Dominoes Start Falling

The old man was riding his beast as it flew over the woods surrounding the village. He was angry and pissed off for no reason at all as he cursed.

"That bastard, how did that villager question me. Who gave that nobody the right to ask me questions. If I wasn't on official business, I would have massacred up to his 7 ancestors just for this offense.

Alas, it was my fault. I should never have volunteered for this job. I thought that wretched child with bright red core must be some son of some important family in lower cities. I would have gained some support and spread my network in the lower cities with my apology.

But not only that little shit was villager of the lowest order, he was also an orphan. Fuck for no benefits at all I had to travel all way till here. I should have asked befo..."

Suddenly his visioned turned dark. It turned into complete black background as a huge blue sea wave of several meters appeared before his eyes as it crashed onto him. Suddenly a soul charm embedded in his chain broke as the chain blasted away.

"Fuck !!! A soul attack. Run !!" turning around he ran in another direction.


Meanwhile here in church the tragic news spread like wildfire and soon it spread in village too. Everyone was talking about the death incident. Keiran was the only one from the village awakening a Bright Red Core.

And the death of such a good seed had shaken them up, about their child's future in the outer world. Better the Mana cores, more preferential treatment is given by the people, faculties and even the government.

That's how the world operated, when some offspring of some influential individual or someone with great potential is in infant stage or growing stage, then people and the authorities try to favour and appease them so that the receiver stays in their debt and will help them in future when they require help or to gain more influential and important position in society.

But now Keiran was dead and the authorities just didn't give a fuck, made the villagers descend into an uneasy feeling with their children's well being and future.

Similarly, Rex's mind was in chaos. Anger, sorrow, sadness, helplessness and whatnot emotions were going on in his mind as he tried to digest the news of Keiran's death. The one whom he was very close, the one who he called his brother was dead and even his dead body wasn't left.

Slowly the shock dispersed as despair took hold of his mind. Tears streaked down his face as he cried for loss of Keiran. Even though Rex didn't have a family, he considered the both of them as his real brothers. And the loss had a grave burden on his mind.

Rex cried all the morning up till lunch time in afternoon, he only stopped when his stomach growled of hunger. Getting up he went to wash his face to remove sticky remains of tears off his face. He never had to stand in queue from the day both of his brothers awakened with spirit beasts.

So as usual he tried to jump the queue at the wash basin, but the girl standing there didn't even pay any heed to him and continued with her wash. Rex saw that she was almost done, so he tried to cut the line after her. But similarly, the next person also didn't budge and didn't let him enter.

First Rex felt weird but he saw that queue was very short so he just gave up and stood in queue. Also he was still sad about Keiran's news so instead of fighting he stood in queue. Well it was just normal thing but in eyes of other children this was a huge news.


"Did you know Rex had to stand in line today."

"What!! Are you serious, Rex and in line. That's not possible he always jumps the queue."

"Oh don't you know that Sheena didn't let him enter, neither did the 2 behind her let him enter. Defeated he had to stand at the last."

"What!! This is big news!"


"You know that girl, Sheena didn't let Rex jump the line. And he had to stand at back of the line."

"Yea, I also heard this. Isn't she afraid of him?"

"Oh don't you know, Keiran was eaten by beasts in capital. And Leo is in city too."

"No wonder they didn't allow him to jump the line. Ai!! I really can't stand people like him acting so high and better than others. Its good that Sheena stood up against him."

"Ah, there's nothing good in it. Sheena is member of Peter's gang, those ruffians always take our things."

"Yuck!! So basically its just a bunch of Assholes fighting all together."


A group of children were standing in a circle around a boy sitting in a chair. He was one of the older boys in the orphanage with blonde hair and fair skin. He was the leader of this gang, he was Peter.

Peter spoke, "Well done Sheena, everyone is talking about you. You stopped Rex from jumping the line and made him go last. Nice."

Sheena replied, "Haha, that was nothing Peter. I didn't it would become such a hot topic."

"Good, good, good. Now by this we know he is not so great, so we gradually hit him."

A boy in the circle asked, "Peter, should we attack him, and steal his things. He has good clothes, bedsheets, as he always used to get the first preference. We can take away those from him."

"Not now, his awakening ritual is in just one month. If we attack him now and he awakens with a spiritual beast then he will bust our ass. Don't forget Rex is one of the RKL brothers.

[Rex Keiran Leo = RKL]

Remember how Keiran and Leo broke down Martin's gang because they use to steal their things. Not only they left everyone injured but broke Martin's both legs. His gang broke up while Martin could do nothing about his legs. He had to beg for food in the village before he disappeared somewhere.

So at present just stop Rex from jumping the lines. Don't go against him at present. Also he is friends with village chief's son. Don't offend him at any cost."

Similar discussions were being held in other gangs too. Rex too heard about it,

'You... just because I was sad and crying, I stood in a line so I could calm my emotions you started scolding me. Wait I'll show you tomorrow.'


Next day at night, dinner was served in the dining hall. Children as usual were walking in a queue as they carried their plates to the counter as they were served food. Suddenly Rex walked into the dining hall as he stood looking at the line.

He saw the line as he looked for a target to jump the line. Target had to be strong enough so that he could take it down without much implications. If the target was too strong they would turn on him and he would be beaten up. But if the target was weak than people would call him a bully who prays on weak.

And at present his reputation was at stake so the target needed to be appropriate. Suddenly he saw Sheena in the line too getting her dinner. She was literally the best target to hit.

First he looked at nearby people who were standing alongside her in the queue. All the nearby were nobodies, weak ones, except one. That was Bracken who was also a gang leader in the orphanage who himself was jumping the line to get dinner.

'Ah heavens is helping me ! Haha!!' looking at Bracken in queue Rex was happy. Everyone knew that Bracken and Peter were against each other. There was no chance he would help Sheena if she was in trouble.

Seeing this God send opportunity, Rex rushed and with high momentum, jumped the line in front of Sheena. This was so fast and quick that Sheena had no time to see who it was and just involuntarily pushed Rex back.

At that time Rex was riding high on his ego, and when he received a push from Sheena he could no longer contain it as he turned around and he pushed Sheena away with great force making her lose her balance as she fell down.

Seeing her lying on the floor, he knew he had won and none of her friends were here to help or provide her backup. Sheena turned around too find it was none other than Rex who she had blocked yesterday had pushed her down.

Silently she stood up as she remembered what Peter said and also the RKL brothers was still fearful subject in the orphanage. Seeing her silence, Rex knew he had won and a grin appeared on his face. But before he could enjoy his victory his victory ended in dust as someone literally lifted him by his collar and threw him on the floor.

" Ahh !!! You.... " Who dared push him down. As he looked what he saw made him dumbfounded. Of no people possible it had to be Bracken. Bracken was 14 year old while Rex was just 10 year old at no reason could he defeat Bracken alone.

"How dare you push me? I'll...."

But before Rex could say, Bracken interrupted him, " Huh? What will you do? Will you hit me or scold me huh? Or will you go and complain to your brothers? Oh it should be brother right isn't Keiran dead haha...

Go complain at his grave ask him to beat me. Oh I forgot he doesn't even have one. Haha forget grave he doesn't even have a body left. Haha.."

Hearing these nearby people also started laughing and snickering at his plight. Just a death had send him down the ladder. Dejected and humiliated Rex left the hall without saying anything.