Malia Hearthway

My name? Malia Hearthway. My occupation? Well that depends on the time of day, During the mornings I am but a humble college student trying her damndest to make it in the world, The afternoons I am an energetic waitress at this cute little coffee shop. My real occupation however starts when the moon and stars are bright in the sky... Get your mind out of the gutter I am no whore.

During the night and weekends my real personality makes its appearance, the one that no one else knows about because I have kept it so perfectly hidden that if anyone was to discover reveal it to my friends and family, every single one of them would vehemently deny it, such is how skillful I am at faking being a normal person.

I am an Otaku, but not your normal everyday otaku, I am one who is obsessed with one singular topic. Unohana Yachiru, the mythical woman of the fictional world a brilliant man called Kubo Taito birthed from that big glorious brain of his called Bleach, you may or may not have heard of it. In my humble opinion it is the single greatest thing to have ever been created since "The Big Bang," But alas I am biased as hell.

Now why am I bringing this up, besides the fact that Unohana is a goddess given fictional flesh, is that I have suddenly and spontaneously died. That is right, you hear me correctly, "I have DIED." Now if you will hush up and let me explain how this happened, you will either laugh at my stupidity, or face-palm and silently shake your head in disappointment in humanity. Just don't let me catch you doing either as I have perfected the patented "Bloodthirsty Smile," that Unohana was known for, and I will find out where you live, come into your room when you're sleeping and cho... You know what we are getting off topic, so "I DIED." I shall now explain how this came to be, and how I am able to talk to you even after I perished from the mortal plane.

-Earlier Today-

It was Saturday, my only day off this week and I was enjoying not having to act fake in front of my "friends" and "family," I had been on my computer for over 12 hours by this point and I was about to get off and go to bed, I am tired after stalking for any new information that may have popped up about Yachiru-sama, when I stumbled across the fact that pechenka123 was doing a Unohana cosplay at a convention an hour or so away from my house. I was in my car and driving down the highway so fast that I truly believed I was able to get there faster that Yoruichi would ever be able to in her prime. I pulled up to the convention center and thankfully there were plenty of parking spaces, I parked my car and calmly walked inside the facility, definitely wasn't performing a power walk that would put grannies everywhere to shame, nope just your imagination.

After breaching the premise I searched for the lady who would be bringing my goddess to life, I spotted her in record time and proceeded to confidently make my way over to her, definitely didn't look like a marching toy soldier, nope, no-sirree, wasn't me.

I got within 10 feet of her and she looked over at me with those lovely sky blue eyes that held a hidden malevolence and froze, I was panicking. I knew it, she knew it, everyone knew it. She came to my aid when she asked "Do you want a picture?"

My not knowing what else to do and not trusting my voice I just shook my head yes and made my way over towards her. As she beckoned me towards her I started searching for my phone to give to someone to take our picture, feeling around my pockets I couldn't feel it, thus starting a whole new panic as I frantically searched for the offending object, that was preventing me from receiving my future family's Sacred Treasure. After searching my pockets for the third time I realized I left my phone in my car, panicking I screamed at her "I WILL BE RIGHT BACK FORGOT I FORGOT MY PHONE IN MY CAR!!!"

She gave me that polite motherly yet somehow scary closed eye smile and told me "I understand I will be here for a few more hours, you're welcome to come back anytime."

Smiling back after hearing this information I proceeded to flounder my way outside and to my car in search for the accursed phone not even bothering to look for traffic, when suddenly I received a devastating blow to my side that shattered my arm, splintered my ribs, and caused all sort of life ending internal injuries. I flew down the street and proceeded to roll no less than 20 times before coming to a stop, in so much pain that I am unable to even groan. Looking over I see the legendary Truck-sama and I swear, there he was, as a spirit floating above the truck with the most bloodthirsty smile I have ever seen, besides Yachiru-sama, in my last moments I managed to, with great and strenuous effort give one back, and I swear I saw his headlights glow brighter right before I let out my last breath and let the darkness consume my soul.

-Back To The Present-

Now that that is over, let's find out where I am and why I am here, and not let my wild fantasies get my hopes up about reincarnation.

Looking around I see there are these weird walls that appear to me made out of a cloud-like substance moving chaotically with no apparent pattern, I quickly closed my eyes so as to not lose myself inside of it, after all there is a saying "If you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you." And I was taking no chances with these cloud-like walls.

-Unknown Amount Of Time Later-

I soon learned that the so-called "abyss" was more enticing to look at the longer I stayed in this weird space, but so far I have prevailed in keeping true to myself and not open my eyes. That is until I hear it, the most ethereal voice I could ever hope to hear. Putting the elves of legend to shame as she spoke...

"*Greetings Little One.*"

Daring to peek my eyes open to even glance and the being that could produce such an elegant noise, I was stunned for there sat a woman and dare I even deem to call her something as lowly as that, that would put Aphrodite to shame, on a throne that appeared to be made of hardened cloud-like material.

