encouraging herself then headed back to the dressing room.