
"Oh Sehun is the father of Yuri's baby." this is the very shocking information that the EXO members heard and specially Ailee.

They all stared at Sehun who froze from where he stands and they were all speechless of what Junhoe said. It takes a few minutes after they have processed what Junhoe just said then Chanyeol clenched his fist and suddenly attacked Sehun by grabbing his collar which made everyone surprised.

"What the hell did you do to Yuri?! Answer me!" Chanyeol said who's enraged, Sehun just stared at him blankly. He's still in shock from what he find out, Chanyeol keep on shaking him for him to snapped out of it. The other members tried pulling Chanyeol away from the maknae before he could do anything worse.

"Oh Sehun answer me! What did you do to Yuri?!" he yelled at him. Sehun snapped back to his senses because of Chanyeol's deep and loud voice, he turned his head to face him but his expression is still blank.

"Hunnie, is what Junhoe said is true? That you are the father of Yuri's baby?" Jongdae asked in a calm tone of voice. They let Chanyeol stay away from Sehun, they all know that Chanyeol cared for Yuri so much like a little sister so they understand why he's acting like that towards Sehun.

"I-I d-don't know hyung." Sehun answered in a soft voice, this made Chanyeol pissed off.

"What do you mean you don't know?! Just admit it that you had sex with her, that you impregnated her!" Chanyeol yelled at him again and attempted to attack him but they just stopped him.

"Hunnie, please say something about this." Ailee said holding his arms. Sehun heave a deep sigh then raised his head to face them.

"Alright, we had sex and I admit that I'm probably the father of her baby but I don't know what I'm going to do." he said and he's starting to get frustrated. He totally admitted that he impregnated her but he didn't expect this. He loves Yuri but he doesn't know if he's ready to become a father.

"You asshole! You don't know what to do? Fuck Sehun! You impregnated her! Song Yuri is pregnant because of you! Now you're telling us that you don't know what to do?! Fuck it Oh Sehun!" Xiumin said who's now pissed off and mad but he just let himself calm.

"Hyung I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Sehun said and Chanyeol was about to attack him and this time the members was not able to stop him, so he punched Sehun right into the face that made him fall on the floor.

"Chanyeol!" Junmyeon exclaimed.

"What?! Are you taking his side hyung? Yuri is like a little sister to us and I just can't accept that he don't know what to do." Chanyeol said glaring at Sehun who's still on the floor.

"Junhoe, do you know where's Yuri right now? Where she moved?" Kyungsoo asked, Junhoe turned to face him and nodded.

"I let her used my apartment at Gwangju, so she's in Gwangju right now." Junhoe answered. They turned to face Junhoe and Baekhyun helped Sehun to get up.

"We will go to Gwangju, we will bring back Yuri here in Seoul and you, if you really loved her then you should take the responsibility." their leader said pointing at Sehun, he just nodded as a respond.

"I was actually planning to do that hyung, I know I'm being a jerk but this time I will make things right. I will take her back no matter what it takes and I don't care what will happen to my career. Yuri and the baby is more important right now." Sehun said who had finally decided on what he's going to do. Though there's a possibility that his career will get affected but fuck that! Yuri needs him, the baby needs him.

"That's our Hunnie." Jongdae said patting Sehun's shoulder, he just gave him a faint smile. Chanyeol is already calm the moment Sehun made his decision then appraoched the maknae and apologized for what he did.

They headed to Gwangju of where Yuri was and Sehun can't help but be nervous, he keeps on thinking about the what if's. What if Yuri doesn't love her? What if Yuri will run away from him again? There are so much what if's that he can't focus on the road and they almost got hit by another car.

"Yah Oh Sehun! Are you planning to kill us?!" Ailee complained

"Mianhe." he simply answered, Ailee rolled her eyes.

"Hunnie, let me drive for now. It seems like you're not in yourself, so why don't you take a rest and let me drive." Jongdae offered which he nodded. They switched places and now Jongdae is the driver.

They started driving again and with in an hour or more of driving they had finally arrived at Gwangju, they headed straight to where Yuri is working. Junhoe informed them that at this hour Yuri is still at work, so it's better to go see her at her workplace. They had arrived at the hotel, where Yuri was working. They parked their cars first then went out from the car then headed inside the hotel.

