New Home

As the car pulled into the area of the villa and stopped, yang got out of the car to assist Shi as she got down, all this while Yang was watching Shi in the car and could tell that she was feeling nervous but the reason for it was still unknown. Yang walked towards Shi's side and opened the door for her.

All the servants who had lined up to welcome back their master were in shock at the fact that their master who was known to hate having contact with women actually brought one home. They all watched in surprise as a petite women got out of the car with the help of their master, it would be an understatement of the century to say that the woman was pretty.

She was not.

She was more than that. She was exceptional. The male help of the house were so stunned by her beauty that they even forget to wish their master while the reaction of the female help was mixed, the older ones were happy for their master as they believed that their master deserved the happiness,

While the younger ones were resentful as all of them saw themselves as Cinderella and Yang as their Prince Charming who would help them to rise up from their poor lifestyles. In them were also the ones who thought of Shi as a gold digger and were thinking on how their master with an exceptionally high IQ, fell into her plans.

Yang had to clear his throat a number of times to catch the attention of his staff. When all of them realised that they had ignored their master, they all bowed their head down in shame.

Yang watched helplessly as he saw some of his male helpers blushing while stealing a look at his wife, he then turned towards his wife who was busy at appreciating the interior of the house.

He pulled Shi with him and led her towards one of the guest room closest to his room while he ordered his trusted butler to ready the room opposite to his room for Shi as she would be staying with him now.

Yang left without turning back to look at the face of his staff, with eyes wide open and their jaws hanging, they stared at the couple as they went on their way.

Yang brought Shi to the guest room and told her,

''Shi for now you should rest here while they prepare your room, there should be some unused bathrobes in the washroom so if you want you can also take a bath. I will come to call you for dinner alright.''

Shi just nodded her head as she was still tired from the jet lag. Without seeing Yang out of the room she just walked towards the bathroom to take her shower and to sleep.

Yang watched in amusement as he walked out of the room while thinking how cute Shi looked with her eyes closed as she just nodded with her eyes closed like a lazy cat.

He looked forward to seeing more of her cute actions which stirred his heart strings.