
The EXO wins first place in their showcase even though Sehun's mind is still a mess because of the members had said to him earlier before they perform. He doesn't know what to do or how to react about the option that the members gave, he can't think straight and it was so sudden that he can't respond right away.

"So Hunnie, have you thought about what we said earlier?" Baekhyun asked but Sehun did not respond. They are now on their way back to their dorm, it's been a tough day for them and all they need right now is a rest.

"Guys, we don't need to pressure Sehun about marrying Yuri. It's his decision if he wants to marry Yuri or not, all we need to do is to help him make up with Yuri." Junmyeon said but still Sehun did not respond. Sehun is in a deep thought about the marriage thing that he didn't hear the conversation of the members.

"Hunnie." Jongdae called but no respond.

"Sehun?" Yixing trying to call his attention but still the same.

"Oh Sehun." Jongin called flicking his forehead that made him snapped back to his senses. He blinked his eyes first then rubbed his forehead that's been flicked by Kai then glared at him.

"What?" he said rubbing his forehead annoyed.

"We've been talking to you but you did not respond, are you alright?" Chanyeol said. Sehun heave a sigh before he spoke.

"I'm alright hyung, I think." he replied.

"Look Sehun, if you don't want to marry Yuri you don't have to pressure yourself. Just don't mind what Baekhyun have said earlier, after all it it will be your decision." Minseok said but Sehun just responded with a sigh.

"Look Hunnie, we've known Yuri for more than a year now and we know that Yuri is not that selfish. Yes she loves you but she's not that selfish to force you to marry her, though she have asked you last night to marry her but that doesn't mean that you need to force yourself to marry her." Kyungsoo stated.

"Just like what Yuri said, she's not gonna talk about marriage or even ask you to marry her again. So you don't have to worry about anything else or maybe you need to worry one more thing." Jongdae said then Sehun looked at him confused.

"What do you mean hyung?" he asked.

"On the text that Yuri sent, it says that the both of you need time to think about your relationship. So does that mean that you guys are on a break?" Jongdae said then Sehun's eyes widened and the members also.

"Omo! Yah Sehun! Is that true?" Chanyeol asked shaking his shoulder.

They had arrived at their dorm and headed inside their after they get out from their car. Sehun is still speechless, he didn't know if what Yuri meant on her text about taking time is giving their relationship a break. The situation is frustrating, if he just answered her when she asked him about marrying her or if he just explained himself to her and not ignoring her, none of this will happen.

"Yah Oh Sehun! Tell us! Are you and Yuri on a break, wait let me rephrase that. Did Riri broke up with you?" Chanyeol asked once they got inside their dorm.

"Hyung I don't know, I've been calling her phone since earlier and there's no answer and her phone was turned off when I called her phone again." he replied and frustration is obvious on his voice.

"Aigoo, I guess Hunnie already lost Riri." Jongdae said then Sehun and the others glared at him. He stepped back then give them a peace sign.

"Shut up hyung." Sehun said then went upstairs and headed to his room. The other members just watched their maknae leave then they turned to Jongdae and glared at him.

"Nice try Jongdae." Junmyeon said smacking Chen's head.

"That hurts hyung." Jongdae complained but Junmyeon just glared at him.

"If Yuri broke up with Sehun then we can't do anything about it." Yixing said.

"Maybe, we can't get involve in their relationship though." Jongin said.

"Sehun should fix it if he don't want to lose Yuri, we can help him but he needs to find a way first on how can he fix the problem." Minseok said then the others nodded in agreement.

Yuri was finished with her long bath and now she have freshen up, she's ready to take a rest after a day of crying, getting frustrated about Sehun and getting worried about him. She took her phone that was on her side table to see that it was turned off.

"I forgot to charge my phone, darn it! Oh well." she said then took a charger from her drawer then charged her phone. She didn't turned on her phone because she know that Sehun is not going to contact her or so she thought.

She dried her hair first before going to sleep then prepared her bed. After her hair was dry, she lay down on her bed then stared at the ceiling. She was thinking of what is Sehun been doing right now, what was he thinking right now, if he was thinking about her or if he forgets about her. She keeps on thinking about him that she did not realize that she already fell asleep.

