The Heiress Is Back

The Centur hotel country A

The people who were gathered in the reception hall of the hotel were all members of the rich families of the country and each of them were secretly happy to be invited to attend the engagement ceremony of the Hua Ning with the only son of the Guan family Yuan Guan.

This engagement ceremony was a show of power for both the families as both of them joined hands to help each other survive the vicious industry.

Outside the hotel a breath-taking beauty could be seen walking towards the hotel. Her beauty was not only in her appearance but also in the way that she walked and carried herself, like an empress not giving all the eyes which were focused on her any attention. She was in deep thought as she was here to catch a cheating pair, her best friend and her boyfriend well ex best friend and ex-boyfriend

When she reached the door of the gate she was stopped by two of the doormen who asked for her invitation,

Man 1: Welcome madam can we please see your invitation,

Women: Invitation? Oh my, I seem to have forgot to bring mine but can you guys still let me pass through I have to meet someone who is waiting for me inside.

When the doormen noticed that she did not had an invitation their manner of talking changed and started rebutting her for coming there.

Man 2: Please leave in that case and do not waste your and our time for such trivial things, now that I take a look at your clothes you do not seem to be kind who would be invited for such an event. Why are you here? Did your sugar daddy leave your for another mistress and are you here to beg him to take you back? {Both of them started laughing after saying this}

Women: [WHILE EXAMING HER NAILS] Are both of you done??

Then men look at her and there is suddenly a flash and both of them are knocked out on the floor cold.