Taking His Inheritance Away

''Am I right Bai?''

Yifeng asked his second in command.

''Of course you are right young master, they should be severely punished for looking down on our young miss''

Replied Bai who was secretly cursing his boss in his heart as he knew that no one can oppose him and live to tell the tale, well except for his close family.

Yifeng was about to say something but was stopped by Shi,

''Enough Yifeng do not make decisions on your own, call grandpa and ask for his opinion on how this should be dealt''

Shi spoke with finality in her voice.

''Even though I know his answer I will humour you sister by calling him''

Replied Yifeng while gesturing for Bai to call their grandpa on the speaker so that everyone could hear their conversation. After the phone had ringed for a few moments, it was picked up and answered by a sleepy voice and aged voice.

'Speak brat why did you call me at this moment, did you forget about the time difference. Where are you at this moment?'

Yifeng who knew that his grandfather was going on another of his long lectures about discipline spoke hurriedly in order to stop him,

''Grandpa right now I am in country A.''

'Country A? Good good I was about to send you there to participate in an auction to buy a gift for your sister, Xiao Shi. Ah that child is truly a blessing for this old man. She surely is better than you who is a waste of my resources and time and... .''

"Yes grandpa I know that I am useless but I did not call you to remind me that. I called you because right now I am in country A in regards to the favour you owed to the Guan family''

'What about that? Hurry up with that useless stuff and buy the gift. I will send you the photo later and also look for something from your side.'

"Grandpa I called you because they want us to repay the favour by hurting your Xiao Shi''

There was complete silence on the other side when Yifeng stopped talking,

''Eh grandpa are you still there?''

Enquired Yifeng and then voices started coming from the other side,

'Butler Ying have you seen my rifle? No wait a second, you know what I will kill them barehanded for even harbouring the thought to hurt my granddaughter. Butler Ying ready the private plane we will at once leave for country A, I have to take immediate care of a growing pest problem in country A.'

''Wait a second grandpa you do not need to come here I will take care of this problem myself. I only called you in regards to the favour you owed. Oh and that sister wanted me to confirm with you first and you do remember that you are not to leave the country right. Just think how angry sister will be if you came here. So just let me deal with this.''

'Boy if you did not take care of this problem properly then I will take your inheritance away. I hope that there is no need to remind you right? And do not forget about the auction, her birthday is just around the corner.'

''Um…about that grandpa actually the phone was on speaker so I think that she heard you''


He roared

'Li Yifeng, I know that you did this knowingly. You had always been jealous by my gifts, you ungratefull brat!! Wastage of resources!!! Wastage of air!'

At this moment Shi tool the phone from Bai and took it off from speaker and started talking to her grandpa while the rest of them were in shock, trying to digest such a huge amount of information.