Sehun was inside his room, trying to contact Yuri but then it's still the same her phone was turned off. He's getting frustrated, maybe Yuri really meant about giving their relationship a break. He was thinking about the situation that he was into that he did not realize that there's a tears escaped from his eyes. He wiped away the tears but it seems like his tears is just as stubborn as him.

"Ah jjinjja! Why am I crying anyway?" he said to himself while wiping his tears harshly.

"It's because you don't want to lose Yuri." someone answered that startled him, he stood up and turned around to see Chanyeol standing behind him.

"You scared the hell out of me hyung, are you planning to kill me by heart attack?" he complained while wiping his tears. Chanyeol walked towards him then flicked his forehead. He winced in pain and rubbed his forehead that's been flicked then glared at Chanyeol.

"Don't be so stubborn and stupid, if you don't want to lose Yuri then you need to find a way on how will you keep her with you. If you're not ready to marry her or if you don't have a plan in marrying her, then say it to her. She would understand. You should know Sehun that Yuri is pregnant, don't give her so much hard time and don't let her stress herself because of your stubborness and stupidity." Chanyeol stated that snapped Sehun into reality.

"We all know that Yuri will understand you, that she always understands you but Sehun you should also understand her. She loves you so much that she even asked you to marry her but even though she asked you to marry her, you don't need to force yourself if you don't want to. Take time to think about it, we're just here to help you if you need one." Chanyeol added then winked at Sehun.

"Thank you hyung, I think I already know what I'm going to do and I need you guys to help me with this." he said then wiped a few tears on his face.

"What is it?" Chanyeol asked who's starting to get curious, Sehun smiled at him.


The next day the EXO are busy promoting their new song and other promotions. The members already know about Sehun's plan, now all they need to do is for Yuri to come to the place where they will have their photoshoot. Chanyeol tried calling her phone but then her phone is still turned off, so he was not able to reach her but he left a voice message for her.

"Do you think she will come hyung?" Sehun asked who's a bit nervous.

"Don't worry, she will surely come." Chanyeol said encouraging Sehun.

"Alright, let's start." the photographer said and they started their photoshoot.

Yuri woke up late and it's something new because she doesn't have any morning sickness and these weird cravings. She took her phone that was on her side table then pull out the charger on it. She turned on her phone to be welcomed of numerous missed calls from Sehun and several missed calls from Chanyeol and a voice message. She smiled when she saw Sehun's name registered on the screen of her phone.

She opened the voice message sent by Chanyeol and listened to his message.

From: Chanyeol oppa

Riri, please go to *** (A/N: sorry guys I don't know where's the appropriate place for the pictorial.) I want to tell you something. See you there.

She don't want to go where the EXO are because she will see Sehun there but she can't help but get curious about what Chanyeol is going to say to her. She's been contemplating if she's going or not until she have decided that she will go, so she headed to the bathroom to take a bath.

Yuri came out from the bathroom after a long bath, she headed to where her cabinet was then looked for a dress to wear. Most of her dress won't fit her anymore when she became pregnant but then Sehun and the others bought her new dress, those dresses for pregnant women. After she get dress, she dried her hair and put some lipsticks and a powder on her face. She's not used to putting make ups and she don't know how to apply a make up on her face, so it's useless.

After dressing up and preparing herself she went outside her apartment then headed to where the photoshoot was being held. She called for a taxi and ride on it then texted Chanyeol that she's on her way to the place.

To: Chanyeol Oppa

Oppa, I'm on my way now to ***

She texted and with in a couple of minutes she received a reply from him.

From: Chanyeol Oppa

See you Riri ;)

She smiled to see the message of Chanyeol, she held the phone closer to her chest and she felt somewhat nervous because her heart is beating fast. She placed her hand on her baby bump and brushed it as if she was playing with her twins inside and also to ease the nervousness she feel.

After 30 minutes of travel she finally arrived at the place, she texted Chanyeol to inform him that she's already at the place.

To: Chanyeol Oppa

Oppa, I'm already here.

She texted him but he did not reply. She went inside the building and saw a familiar figure walking towards her, she smiled when she saw that it was Chanyeol.

"Annyeong oppa." she greeted while smiling at Chanyeol.

"Annyeong Riri, how are you?" Chanyeol replied smiling at her but her smile faded.

