You Have Fallen In Love My Dear Friend

Yang has just arrived at his home after having a talk with Elder Zhang.

To be told truthfully, Yang still has not made up his mind about marrying Shi and that is why he was unable to give an answer to him and simply asked for time to consider this.

Sure he would readily admit that he was attracted towards Shi, but was that enough attraction for him to marry her? This was the question that was bugging him. Was he ready to spend his entire life with her with the amount of attraction he held?

After passing through the living room of his house he directly walked towards the bar near the swimming room. He sat there after taking out a bottle of whisky and looked at the image of the full moon being reflected by the surface of the pool.

The whole scene was quite peaceful but his thoughts were an exact opposite.

There was chaos in his mind and in his heart.

And there was only one question in his mind, to marry Shi or not to marry her?

Can he really love Shi for a lifetime? Is she really his love of this life? Can he really stay faithful to her all the time? What if he met someone else later on and fall in love with that woman then?

His inner disorder was evident on his face also and was seen by Mohan who had followed Yang knowing that his friend was in a predicament. But still, he was not prepared to see his friend who he suspects to have face paralysis showing so much emotion for the first time.

He slowly walked towards Yang and sat on the seat beside him and took an opened bottle of whisky and after taking a sip again looked at Yang hoping that he would once again go back to having face paralysis, because a Yang showing so much emotion was a bit too much scary for him.

He prayed to God to return him his old Yang back. But being the good friend that he believed himself to be, he first thought for a moment and them spoke quietly as to not to disturb the excessively focused Yang.

"Yang what is bothering you? This is the first time that I have seen you like this. Talk to me who knows that may be I would be able to help you."

When he noticed that Yang was not giving him any response he again pushed him a bit.

"Come on Yang tell me, seriously. I have some experience of being in a relationship and I think that I would be able to give you at least some genuine advice."

That little push was all that Yang needed as he seemed to have heard his words and gave him a side look before telling him about his worries.

"I do not know what to do Mohan. I agree that I am attracted towards Shi, who would not be considering her personality and all but is that enough for me to marry her? What if my feelings change in the future? Am I supposed to leave her at that time? You also saw the way she behaved right, it is clear that she is affected by her past and does not open to people much. Even when talking to her own grandfather she just addressed him simply as grandfather only and there was no sense of familial love between them. What if I am able to open her heart towards me and then leave her alone after that, would she not be destroyed by it?"

Mohan just looked at his friend and then what followed was complete silence as both of them were lost on their own thoughts.

Finally it was Mohan who was able to gather his thoughts first and then looked towards Yang as he spoke seriously.

"Yang I get what is bothering you alright, believe me I do. So let's start facing each of you doubt one by one alright. Firstly, you are afraid that your feelings for Shi will never change from like to love, right?"

Yang nodded his head readily when he heard his friend.

Mohan took a moment before answering as to not to demoralise his friend.

"From what I see Yang, you liking her is already better than you getting married or engaged to a person you have zero feelings for. Cause there is a chance for the like to convert into love in the future if you do not love her already. And may I remind you of the best case of this.

Your parents, they at first had an arranged marriage and now look at them, they look like high school sweethearts with all their lovey dovey scenes making us younger generations blush."

Yang heard his friend and found that he does make sense which helped him ease a bit.

When Mohan saw that his talks were affecting Yang he decided to continue talking as to get his hopes and mood up.

"Yang I personally think that you should take this gamble. Who knows whether your feelings may change but do you wanna know what I personally think?"

Yang nodded at Mohan because he noticed that his usually playful friend actually had the talent to give helpful advices.

When Mohan saw Yang nodding he tried to suppress his smile which was threatening to break free as he said.

"I personally believe that Yang my friend you have indeed fallen in love with sister in law or should I say future sister in law just from the fact that you are sitting here listening to my advices. You may choose not to believe me and I am fine with that because it is the first time that the feelings of love have visited your cold Antarctic heart, but from my perspective, my friend you have fallen and you have fallen deep. So just take the gamble and call Elder Zhang before he finds himself another potential grandson in law.

After he finished speaking Mohan simply left because he knew that his friend needed time to digest all the stuff he was just told.