Wide eyed and too stunned to speak, she spoke again...

"*I know you can understand me, are you able to find your voice Little One?*"

Blinking my stupor away I responded with what I thought anyone would say in this situation, Bowing deeply and saying...

"How can this lowly one help you Goddess-sama?"

After hearing nothing for a few seconds, I tentatively looked up to see her arching a perfect eyebrow at me, holding an expression that could only be full of mirth while chuckling silently. She took of few seconds before she regained composure, rose and said...

"*At ease Young One, whilst I am pleased of your forethought on courtesies, I am not one who looks down on the Lesser Beings, please do rise and have a seat, we must have a discussion on the next step.*" Gesturing to the chair that just appeared beside my and sitting back down onto her throne.

Proceeding to take a seat I asked with the most respect I could muster...

"May I be Bestowed the honor of knowing the name of the mighty being before myself?"

"*Hmmm... I believe [Mel] is how one pronounces my name within the Earthen Language, you may address myself as such.*" said the now named [Mel].

"[Mel]-sama what could you possibly want me, I haven't done anything of worth to be visited by an important figure?" I asked with trepidation.

"*I am The Goddess Of Women, anything and everything that has to do with Women can be found within my Domain. The reason that I brought you here Is because I was impressed with how long you withstood the [Malevolent] and its Nature to Corrupt Souls to enact its will.*" [Mel] replied with a small comforting smile that eased my heart and all its little worries.

"*I understand you are confused, let me ease your worries and explain [Malevolent] Is The End All Be All, it will exist for as long as Life exists, and I am just one of the powers that watches over and makes sure that it doesn't gain too much influence. you were able to resist the influence for 3 weeks before I came across you.*" - [Mel] Continued.

I was so stunned that my eyes must have looked like saucers. A small chuckle brought me out of my stupor.

"It didn't feel like 3 weeks, at most I thought it was 3 hours, why is it such a dramatic difference?" I asked confused at the mere thought of it

She responded in kind with "*Time flows differently in the realm of [Malevolent] as such you wouldn't be able to notice unless you thought about it, even then you would only notice if you truly believed that time flowed differently.*"

"*Now onto the reason that I brought you here.*"

"*I will give you what you desire most.*"

After hearing this I started to get excited, I mean how many stories have I read where this happened, what she said next only cemented the excitement within my soul.

"*I will reincarnate you into a world, you may choose the world, you may also let me choose, or you may choose the wheel of fate.*"

As she finished a large Wheel Of Fortune looking wheel appeared with a bunch of names on it. Along the lines of "Naruto, DxD, Hunter X Hunter, Demon Slayer, Black Butler, and Hellsing" Were the only ones I could see, but this confirmed that the worlds of today's entertainment indeed do exist, and the authors were some sort of profits that can see glimpses into said worlds.

"*I will also grant you a wish per week you survived within [Malevolent] for overcoming such an ordeal. Now choose your future young girl, for it shall be my entertainment for the foreseeable future.*" Finished [Mel]

"Would I be able to customize my appearance please?" Asking her with the legendary Puppy Eyes no Jutsu.

She responded with a sigh and "*Yes you may, tell me the appearance and I will show it to you for your approval agreed?*"

Nodding my head vigorously and responding with "May I look like a younger Selene From the Underworld Movies, around 15 Years Old, but with Amethyst eyes instead of blue?"

Instead of responding she flicked her wrist and a holographic image appeared in front me. Looking closely it is a woman who looks exactly like what I just described standing at 5'4" with shoulder length black hair, elegant eyebrows, a soft nose, soft pink lips that appear to be glistening, and pearly white skin, that looks smoother than a baby's, and finally those eyes. The perfect color of purple, and they appeared to get darker the longer you look into them. Quickly looking away back towards [Mel] lest I get stuck in the abyss, she clearly found my reaction amusing as I responded with a quiet...

"Thank You, This is perfect." and with a snap of her fingers the figure disappeared and I found myself shrinking. Panicking I looked into her eyes, she seemed to understand my dilemma and snapped her fingers again, this time a mirror appeared in front of me, allowing me to see that she had already changed my image into my requested one. Looking myself over I nodded, this was the correct decision to make regarding my appearance.

"Thank you, this is just how I wanted to look, now can we get onto my world and wishes please, I already know what I want. I have been hoping this would happen for years and had already made a plan in case it did." I asked her with more confidence than ever.

"*Yes, now please tell me what it is that you desire young one.*" Looking her dead in the eyes, I gave my answer with finality...

"I wish to be reincarnated into the world of Bleach, inside of the Soul Society right after Shingekuni Yamamoto recruited Yachiru Unohana into his group of "Defenders". Is This possible, I want to know because I plan on making canon irrelevant entirely?" Feeling much more nervous at the end than when I started.