They were greeted by the staffs and there are some guest who recognized them so they rushed to get a picture of them. Well of course, it's EXO the most popular boy group in Korea or even the whole world. Because of the fans that gathered around them, it's even difficult for them to pass and this made Sehun pissed off but he just controlled his anger. The securities shove away those fans who gathered around them which is a relief for them, they entered the main entrance and go straight to the reception area where Yuri was. Yuri raised her head and to her surprised she saw Sehun standing in front of her smiling, her eye brows curled the moment she saw his busted lips.

"What happened to your lips?" she asked staring at his busted lips.

"Oh this? It's a long story." Sehun replied still smiling at her, she just raised her eye brow then went back to what she's doing.

"What are you doing here? Are you here to book a room?" she asked not looking at him. Before Sehun could answer her question, the other members appeared beside him.

"Riri! We're so glad to see you here, we really missed you!" Xiumin stated with so much energy then leaned on the counter. Yuri was surprised to see all the EXO members are at the hotel.

"What are you guys doing here?" she asked at them

"We're here to take you back, didn't Hunnie tell you?" Junmyeon said then tap Sehun's shoulder, Yuri shook her head as a respond.

"Aigoo, you should have told her Hunnie that we're here to take her back." Baekhyun said shaking his head in disbelief, Sehun just glared at them while Yuri is still confused.

"Riri, I so miss you. Why'd you left?" Chanyeol said who hugged Yuri who's still behind the counter, Sehun pulled him away from Yuri then glared at him.

"Wait wait, how'd you guys find me?" she asked

"Junhoe said that you moved here and that you're working here." Yixing answered which made her eyes widened.

"What?!" she exclaimed that made the guest and her manager stared at her, she just mouthed "sorry".

"Questions later but right now we need to take you away from here and also I'm hungry." Jongdae said

"Let's go to her apartment." Kai suggested which they all agree while she's still confused.

"Annyeong Yuri." Ailee said who appeared behind Chanyeol, Yuri was surprised to see her and her expression changed which Sehun noticed. He leaned closer to Yuri that made her surprised then he whispered.

"I'll explain later but right now we have to leave." he said, she just nodded as a respond.

"Uhm excuse me, may we borrow Ms. Song Yuri? Oh wait, I think she needs to resign." Baekhyun said that made Yuri surprised then stared at him in disbelief.

"Sehun will take care of you." Kyungsoo whispered which made her even more surprised and at the same time confused then stared at Sehun who just nodded.

"Mr.Manager we will take her now okay? Thank you." Jongdae said who went around the counter then grabbed Yuri's hand pulling her. The manager was not able to respond because it was too sudden, Yuri just mouthed "sorry" to her manager before they left the hotel.

They headed to Yuri's apartment, they were just silent for the whole drive and this silence made it awkward. Jongdae tried to break the silence but none of them would want to cooperate with him. After a not so long but awkward ride, they finally arrived at Yuri's apartment. They parked their cars and after they went out to enter the apartment. They were in awe on how big the apartment building was, they entered the elevator and press the 10th floor, where Yuri's unit was.

After their short elevator ride, they headed straight to her apartment unit which is at the corner of the floor. When they reached her unit, Yuri enter the code of her unit then the door unlocked. She went inside first then the members followed and also Ailee. Junhoe didn't come with them and the reason is unknown, maybe he just wants to avoid Yuri and don't want to see her getting mad at him. They made theirselves comfortable by sitting on the couch while Yuri is preparing a snacks for them. She served them the snack she prepared then she sat beside Chanyeol which made Sehun disappointed because he thought she will sat beside him. She supposed to sit beside him but then she saw Ailee sitting beside Sehun, so she changed her mind and sat beside Chanyeol.

"So what brought you guys here?" she asked once she have seated.

"We wanted to know why'd you resigned?" Chanyeol asked that made her turned to face him.

"Well I think you guys already know the reason why, cause if not you guys will not be here." she said then stared at Sehun and when he met her eyes, he straighten up to his sit.

"Why'd you ran away?" Sehun asked in a deep tone of voice while staring at her. She avoided his stares and focus on her drink.

"I have to." she replied in a soft voice while holding her baby bump, Sehun looked down on her tummy and saw the baby bump that they didn't notice earlier.

"Are you planning to keep it from me?" he asked staring at her baby bump, the other members and Ailee didn't said a word and just quietly listened to the two.