"I'm good I think." she said trying to force a smile.

"Let me guess, you and Sehun had a problem. Am I right?" Chanyeol said then she slowly nodded her head and sighed.

"Gwaenchana, after this you both will be okay." Chanyeol said that made her confused. They started heading to where they held their photoshoot when Yuri remembered something.

"Oppa, you said you want to say something to me. What is it?" she asked while walking.

"Later Riri, I will tell you later." Chanyeol replied then they continued walking.

They had finally reached the place where the photoshoot took place and it was odd because the place is too dark, which is the lights are turned off and there's no people inside.

"Oppa" she called Chanyeol but then she realized that Chanyeol is not beside her anymore. She was about to start panicking when she heard a music playing then there are candles being lighted in order for her to see. She saw that the place is filled with balloons scattered inside then there are rose petals on the floor and saw at the center of the room that there are candles being formed into a heart and inside are rose petals.

She was confused of what was going on and at the same time was touched because of how romantic the place was decorated. She slowly walked inside and saw the EXO and staffs inside smiling at her but there's no Sehun insight which made her feel disappointed. Chanyeol approached her and offered his hand to her, she took his hand and hold it. He walked her towards the heart formed candles but she's still confused.

"Oppa, what's going on?" she asked but Chanyeol just smiled at him and once she was already inside the heart formed candles, Chanyeol left and stand beside the other members.

She awkwardly stand inside the heart formed candles and have no idea what was happening. She was looking around the room to see if Sehun is somewhere but failed. She was going to walk away when she heard a familiar voice.

"Annyeong Yuri, ah this is a bit awkward but I'm going to do it." Sehun started, she was trying to look where the voice was coming from but she can't find him.

"Just stay still hon, I'll be with you soon. Just let me speak first." Sehun said when she's about to leave just to look for him. She nodded even though she's not sure if he can see her and stayed where she was standing.

"The first time you've been with us, I don't know but I hated you. Maybe it's because you're too young and you always come in late but the members still accepted you. I can still remember that I've asked our manager and Suho hyung to fire you because I don't want you to be with us but then they don't want to, so I left with no choice but bear to be with you." he stated and Yuri started to tear up.

"Days, Weeks, Months and year had past and you're still with us. I can still remember that I even prayed that one day you will quit your job because of me, but my prayers wasn't answered. I guess God don't answer prayers that cause no good to His creation, so I left with no choice again but to be with you." he continued.

"One day you came in late again and we are all waiting for you, it's kinda frustrating because it's always like that. You come in late but it seems like it's okay for the other members and I was the one who made it a big deal. I was just standing when you rushed inside the room and it's funny because the moment I saw you sweating and rushing inside, it's like my surroundings stops moving and I only saw your sweaty face." he stated then he heard that the members and staffs chuckled, so he cleared his throat for them to stop.

"On that time I was not able to move until we bumped at each other then fell on the ground and you accidentally kissed me. It's not my first kiss though but it feels like it was my first kiss, I can still remember that my heart is crazily beating fast like it will come out from my rib cage and I didn't realize that I already had a feelings for you on that time." he continued. Yuri gasped of his confession and can't help but to cry again.

"After that incident, I said to my self that I should get rid of you because I don't know what I'm going to do whenever you're near me. On the day that I told you that I will make you suffer for you to quit, I just said that for me to get rid of my feelings for you because I know that you like Chanyeol hyung than me." he said

"But you're stubborn just like me, on the night that I drive you home and you told me that you will take the responsibility of kissing me, it was like I was given a chance on you. When I started bossing you around, doing the stuffs that is beyond your job but you accepted it without complains that was the time that I'm starting to fell in love with you." he stated

"When our manager let us have a vacation, I said that I will spend my vacation with you and I did not fail. When we were shopping for your dress for Ailee's party, you really look gorgeous with those dresses, specially when you had your hair and make up done but you're more gorgeous when you're just simple and it made me fell in love with you more." he stated, the member and staffs are just speechless while Yuri keeps on crying so Chanyeol approached her and gave a water to her.

"But I was in denial of my feelings, I don't want to believe that I have fell in love with you but when you were talking to Junhoe on the night of the party, I felt this unfamiliar feeling called jealousy and I swear I wanted to punch Junhoe on that time because he keeps checking on you but you did not notice." he said that made Yuri giggle.

