A dragonfly hovered around a stalk of grass near the pond as it was vigilant trying to sense any predators nearby.
Slowly it landed on the stalk as it sensed no troubles. But as it landed a long tongue came out as it stuck to it and pulled it back in a mouth.
It was a chameleon which had camouflaged itself green at the bottom of the stalk. Slowly it ate the dragonfly munching with happiness.
At that moment it felt two unknown presence moving towards it. Feeling that it suddenly took pace and ran away from that spot.
"Did you see that? That's how you hunt out here in woods. First the camouflage which keeps you hidden from all the eyes of the jungle.
Next a ranged weapon which keeps you safe and ready to escape if anything goes wrong." Hunter spoke as they were watching the whole thing go down.
"But how am I supposed to hide myself out here? The presence of mosquitoes out here makes it very hard to stay still in the woods" asked Rex as he tried to figure out how to camouflage himself.
"Haha... That's easy first always wear dull clothes while hunting. Bright coloured clothes are easy to spot and catch the eye easily making you to be spotted easily.
While dull clothes mix in the surrounding and hard to spot but can still be identified if given slightly more attention.
Next in line comes the problem of insects especially the mosquitoes. These blood sucking son of bitches sense heat while some use smell for detection of their prey.
Our human bodies are warm and have a peculiar smell of sweat and body odour which helps these insects detect us. To hide we have to mask our smell and cool our body so that our body temperature merges with the surrounding.
The best and the cheapest option is applying wet mud over our body which helps us counter both the conditions. Mud has an overwhelming smell which masks all other smells. Our smell and sweat is easily masked by the mud which makes us invisible to the animals who use smell detection.
Also the mud is cool and helps in lowering down our body temperature. It helps us in merging with the surrounding as we stay still.
Next the mud is easily available and is free of cost. Near any lake or just mixing some soil with a bit of water will turn it into mud." Hunter said as he scooped a handful of mud and applied a layer over his skin and clothes.
Rex too followed the actions of Hunter as he too applied mud over him. As he applied he felt a cool sensation passing over him.
Hunter continued speaking as he walked searching for a suitable place for hunting, "Remember two things in your life, Firstly that Nature has all the solutions for the problems in your life. If you are stuck ask nature it will show you the path.
I saw and adopted this mud technique from seeing boar like animals out here in wild. They use mud to stay cool in the heated woods. I copied this technique from them and used it in hunting.
Second that Nature has enough for man's needs but not enough for man's greed. So take only what you need or you will disturb the balance of the area.
You may earn greater in initial period but it will harm you in future, you will have to go deeper into woods for further hunts.
So we will hunt only to meet our needs and leave the rest back into the nature. Now take this shovel and start digging over here. We create a small pit and set a trap over here."
Rex looked at Hunter puzzled, "Trap ?? Why are we setting a trap? Isn't that unfair to the animals? It's like we are cheating them."
Hunter looked at him astound, "What?? Cheating?? Are you even sane in your goddamn mind?? " as he gave himself a facepalm literally in embarrassment.
"There is nothing unfair out here. Everything is appropriate out here in the wild. It's always the powerful who make the rules.
Tell me how can you justify a wolf which has higher power fighting against small animals like deers, etc. Or snakes use poison to kill its prey. Its using their advantage to hunt.
Out here there is only one rule i.e ' Survival of the Fittest '. The one who can stay alive is the winner while the other party is the looser. All that matter is your life."
Rex looked at Hunter in awe as he dug a pit slowly, "You are smart and well informed Hunter. You know all the tricks and techniques and you even created some fantastic ones."
Hunter smirked on hearing Rex's praise as he lied through his teeth. All this tricks and techniques were passed down from previous times. He had just overheard these and had told Rex that he had created them.