She responded with "*Yes it is no problem, if you kept everything as it was I would be entirely bored as I have already seen it play out countless times. In fact I will add plans to mess up canon and make things interesting for you when you get settled in, don't expect anything special until after Yhwach falls for the first time, there may be some small things here and there to make it interesting but after that anything goes.*"

Relieved now that I know I can do what I want, and things will stay interesting with renewed confidence. I start asking for my wishes...

"For my first wish, I want anyone and everyone to believe it is acceptable for myself and anyone who is in a relationship with myself to be together. I plan on making a harem of females, and even though it may be acceptable in my society today, where I am going is thousands of years into the past, where this topic was probably unheard of. So it is a must that I can be with whoever I want and can't be judged for it." Taking a few seconds to make sure she understood, and other than a cock of her perfect eyebrow and a subtle nod and smirk she said nothing. Taking that as she accepted with my first wish I continued on with vigor.

"For my second wish I want a Soul Space, similar to Obito from Naruto's Kamui Dimension, Where I can store anything and anyone when I make contact with them/it. But I also want to be able to customize the landscape, I don't want a black void like he has." Seeing a nod from her I continue onto my third and final wish.

"For my third with I want not one but two Zanpakuto, the first will be called Kyūketsuki(Vampire), and its Shikai will grant me the abilities of a vampire from the Underworld Movies, immortality, superhuman physical abilities, enhanced resilience, healing, slight weakness during the day when the sun is out(nothing major, about 50% weaker when in direct sunlight and 25% weaker when the sun is covered by clouds), and of course controlled blood-lust, not unlike Yachiru Unohanas' own, but I have perfect control over it, and when I drink someone's blood, I become even more empowered, the more blood I drink the stronger I get. The released form will be dual Reishi(Spirit Particles) guns that fire high power compact reishi bullets, like Coyote Starrk but condensed to bullet size. My Bankai be called Tsubasa no Aru Kyūketsuki(Winged Vampire) will grant me the abilities previously stated but multiplied tenfold, and instead of guns, I will be granted demonic wings that can shoot out Reishi bullets like Ayato Kirishima from Tokyo Ghoul. In both of these states I can replenish Reiryoku(Spiritual Power) by drinking blood. If I was to ever run out while in released state, I would go on a blood frenzy until I replenished enough, this can be stopped by knocking me unconscious, thus resealing my Zanpakuto. When in its sealed state it should look like a wakizashi with the guard appearing as a mouth with fangs and the handle having a standard weave pattern appearance with the colors of blood red and black. The spirit should look like Marcus from Underworld as well."

"For my second Zanpakuto I wish her to be called Chi Hime(Blood Princess), when released in Shikai she takes the appearance of Murasame from Akame Ga Kill. She will work similarly to Ikkaku Madarame's Bankai in that she will get stronger progressively until she is ready. Every time I cut someone whether it be Hollow, Soul, or Human, She will empower me. Anytime I cut something with Chi Hime the black part of the blade will start turning blood red, from the tip of the blade to the base, the more she awakens the faster I get. When all of the black is converted to red she will be ready for Bankai, then and only then will Buraddokuīn(Blood Queen) awaken. Her ability will make my Reiryoku blood red giving me a blood-like aura, and have the appearance of raining blood anywhere within 500 meters of myself when in reality it is my own Reiatsu(Spiritual Pressure) going into the sky and falling down allowing me to sense anything within the falling area. The Reiatsu after falling seeps into the ground and makes its way through the ground and back to myself dragging any excess Reishi back with it to restore my lost reserves. I will be able to sense anything within this field of blood rain, no matter how strong or weak, nothing escapes my notice within my field of play. Anyone she cuts I will be able to locate without fail(not like picturing where they are, it will be more of like a dog following his nose to where the person is), even in her Shikai state if they were cut with my Bankai I can always track them. She will look like the Sword of Kusanagi from Naruto but with a black hilt and blood red blade. She was build for speed and precision and will always be in her Shikai released state as she likes to always be ready for blood. Her spirit will look like Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist only during Shikai she will be younger, around 14-15 and with Bankai she will be fully mature just without the claws." I finished with a satisfied closed eye smile. Gazing over at [Mel] to gage her reaction over my wishes. She is wearing a passive face, so I can't tell if she approves or disapproves when finally her eyes gain some clarity and she responds...

"*Very well, know that I will be giving you a gift that you will only discover when you cross over. If there is nothing else that you require I am in need of the name you wish to go by within your new world. I have a feeling you will enjoy it very much.*"

After she finishes I sigh in relief knowing all of my wishes will go to my specifications, and she is giving me an unknown gift. I hope it isn't a system that would ruin all my fun, let me make sure it isn't that.

"Excuse me [Mel], please don't give me a system, I find that a system would ruin most of my fun and make me too strong to fast, and if that were to happen I would become bored. Please and Thank You." She nodded as to confirm, but said nothing else, just looking intently at me like she's waiting for something...

Oh yeah my name, lets see here...

I always wanted to change my name when I was alive, but I couldn't risk being ousted as an Otaku. AHH got it, this name will be perfect for the character I am going for.

"My name will be ..... ..."