"When I was driving you home and we had an argument about you talking to Junhoe and then you mentioned about me kissing other girls, I feel like there are butterflies in my stomach that was about to come out when I saw the jealousy on your face but you just denied it. On that night when I find out about who you really are, to be honest I felt sorry for you and at the same time mad at your parents for leaving you. That was the time that I have said to my self that I will take care of you no matter what." he stated

"When something happened to us on that night, I said to my self that I will take the responsibility and will ask you to be my girlfriend so I confessed to you the next day. I didn't expect that you will like me though but the moment when you said that you like me more than Chanyeol hyung, it's was like I've won something priceless and I was the happiest man on that time." he continued.

"But it seems like we need to face some obstacles before we can be happy, just like how you suddenly left without saying a word. It's like my whole world is about to collapse until Junhoe told us where you are and about your situation. You know what, when I find out that I will become a father, at first I don't believe it yet. It's like it was a dream and too sudden but then I realized that it was real, I was speechless but at the same time happy because I'm going to become a father. Specially when I find out that it's a twin babies, I was so happy and excited to see our babies." he stated

"We faced different obstacles and trials before we made our relationship official and public, I thought that we can't make it that we will lose this battle but look where we are now. Junhoe once asked me if I'm planning in marrying you, to be honest I don't know. I really don't know, my mind was blank and the question is too sudden. Then he threatened me that if I really don't have a plan in marrying you, then he will be the one to marry you. I got scared, I feel pressured. I don't want to lose you, I don't want to see you being with someone else but I'm not sure if I'm ready to marry you or if I'm planning in marrying you." he stated. Yuri felt a pang on her chest but she just ignored it, she understands that Sehun is not ready yet.

"Then you proposed to me, I was surprised of your sudden proposal that I was not able to respond to it. I didn't realize that I've been ignoring you and I was so stupid to do that. I even received a smack from the members because of my stupid actions but because of the smack that I received, I finally realized that I don't want to lose you that I want to be with you at any cost." he said then Yuri's heart started beating fast.

"Yuri, I'm sorry if I'm stubborn. I'm sorry if I act stupid that my actions cause you frustrations and gives you stress. I don't know if I deserve you, I don't even know why you love me and why you didn't gave up on me. Maybe I'm just lucky, because I met and loved a girl like you who loves me despite of my flaws. Yuri, I don't want to lose you. I don't want you to be with someone else. I want to be with you, to be with our twins." he stated.

"Yuri, I'm sorry if I didn't give you an answer when you asked me to marry you but if you're going to ask me again, my answer will be "No"." he said then Yuri felt disappointed and hurt because of what he said. She knew that he will reject her, that he's not going to marry her. Truth and reality hurts. She just cried while her head is facing the floor.

"My answer is "No" because I don't want you to propose to me, it should be my part. I'm going to marry you not because I was forced to do so, I'm going to marry you not because I was pressured but I'm going to marry you because I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life. Because I love you so much and I don't want to lose you." he said. Yuri raised her head and confusion started to build again and she wanted to see Sehun and asked him of what he was trying to say until she saw his figure slowly walking towards her then stopped in front of her. Tears won't stop running down on her face, she don't know what to feel on that time. Sehun wiped her tears and kissed her forehead then he slowly kneel down with one leg and took a small box from his pocket that made her surprised.

"I don't know if I can be a good husband and a father, I don't know if I can make you happy or if I can make you stay longer. I can't promise you that our life will be a problem-free or if I can't make you cry but I promise you that I will only love you and you only and also our twins. I will try my best not to hurt you, not to make you cry. I will try my best to become a better and loving husband to you and a father to our twins." he stated. Yuri was speechless and she just keeps on crying.

"Song Yuri, will you accept me an idol and a maknae of the popular group EXO to be your husband? Will you marry me, Song Yuri?" he asked. The question was so sudden but she know the answer of his question. She slowly nodded while trying to stop herself from crying.

"Yes, I will marry you Oh Sehun." she answered. Sehun smiled brightly then stand up and hugged her tight then kissed her on her lips. They heard the members and the staffs cheered then Sehun kissed her again passionately.