Yang's Plan

The one thing that Yang was sure of was that after successfully tying Shi next to him with a marriage certificate he would not allow her to leave him. All that he got to do was to make sure that Shi falls in love with him. With these thoughts in his mind Yang decided to carefully review and agree to the conditions which would be favourable to him.

"Alright Shi I shall agree to your first condition that I shall not interfere in your private life and also I promise to also not cheat on you during our marriage.''

"Sure yang. My next condition is that I will stay at your house but we shall not share rooms and that you will also maintain your boundaries.''

'My dear wife if I were to maintain my boundaries then how am I supposed to seduce you?' Yang thought in his mind bit agreed to the proposal after coming up on ways to start skin contact with her.

''Alright Shi, I promise you this as well.''

''Next is that I want our marriage to remain a secret. I do not know about you but I for a change do not like all the extra focus on me.''

''Sorry Shi but I have to disagree on this one. As you see I am very popular among the female population and there are countless women dreaming to be the next Madam Bao. I have to deal with them on a regular basis and there are many of them who also conspire their way on to my bed.''

''So you want me to act as your shield against them?''

"Well actually yes but I guess that since you are not comfortable then how about I introduce you as my girlfriend to the public and also to my family?''

''You want to lie to your family? Why?''

''All families have their own problems Shi, mine does as well. But do not worry once I clean up the issue on my side I will properly introduce you to my grandparents.''

''Alright I guess''

"So are there any other demand left or have we covered everything?''

''That is pretty much everything from my side. Do you not have any demand? Oh, wait a second I forgot to mention that no one can know about my relationship to grandpa and Yifeng.''

''Sure about that and no I have no conditions or demands, except one.''

''What is it?''

''My condition is for you to become friends with me.''

At hearing this Shi let out a hearty chuckle which warmed up Yang's heart.

''Alright Yang, I shall treat you as my friend. Now that we are over with this can we enjoy the food that you have ordered for us?''

"Sure and after that let us directly head to the registration office.''

When Shi did not refute Yang's suggestion Yang smiled happily in his heart that he was at least able to make Shi agree to treat him as her friend. Yang once again went over his plan in his heart,

Step1: Make Shi agree to be his friend.

Step2: Start skin contact slowly and once she is okay with it make her his girlfriend.

Step3: Propose to Shi and make her his wedded wife not only on the certificate but also in their hearts.

Step4: Grow old with Shi by his side after producing a bunch of kids.