"Aniyo, I-I just need time to think about how to tell you about this and also I need to prepare my self, if in case you're going to reject me and the baby." she said looking down and playing with her fingers. Her reason made Sehun pissed off, he sure is a short-tempered namja.

"Is that your reason?! You know what? You could've just told me the moment you find out that you're pregnant! You shouldn't make conclusions and just run away leaving us clueless!" he said who was not able to control his anger. He's angry by the fact that he was clueless about what's going on with her, he's angry because he's not there when she needed him.

"Why are you yelling at me?! Why?! I have my reasons why I didn't tell you about me being pregnant, I have my reasons why I ran away! Why?! Do you think that you will give me a positive response once I told you that I'm pregnant? Huh!" she yelled and tears starts flowing from her eyes. Sehun was speechless and just froze on his seat. Chanyeol who's on Yuri's side, comfort her and tried to make her calm.

"Y-you don't know how hard it is for me to keep this from you, you don't know how painful it was for me to run away from you. You don't know how painful it was to see you so happy with Ailee Eonnie and I don't want to ruined that happiness that's why I ran away and I also don't want to ruin your career." she said in between her sobs.

"Y-Yuri, i-it's not what you think it is. It's --" Ailee was not able to finish because Yuri cut her off.

"It's not what I think it is? Maybe there's nothing been going on between you two but the way I see Sehun smile when he's with you, it's not something that I could do for him. I can't make him happy the way how you make him happy, maybe that's why he treated me coldly. Haha! It's funny, because I actually thought that he feel the same way but I guess I'm just fooling my self. The great Oh Sehun wouldn't like me. Haha!" she said sarcastically then gave them a faint smile. Sehun walked towards her then gave her a hug, she tried to pushed him but he's too strong for her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry if you thought that I didn't love you. I'm sorry for being a jerk to you, I'm sorry if I couldn't express my feelings for you. I'm sorry if it made you confused and doubted my feelings towards you but Yuri, I really really love you and I don't know what to do if I ever lose you." Sehun said who's now crying, this made her and everyone in the room surprised because this is the first time to see their maknae cry. She hugged him back and brush her hands on his back.

"I love you too and I'm sorry if I have ran away, I just don't know what I'm going to do that time." she said in between her sobs. Sehun moved from the hug then wiped her tears.

"Promise me you won't run away again from me?" Sehun said, she wiped his tears then nodded. Sehun kissed her passionately on the lips that made everyone complain.

"Oh jeez! Get a room will you!" Kyungsoo complained, they parted their lips then laughed at them.

"So, does this mean that I'm going to be a daddy now?" Sehun asked while looking into her eyes and placed his hand on her baby bump. Yuri nodded as a respond then Sehun hugged her again and the others cheered for them.

"Aigoo, this two are full of drama." Kai said, Sehun just glared at him while Yuri chuckled.

"But wait! Hunnie haven't ask Riri to be his girl friend yet, so technically Riri is still single." Jongdae said then gave them a playful grin.

"If Riri is still single then I still have a chance to court her." Chanyeol said while grinning, Yixing smack his head then glared at him. He just winced then Yuri giggled while Sehun smirked.

"Well you're right Jongdae oppa, Sehun oppa haven't ask me yet to be his girl friend so I can still mingle with other guys." Yuri said who stand up from the couch, Sehun stand up also and pulled her snaking his arms around her waist which made her giggle.

"Who ever dares to court her will surely needs to prepare their death wish because I'm going to kill anyone who dares to court her." Sehun threatened that made everyong laughed.

"Jeez Hunnie you're so possessive." Ailee said

"I just don't want to share Yuri to any guy and besides she's mine only." Sehun said

"Aigoo our Hunnie is going to be a daddy, I'm so proud." Baekhyun said then act that he was crying, Sehun just rolled his eyes then they all laughed.

"I'm hungry." Yixing said which made them stop from laughing. Yuri moved away from Sehun which made him confused.

"I'll make us dinner." Yuri said but was stopped by Sehun by grabbing her hand, she looked at him confused.

"Let Kyungsoo hyung cook, right hyung?" Sehun said then stared at his hyung, Kyungsoo just nodded then went to the kitchen.

"I'll do the cooking, pregnant woman should rest. Jongdae hyung help me with this, we need to cook something healthy and delicious for the preggy." Kyungsoo said, Jongdae just followed him to the kitchen.

"But oppa, you don't have to." she protested but Kyungsoo just shake his head then smiled at her.

