Her Real Identity

Shi smiled sweetly and replied,

''You just asked me who I am right? So let me tell you my full name, I am Zhang Mu Shi, the heiress to the house of the Zhang''

There was pin drop silence in the entire hall everyone was shocked so much to even speak. Who here did not knew of the Zhang household? They were not only one of the oldest household in the entire country but were also very strong, it is rumoured that they even have control over some parts of the underworld.

''What? Are you all speechless now that I have disclosed my real identity? Regretting much now?? Ha-ha, gosh all of you are so funny''

Shi exclaimed in a very joyous mood.

Suddenly there was a shout in the hall and an older man in his late forties came forward and yelled,

''You cannot be Xiao Shi, Xiao Shi left us when she was younger in a car accident, do not slander the name of my daughter.''

The person who spoke was Zhang Yimou, the eldest son of the Zhang household.

''Died? More like killed right my dear father? Do not act like I do not know that it was you who had commissioned that hit on me which resulted on mothers death''

Shi exclaimed her face getting red with anger. In her life Shi can stay unmoved and calm at any topic but for her, her mother's death worked like a catalyst in expressing all the emotions that she kept bottled up in her heart.

''What utter nonsense are you speaking!! Guards apprehend this imposter right at this moment''

Yelled Zhang Yimou, felling scared that all his dirty laundry would get exposed at this rate.''

Mohan and Yang who were watching all this when Mohan suddenly asked Yang when he saw that things were getting ugly

'' Yang do you want help the Miss''

'' No let her handle this herself but if you fell that things are getting out of control do not hesitate to help even before asking me''

Yang replied calmly with all his attention on his future wife

'future wife well I quite like his term so now I think I should start working on it to make it true'

Yang curtly thought to himself with a ghost smile on his face.

Meanwhile on Zhang Yimou orders a group of well-trained soldiers were approaching Shi when suddenly there was a loud bang and the main door stood open and a group of over 70 well trained soldiers in uniforms started filling the room and made a safety circle around Shi.

From the back of the group came a regal voice,

'' I would also like to see who dares to touch my granddaughter, Zhang Yi Ding's granddaughter!''

And in his full gory entered the head of the Zhang household, Zhang Yi Ding with his own group of personal bodyguards, walking straight towards Shi to envelop her in a warm hug.