The Right Person

As Shi neared her destination, she saw a coffee shop near where she had decided to meet her contact. Walking inside the small shop she started to search for a familiar face.

And she found her, sitting near the window seat and smiling while looking at her was one of the persons she trusted except her brothers,

Her friend Xinghe.

Shi walked towards her and slipped into the seat opposite to her and she looked at the lady in front of her and smiled.

Xinghe was wearing a cream colored short sleeve less top and had paired it with a knee high dark blue skirt with a lot of pleats which had beautiful white flowers printed on it. Her long and silky blonde hair were left open with short waves in them as they surrounded her small heart shaped face.

The two of them were dressed so elegantly and beautifully that by now most of the attention was on them. While the boys fantasize about them, the girls were looking at them with envy as the attention of their partners were stolen from them.

When Xinghe saw Shi sitting in front of her smile grew wider as she asked her,

''So how are you doing Shi, it is good to see you again after such a long time."

As the people in the cafe saw that breath-taking smile it was as if their hearts had skipped a beat and now all the attention was on her, wishing for the beauty to smile once again so that they could capture it forever in their hearts.

Shi who noticed what was happening glared at her as she told her,

"Stop it Xinghe, quit smiling like that. You are creeping me out, do you wish to meet some boy here, look at all the attention which is on you."

Xinghe's smile got wider as she heard her friend who was oblivious to the fact that almost half of the attention was on her too as a matter of fact.

Just when Xinghe was about to once again speak she was interrupted by a low cough, turning her head in the direction of the sound she saw a waiter who was looking at them shyly. He once again coughed before asking them,

"Good morning dear guests, welcome to our cafe, May I take our order."

Shi spoke first, ordering for herself an iced lemon tea while Xinghe ordered a Choco latte for herself.

When the waiter left Shi looked at his retreating back before turning towards Xinghe and asked her,

"Hey, was this cafe not the one with self-help, the one where we are supposed to order at the counter and then go there to pick up our orders?"

When Xinghe heard her she gave a confused face before realizing what happened and started to laugh. Shi who was looking at her was not able to understood what happened and once again asked her,

"Tell me what happened Xinghe"

Xinghe just smiled at her naive friend who was oblivious to her charms and decided to avoid telling her about it.

"It is alright, nothing happened."

Shi who was not happy with the answer decided to be the bigger person and let go of the topic before asking her,

"So why am I meeting you here today and why did you tell first brother that you wanted to meet me for work related stuff?"

When Xinghe heard her she was instantly reminded of the reason behind this meeting, she looked at Shi and asked her naughtily,

"So now that I have a brother-in-law I am not allowed to look for you anymore?

When Shi heard about Yang she was again conflicted as she remembered the events from the morning.

Xinghe had been with Shi for a long time and as such she was able to figure out that something was wrong, she saw Shi being conflicted and asked her,

"What happened Shi, what is wrong?"

"I do not know what is wrong."

Hearing her reply Xinghe knew that she was lying but choose not to expose her and to get her to answer in a rather roundabout way,

"How is your relationship with him Shi?"

Shi gave it a thought before replying in just a word,


She had always known that Shi suffers from a childhood trauma but she also knew that Shi has to face it and overcome it if she wishes to live and not just survive.

"Shi I will just ask you a question and I want you to think carefully before answering it alright.

What type of relationship do you want?"

At this question Shi gave an instantaneous reply,

"I do not want a perfect relationship because perfect is impossible.

I want trustworthy, honest, loyal and love.

I love imperfections.

I don't want perfect.

I want worth it."

Xinghe smiled while looking at her friend and told her,

"Shi love is not finding someone to live with. It's finding someone you can't live without."

Shi heard her and spoke after giving it a thought,

"I do not know if I could ever generate feelings for him and even if I do how am I supposed to know he is the one I was fated to meet?"

Xinghe smiled at her friend, she had always known that respective of the fact that Shi is afraid to fall in love, she hopes to find her partner, the one who would be with her for a long time.

"Shi find someone who isn't afraid to admit that they miss you.

Someone who knows that you are not perfect but treats you as if you are.

Someone who's biggest fear is losing you.

One who gives their heart completely.

Someone who says 'I love you' and means it.

Last but not least, find someone who wouldn't mind wakeing up with you in the morning, seeing you in wrinkles and your grey hair but still falls for you all over again.

But Shi this is a matter of heart and you cannot make haste in it alright.

Wait for the right person,

The person who pursues you.

The one who will make an ordinary moment feel magical, the kind of person who brings out the best in you and makes you want to be a better person.

The only person who will drop everything to be with you at any time no matter the circumstances, for the person who makes you smile like no one else ever has. Wait for the person who wants to show you off to the world because they are so proud of you.

And most of all, wait for the person who will make you a priority, because that's where you belong. "

Shi was staring at her coffee all the while that Xinghe was speaking, after listening to her and noticing that she has stopped, Shi turned her head towards to look at the street which were slightly getting wet due to the light shower, as she watched people running towards shelters she asked Xinghe without turning her head.

"What if that kind of person does not exist? What if I meet someone like that and then he loses interest in me? Will I be left alone like my mama?"

Xinghe was able to hear the doubt in her voice and told her in a soothing voice,

"The right person will come along and you won't need to do anything to keep them interested for the simple fact that you will be enough."