Chapter 69

She did not wish to show him how imperfect and broken she was, fearing that perhaps if he knew the truth, he would have a change of heart and will decide to leave her in order a find another lady.

A lady who was whole, who was not broken from the inside.

Sighing Yang once again asked her,

"Please Shi can you not tell me what happened? Am I not even that much reliable?''

The moment Shi heard the self-blame in his voice, she anxiously looked at him, and sure enough, she saw sadness in his deep dark eyes.

Talking his face in her palms, she looked right into his eyes as she told her with conviction.

"It is not you Yang, It is me. You have done nothing wrong.''

Yang too looked right into her eyes as he placed his palms over hers as he asked,

"Then tell me."

Taking a deep breath, she told him.

"It is me, Yang. I am the one who is broken.''

When Yang heard the seriousness in her voice, he got shocked as he asked.

"What do you mean by that Shi?"

Shi, who had reached her limit of being honest, just shook her head as she gestured him not to ask any more.

Looking downward, on the floor. She could feel her eyes getting blurred as she thought about all the things which could go wrong in her relationship with Yang.

Yang was busy looking at her face as he tried to think about which of his servant spewed nonsense in front of her and whom should he fire tomorrow.

When he saw the tiniest bit of tears in her eyes, he moved forward as he sat on the edge of the bed and brought Shi into his embrace.

Patting her platinum hair slowly, he started to speak in a soft voice.

"Shi you are not broken, you never were. You are one of the bravest and honest women I have ever met in my life.

What you went through as a child was surely very traumatizing for you, but the you who is still able to trust people and let them into your heart can never be broken.

It takes immense courage to give someone so much power that they can control your emotions, be it family only, and you have that courage Shi.

I believe it to be perfectly normal, that you have formed a wall around your heart for you are afraid of letting in more people who would become so important to you that you fear losing them.

You were always so afraid of losing people that it took you a long time to understand that you are somebody who can be lost too.

The walls around your heart were so high that only the crazy would climb them to be with you, and here I am.

To tell you the truth, I don't have much to offer.

But I will still give you everything I have got even if it's barely a thing at all, I will give you late nights, long hugs, sweet messages, someone to talk to, someone to care for, someone who will always be here for you.

A hand to hold, somebody to lean on. Just know you have all of me.

I hope that's enough.''

Hearing Yang say all this, the tears from Shi's eyes started coming out more rapidly as if a dam had broken.

Yang, who could very well feel her tears wetting the front of his shirt, still continued to hold her in his lap with a hand, while the other one kept on patting her hair.

After a while, when he felt that she was calming down, he once again continued.

"Tell me your story Shi, tell me about you. Start from the beginning. Start from where you felt unloved. Tell me all things that you are afraid to admit. Tell me what is it you want most in this world.

I want to know what makes you happy,

I want to make you happy.

I never want to see your tears Shi, for me, they are the most painful thing in this world.''