
Two handed hammer is a blunt equipment but not able to cut through the skin. But when force is applied to it, the impact of it can break boulders and stones easily.

The same thing happened out with Rex, when a head came out of burrow this time, he swung the hammer with a huge force which landed at the head with a huge impact.

Rex lifted his hammer to see what he had hit with the hammer, and to see if the rabbit he hit was dead. But this time, the head wasn't that of a rabbit but was that of a snake which had emerged from the same burrow.

Snakes were reptiles that ate small animals like rabbits, rats, etc. To eat them snakes often invaded their burrows and holes. Similarly this snake must have invaded this burrow for rabbits to eat.

This must have cause rabbits to escape from their burrow to save their lives. But when snake emerged from the hole, a hammer came down with a large force and hit it on its head.

Though the hammer didn't cut through the skin but the way it landed on the head, it broke the skull of the snake and hit it's brain with a huge impact crushing it, making it dead at the first strike.

Rex looked at the snake's dead body as he thought, 'Woah!! This is unexpected. Hunting a snake is hard as they are masters of disguise. But this snake just fell in my arms. Free Kill !!!

But I can't eat the meat of a snake. Why because snakes are poisonous creatures, though their poison sacs are located in their head but with the smashing of its head I don't know if it has affected the rest of body too.

Also snakes have too many bones in their body, and this makes meat in their slender body even more less.

But this snake here is my first kill, I can't let it go. Probably I can sell it and earn money. Also its quite late, I must return back to the orphanage.'

Thinking so Rex lifted the snake's body in his hand as he walked back in the direction of the village.

Though he had killed the snake he didn't attend to the body of the snake, as blood dripped from its head along his path.


As Rex came out of the forest he spotted a hut outside it. The hut was a simple straw hut and a dim bonfire burned near it. There was a guy sitting next to the fire eating something from a bowl.

Rex recognized the guy, he was the only hunter in the village of Kronor. His name was Poncho, but everyone called him Hunter after his profession. He used to hunt in the forests and sell his dead prizes to butchers and other merchants who bought animal based products.

First he saw Rex, coming from the forest so he just didn't pay any special attention to him. But then he saw him carrying a snake's dead body with him. Seeing this he started walking towards Rex in long strides.

Here Rex also saw this behavior an thought that the hunter must be here to congratulate him for a successful hunt.

But when the Hunter reached Rex, he didn't congratulate him but instead raised his leg and kicked Rex straight in his chest.

The kick was full of force and Rex had least predicted it so the impact of the kick was huge which made Rex fall on his ass.

The hammer and the dead snake in his hand fell on the ground as he tried to make head or toe of the assault on him.

"WTF, why..." anger went straight into the head of Rex as he tried to stand up to confront the guy, but before he did another kick landed onto Rex making him sprawl flat onto the ground.

The pain of both the kicks ran through Rex's body as he wrapped his arms around his body. The hunter looked at him lying flat on the ground.

He picked up Rex's hammer and the dead snake from the ground as he walked backed to him. Kicking Rex again he started speaking, "Listen you Piece of Shit, these woods are my hunting area.

Only I can hunt out here. If I spot or hear about you hunting in them again I won't hesitate to break your bones. Now GET LOST !!!"