"Just let them cook Riri, you shouldn't move too much it's not good for a pregnant woman." Junmyeon said. She didn't protest anymore since it's still useless, she just sit on the couch then Sehun followed.

They watched movies while waiting for their dinner to be served. While they are enjoing watching, Yuri suddenly felt sleepy and didn't notice that she had fallen asleep. Sehun and the others didn't notice that she had fallen asleep. Her head was swinging then it landed on Sehun's broad shoulders that made him turned his head to see her sleeping like a baby, a smile formed on his lips and remembered the last time that they slept together.

He blushed when he remembered those times that they were together, that they slept together, that they made love. He keeps on reminiscing those times and didn't notice that the others are staring at him, thinking that he's being weird. Kai flicked his forehead that made him snapped back to his senses, he rubbed his forehead and glared at Kai who just gave him a grin.

"What was that for?" he asked a bit annoyed.

"Why are you smiling weirdly?" Kai asked back then he gets what Kai is trying to say.

"Is it wrong for me to smile?" he said still glaring at Kai.

"Hey you two, quit arguing. Can't you see that Riri is sleeping and you Sehun, stop moving or else you'll wake up Riri." Chanyeol scolded them then Sehun remembered that Yuri was leaning on his shoulder, he turned his head to check if she had awake and luckily she's still sleeping which is a relief for him.

"I'll just take her inside her room." he said the they stared at him suspiciously which made him confused.

"Are you just going to take her inside or you're planning to do something to her?" Ailee asked him suspiciously, his eyes widened when it comes to realization why they are staring at him suspiciously.

"Yah! I'm not going to do anything to her!" he exclaimed and they shush him because Yuri might wake up.

"Yah! Keep your voice down or you'll wake up Riri, you pabo!" Xiumin scolded him then smack his head which he winced. He just rolled his eyes to them then carried Yuri towards her room, but before he could actually take her to her room he stops then turned around.

"I don't know where her room was." he said still carrying Yuri, they just face palmed on how stupid he was.

"Maybe her room is that on the right." Yixing suggested, he helped in opening the door and he was right it was Yuri's room.

"Thank you hyung." Sehun said, Yixing just nodded to him.

He carried Yuri inside the room then Yixing closed the door for him, he lay down Yuri on her bed and watched her sleep peacefully. He smiled to see the woman he loved peacefully sleeping, he scanned her face. From her eyes, to her cheeks and down to her lips, he stared at her lips for a minute and can't stop himself from kissing it. He kissed her lips not to deep but enough for her to wake up, when he parted his lips from hers he was surprised to see her awake.

"M-mianhe, I didn't mean to wake y --" he was not able to finish his sentence because Yuri pulled him for a kiss. He was surprised about this but then he responded to her kiss.

They don't know how long they've been kissing but the heck they care, it just shows that they missed each other so much that they can't stop kissing each other and they don't know if they want to breath or not. Sehun slid his tongue inside her mouth letting a soft moan came out, he roamed inside her mouth and played with her tongue letting a soft moan come out. Yuri wrapped her arms around his neck then pulled him closer to deepened the kiss, they keep on kissing until Yuri's hands travelled to Sehun's chest which made him snapped back to his senses and pulled away from the kiss that made Yuri confused and annoyed. They were both gasping for air then Yuri stared at him confused of why he pulled away from the kiss.

"Why you pulled away?" she asked a bit annoyed, Sehun chuckled on how cute she was which made her throw glares at him.

"Because the others are outside this room and they will hear you moan if I'll continue." he reasoned out, she rolled her eyes which made Sehun chuckled even more.

"Do I look like a clown for you to laugh?" she said pouting at him and because of this Sehun kissed her but just a peck which made her frown.

"Don't frown, it's not good for our baby." he said kissing her lips again which made her giggle then looked down on his lips and remembered the cut on his lips. She curled her eye brows while staring at his lips.

"You haven't told me yet about what had happened to your lips." she said pouting again, Sehun placed his fingers on his lips then grin.

"Oh this? I got this from Chanyeol hyung." he said grinning, Yuri widened her eyes because of his answer.

"Chanyeol oppa punched you? Waeyo?!" she exclaimed

"Well he got pissed off because what had happened to you and what I did to you." he replied. Yuri moved closer to him then hugged him, Sehun was surprised about her action but then hugged her back.

