Her first friend

Shi who was still in the bathroom looked at her reflection one last time before she put up her fake smile and got out of the bathroom only to be surprised on finding Yang sitting on her bed lost in thought. As she neared Yang got out of his stupor by her light footsteps. He looked up to face her with a look of care in his eyes.

Shi was surprised to see the emotion she had long associated with only those who genuinely care about her wellbeing in his deep black eyes but she immediately thought that she must have been mistaken for she had long closed her heart to others.

Yang who was looking at Shi attentively was happy to see that she looked okay now. He slowly patted the space next to him and gestured for Shi to sit next to him. Shi looked at him and walked slowly towards him. She could not explain the reason why she oddly felt comfortable next to him, even with this feeling she decided to not trust him completely for as her own father had conspired against him so she had next to no hope for a person she had recently met to do the same.

Shi approached Yang and sat with a gap between them, for a brief moment both of them silent, the only sound that could be heard was of the wind moving between the leaves, creating a rustling yet a soothing sound.

Yang who was sitting silently was deliberating whether he should impose on Shi and ask her about her nightmare but on the same time he thought that it was not good for him to make Shi remember it. Shi on the other hand was busy analysing the reason why she felt comfortable next to him, she had never felt anything like this except when she was with her new family.

Finally it was Yang who spoke first,

''Shi would you tell me about your nightmare?''

Shi looked at Yang before turning her face back towards the wall in front of her as she replied,

"Please do not ask me Yang the past I am so painfully trying to forget. I do not wish to remember all the pain and backstabbing I have suffered.''

"It is alright if you wish not to tell me but will you ever tell me about it Shi as your friend huh?''

Shi faintly nodded her head at his question and was once again silent. Both of them sat in silence, each busy in his or her thoughts when suddenly a growl came from Shi's stomach which caused the lady in focus to turn a shad of pink. Yang very difficultly suppressed his laughter which was threatening to break out as he stood up and asked her,

''My my Shi looks like someone is hungry, why don't we head down now for a late dinner and feed that empty stomach of yours''

Shi looked at him while peeking from her fingers as she had covered her face in embarrassment as she stood up and gave Yang a pointy look as if daring him to make fun of her again.

Yang stifled a laugh as he followed her and then suddenly exclaimed,

''Shi I nearly forgot that you have a guest downstairs''

''A guest and me? Who could it be?''

''Maybe one of your friends''

''No not possible, I do not have any friend''

''No friend! But how is that possible?''

''Ha-ha believe it or not you are my first friend in this country''

''How is that possible? How about your childhood.....''

''I died in my childhood when I was six, did you forget''

"I am sorry Shi''

''Do not be Yang, it was not your fault. Now who is the guest? Can I get any hints''

''Sorry Shi no hints for you. You have to cover your eyes if you want to go downstairs.''

Shi and Yang continued to chatter just like this without knowing that the poor Ms Wang had heated the food for the time which she herself has forgot.