Chapter 63

The entire staff at Bao international corporate felt that the end of the world was just a step away,

The reason?

Their boss, Bao Yang or better known as the devil of the business world was smiling first thing in the morning.

Yes smiling and by smiling they did not mean the usual spine chilling curve of his lips that he gives just before destroying a person,

But a soft smile which only amplified his drool-worthy features. He looked so sexy that the female workers were ready to swear on everything in which they believed that they saw flowers bloom in the background.

While assistant Chang saw all this he could only sigh thinking that this day perhaps would be the most counterproductive day in the history of the business and all this only made his hatred towards the girl who was hogging the place of his lady boss grew.

Meanwhile upstairs sitting in his office, Yang for the first time in his life felt no wish to work his butt off. The reason, His beloveds face kept on appearing in his mind and then the scene of what happened yesterday night kept on playing in his mind as if on repeat.

Yesterday, after telling Shi his feelings he stopped speaking as he concentrated on his wife's face as it went pink from happiness.

Seeing her beautiful face flushing pink he felt a pinch in his heart as something within him told him to kiss her and being a man of his words he exactly did that, bending downwards he pressed his cold lips against her hot forehead and then laughed in amusement as he saw her freeze.

Wishing to tease her more her nudged her with his arms as he forced her to give him an answer,

"Say something my dear little kitten, are you not going to give me a reply? I know that I told you that I will propose to you till the day you say yes but for that my dear you have to give me an answer you know. So what's it gonna be is it a yes or is it another confession...huh?

Yang asked her as he held her close to his heart with her ear right next to his heart so that she could feel how fast his heart was also beating, he decided to call her his kitty because that is what she exactly is, a little cat who keeps clawing on his heart by her cute little antics.

At that moment Shi realized that she was being bullied and so without another thought, she pushed him out of the room and closed the door on his face, nearly breaking his nose for the second time in a single night.

Standing in front of the door, Yang had a helpless smile on his face as he realized that perhaps he had taken his teasing a little bit too far, but did he feel sorry for it?

Nope, because if given the chance he would do it all again just to see her flush pink. Thinking that he had tormented his little kitten enough for a single day, he began to move towards his bedroom when he abruptly stopped as he heard her voice from the other side,

"Goodnight Yang!''

Smiling softly Yang retorted back,

"That is not the answer I was looking for sweetheart! You just wait, I will certainly give you a confession tomorrow too.''

Saying this Yang headed back to his room only to be lying awake from happiness the entire night.