They stayed hugging each other for a few minutes then he heard a soft sob coming from her. He immediately pulled away from the hug then looked at her worried, she just keep on sobbing while looking down. Sehun hold her chin to raised her head for her to face him and saw that her eyes is covered with her tears.

"Waeyo? Why are you crying?" he asked worried

"B-because of me Chanyeol oppa punched you." she replied in between her sobs, Sehun shook his head then wiped her tears.

"Ani, it's not your fault why Chanyeol hyung punched me. Actually I deserved it and it's my fault, so please don't blame yourself. Please stop crying." he said trying to comfort her

"Mianhe Sehun oppa." she said when she's already calm then hugged him, he hugged her back.

"You don't have to say sorry, it's my fault anyway. Mianhe Riri, please don't cry it's not good for our baby." he said brushing her hair using his hands which made her giggle.

She pulled away from the hug then stared at him, she really loves this man in front of her and she can feel the he loves her too. She lay back down on the bed placing her head on Sehun's lap while Sehun is caressing her face which she like. Sehun looked at her passionately in the eyes then leaned closer to her until there's only inches apart and she can smell her minty breath.

"Song Yuri, will you be my girl friend?" he asked that made Yuri widened her because she didn't expect this.

"W-what?" she stuttered, Sehun curled his eye brows then stared at her.

"I said, will you be my girl friend? I know I've been a jerk, I have hurt you many times, treated you badly but I promise you that I will never be that kind of guy again. I promised that I will love you and take care of you and our baby but I cannot promise you that you will not be hurt by loving me but I promised that I will try my best not to hurt you." he said full of sincerity, Yuri is starting to cry again which made him panicked.

"H-hey, if you don't want it's okay. I'm not gonna force you, please don't cry." he said trying to calm her.

"You pabo! Who said that I don't want to become your girl friend? I'm just happy, really happy." she said when she get up and sat on the bed facing him.

"Does this mean it's a yes?" Sehun asked who's hopeful of her answer, she nodded as a respond and this made him so happy that he even jumped because of happiness and shouted. She chuckled on how childish Sehun was. The door suddenly opened then Junmyeon came in who looks worried followed by the others, they stared at them confused.

"What's going on here? Why Sehun yelled?" Junmyeon asked which made Yuri and Sehun chuckled.

"It's nothing oppa, gwaenchana." she said, Chanyeol moved closer to see her eyes swollen and it's obvious that she's been crying.

"Did Sehun made you cry again?" Chanyeol asked who tried to grab Sehun's collar but she stopped him and Sehun stepped back.

"Oppa! It's nothing, don't be too harsh on Sehun oppa." she said smiling at him, Chanyeol calmed himself when she saw her smile.

"So what really happened here?" Baekhyun asked.

"She's my girl friend now." Sehun said who smiled widely, they widened their eyes then cheered. They congratulate them before they left the room.

They were left alone in the room again with their smiles still on their faces, Sehun was too happy to have her as his girl friend and so as Yuri. She's too happy to be the great Oh Sehun's girl friend and she couldn't ask for more. Sehun remained standing while she remained sitting on the bed staring at each other, Sehun moved closer to her then leaned closer placing his hands on the bed as a support then kissed her on the lips passionately.

She responded to his kiss then wrapped her arms on his neck pulling him closer, he deepened the kiss then slowly pushed her on the bed for her to lay down. She lay down on the bed then Sehun went on top of her still kissing her. Sehun slid his tongue inside her mouth, roaming inside of it then played with her tongue letting a soft moan come out. She tried not to moan but she can't help it, Sehun's lips is so addicting and what he's doing right now gives her so much pleasure that she wants him to own her right now. She tried to remove his shirt because she can't take it anymore but then Sehun stopped her then pulled away from the kiss. She stared at him annoyed and confused of why he pulled away again.

"Naughty girl friend, the night is still young for us to do that." he said then pinched her nose, she pouted at him.

"I remember the last time we do it, it was a broad daylight. So why not we do it now?" she said a bit annoyed which made him chuckle.

"It's because the others are outside and I don't want them to hear you moaning." he said with a playful grin on his face, Yuri's face started to turn red when she understands what Sehun's trying to say.

"Arasso." she said pouting, Sehun pinched her cheeks playfully then give her lips a peck.

"I love you Song Yuri." he said

"I love you too Oh Sehun." she replied then kissed him on the lips.