Meeting First Brother (2)

Shi tried to look around everywhere except the face of her brother as she knew the second he saw the turmoil in her eyes he would immediately catch that something was not right with her.

But how would she be able to answer him when she herself had no idea as to what was wrong with her.

Yichen noticed that she was looking everywhere except and it did not take him long to know that something was wrong with his sister. He asked Shi to face him in a gentle voice,

"Meimei look at me tell me what is wrong you know that you can tell me everything right? So tell me, is it that Yang that did something to you? should I have a talk with him"

When Shi heard his brother she had no idea what took over her body as she hurriedly explained to him

''No brother no it's not Yang. He has done nothing to me.''

Yichen noticed his sister's abnormal behaviour concerning that husband of hers and asked her seriously.

''Answer me truthfully Shi did he do anything to you or did her say anything to you that should not have been said?"

Shi also noticed her abnormal behaviour and tries to make her voice sound back to normal because she knew that if her brother got even a tiny bit of suspicious about Yang them things would get messy.

she was and is always protected by a group of hormonal men who are ready to send bodies flying if even a strand of hair is lost from her body.

And no she is not talking about her bodyguards, well maybe them too but specifically her grandpa, her first brother, her second Brother, her third brother and Yifeng.

"Then what happened meimei you can tell me everything alright"

Yichen tried to coax his sister despite knowing that if she decides something then no one can change her mind from it.

Shi looked at him with dismay in her eyes, she got dismayed not because she thought that Yang would get hurt but because just the idea of Yang getting hurt did not sit right with her.

The idea of him getting in harms way or the mere imagination of him getting hurt makes her feel as if someone is sticking a knife in her heart.

It was at this moment that she realized the depth of her feelings for Yang, how deep they ran and how deeply she had fallen for him.

The realization brought her not a sense of joy but a sense of wariness, the mere idea of her feelings being dependent on another person was and is not something she would like to happen to herself especially considering business she is in.

Yichen noticed that her emotions were all over the place and no one knew better than him about how much of an idiot his little sister was every time it came to anything relatively close to emotions and seeing the way she reacted to that.