Prologue Part 2

27th October, 2019

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

An international conference consisting of all nations' leaders and council was being held in Rio de Janeiro. A huge round table had been setup for the conference with nation leaders sitting in their designated seats. Almost everyone had attended this conference except for the Asian countries, who weren't present for this conference.

A silence spread through the conference as the president of Brazil stands up to address the council. Wearing a navy-blue elegant suit, the president is a woman in her early 50s with a bit of grey in her shoulder length brown hair.

"I thank and welcome everyone to this emergency conference being held for the safety of our world. Before we start with the conference, I request everyone for a moment of silence to mourn the dead who have lost their lives" as she spoke.

After a while she continued, "As we know, we have gathered here to talk about the disaster of the Pandora's tree. As that tree came on to our earth it has cause nothing but problems so we have decided to call it Pandora's tree.

The population of earth which had reached had about 7.7 billion people has gone down by 60 percent leaving only 3.13 billion people alive which has caused this to be the worst disaster ever faced by mankind and the second worst disaster to happen on earth after the meteor fall causing extinction of the dinosaurs. The pollen from Pandora's flower is spreading on the earth causing growth spurt and leading to destruction as we speak.

Asia has fallen completely and Europe and Africa are being evacuated. We intercepted some satellites from Asian aerospace and we got some footage of the fall of Mumbai and Beijing cities" as she sat down as the pads on each member's desk was illuminated and played the video footage.

Video footage started with the Beijing streets full of traffic as people were abandoning their cars and running with their children towards the evacuation site as emergency helicopters were evacuating them.

Suddenly a roar filled the sky as a rhinoceros of a huge size (about 10 ft) with grey scales came running from down the street. His scales were thick and sturdy as iron and made the bullets fired on it by the army and policemen to bounce away from it.

Its head had three strong horns on its head and 4 long sturdy legs which trampled on the cars on the road as it dashed towards the people. It had a flail like structure (a ball with spikes) on end of its tail which it flung with such a force that it collapsed the buildings it hit.

A tank fired a cannon shot at it, which just penetrated its armored skin and sunk in just barely before the shot blasted and made the rhino wail in pain as it fell on its back. Though the shot had barely entered its flesh but the force from blast was enough to have made rhino lose its balance.

The rhino was wailing in pain as it tried to get up, but it was too shaken from them impact of the tank's shot. Also the bullets which hit at the open wound would go deep in its body increasing the pain.

The wails were quite loud and could be heard over a large distance. Hearing these wails a troop of monkeys came to the site jumping from one building to another. These monkeys were about 6 feet in height with a dark blue shade of fur on their back and a lighter shade on their front.

But the most peculiar thing was that theses monkeys unlike the normal monkeys had 4 arms protruding from its shoulder. These monkeys lifted the nearby debris and stones and rocks from the ground and started hurling at the army personnel.

This barrage of debris hit them hard, as the people who got hit by the stones and rocks fell down with their skulls cracked open, bleeding out to death. To counter the monkeys, army shifted their focus from rhinoceros to them firing at full speed.

This lack of attention was more than enough for the rhino as it regained its footing while still bleeding from the wound. It then rushed towards the tank and slammed against it at full force.

The force was so large that tank's armor caved in with the dent formed by that slam. The rhino then sunk his horns in the tank and flung it away. The tank flew a few meters and landed upside down on the ground.

Seeing the line of defense collapsing one by one, as many people that could be filled in the choppers were filled hurriedly. About 5 choppers took off from evacuation site as soon as the tank fell.

The whole city was in a mess, smokes and fires were rising from some buildings. Screeches and roars were being heard over the city as various animals roamed the cities and the roof top of the buildings.

Another 5 choppers came flying up in air from another evacuation site. Together they started moving away from the direction of destruction towards the outskirts of the cities. But suddenly a rock came in flying from the ground as it hit the tail of one of choppers making it go down spirally.

A group of five hawks came flying towards the choppers but then the video went into static. Loud groans were heard as the video came to an sudden stop.

The President of Brazil answered, "This was the maximum amount of footage which we were able to get. The footage from Mumbai is also in a same manner where lots of animals broke havoc on the street.

But not only animals and birds attacked them but the fishes also. Huge ships were capsized in water while some were broken from the centre. It was said that Kracken like creature was present in the seas."

The Prime Minister of Canada stood up with a report in his hands and said, " First Canada would like to give condolences to the people of Asia. The doors of Canada will be open for all the people of Asia and Europe.

Secondly we would like to report our findings in the matter. As we have seen the footage, all the beasts are working together and fighting humanity. They don't fight among themselves.

Seeing their coordination we think it may be the work of some beast or human working as their commander. He is leading the beasts to help each other, fight against us and stop us from evacuating.

Third the animals are undergoing transmutation and gaining different abilities. The three horns of rhinoceros and its hard tough skin and the four arms of monkey with their blue fur. Also they may have gained intelligence and additional strength."

The chairman of the council got up and said, "Before we discuss further, we must take a short recess and discuss the steps to be taken. Also I encourage everyone to report their findings. Every bit of information is important."

The meeting was adjourned as all leader retired in their rooms discussing with their counsel. The President of United States had also just entered his room when he felt the mood in his council was weird.

"Did something happen? What's with the tension in the air??" he asked.

His secretary replied, "Sir we just received a news from Australia, our news correspondent Diana Parker who went missing in Sri Lanka has been found washed up on the shores of Australia. This is a huge news Sir. But we don't understand how Pandoras has affeceted her. The proximity of her being so close to the incident must have affected her a lot severe than us."

The President sat down on the couch contemplating his thoughts about the situation. After a while he answered, " This news should not leave this room. Tell the Intelligence Agency to end their best operatives with my plane to get her back.

If the Australian counterparts know of this situation take them in confidence otherwise just make her my relative or something. Set up a lab and find how she has been affected by pollen. Call the best scientists and best resources. We need fast results.

And about conference, upload the footage of the Stag we found on one of the buildings controlling the attack. They already have 60% of information give them this our contribution will be of high importance but we give just menial info."