An Unbelievable Reunion

What happened last time:

Tsunade has a grim expression. "Take off that mask or I will make more of your body hurt."

Ishizu sighted defeated: "Calm down. Don't hurt me. I can explain."


Unfortunately, Ishizu had no time when a fist collided with his mask.

"Damm you old hag. You hit like a monster," whined Ishizu, rubbing his face. Tsunade, seeing the face of the same boy she healed many years ago, had many expressions. Mostly consisting of rage.

Ishizu sighed, seeing Tsunades expression: "Yes yes, calm down. I can explain." Jiraiya was looking between the two: "What the hell what have you done to make Tsunade mad?"

Ishizu smiled not taking his eyes from Tsunade, fearing for his life. "Oh, I made a bet with her. She fulfilled her part, but I left before I could fulfill mine."

"You better have a good reason I shouldn't hurt you," said Tsunade as she cracked her knuckles. Ishizu shook his hands. "I gave you a note saying that I had to finish my mission and that I won't forget what you have done." Tsunade lowered her hands and smiled. "And now is the time for it. I will think of a punishment later."

Jiraiya still couldn't comprehend what was going on. Ishizu looked at Jiraiya: "As of now I am her slave for the next two months." Jiraiya spilled his drink as he looked at Tsunade. Tsunade got red: "You idiot I didn't mean it like that."

The talk went on as in canon and Tsunade made a bet with Naruto. If he could master his new Jutsu, she would be the new Hokage. During those days when Tsunade did not order for Ishizu to pay the loan sharks, he used the time to train under the pandas.

He started to learn his new fighting styles. Ishizu finally got to meet the panda boss. To his surprise, it was not the giant panda names Gon whom Ishizu once saw in *DD* and played a bit of Rock, Paper, Scissors, but the very first panda he summoned Master Tau.

This time was used for what Ishizu started during the Chunin Exam. It was studying, no training, panda senjutsu. When one week passed, Ishizu decided to use the new soul he has gained from Orochimaru. He sneaked into the room of Jiraiya and Tsunade as he saw her slipping a drug into his drink.

As Jiraiya drank it, he passed out of the drug. Just as Tsunade wanted to leave, Ishizu came out of his hiding spot.

Ishizu POV

I clapped as I made myself shown to Tsunade. "You are really a tricky one, Tsunade-sama." She looked at me with a shocked expression as she didn't expect me to show up.

Her face changed as she smirked. "You still are my slave, so don't you dare stop me."

I shook my head: "True. I am not able to do anything but I won't be me who will convince you."

"And who will it be, the blonde?" asked Tsunade, stopping.

"I only need 4 hand seals," I said.

"Summoning Jutsu: Edo Tensei."

Two coffins came out of the ground. Tsunade stepped back. I smiled as I opened my arms like a madman: "I believe Orochimaru wanted to bribe you by giving you back your loved ones. Maybe I can't do it with those two, but I can do it with somebody you know better than anyone."

General POV

As the two coffins opened, they revealed the first Hokage, Hashirama Senju, and his wife, Mito Uzumaki. Their coffins were placed so they couldn't see Tsunade so when Mito saw Ishizu she gave him a smile: "Sasaki-kun, tell me, why have you summoned us again? If it is for something stupid, I will show you what pain is."

"Mito-chan, be friendly. Maybe he has a reason for it" said Hashirama, trying to calm his wife. Tsunade was shocked as she heard voices which she only heard when she was young.

"Well, turn around and see the reason," answered Ishizu. Both turned around and as they saw Tsunade standing, they stopped moving.

After a while of silence, Mito was the first to run and hug Tsunade. "How I have missed you my little Tsuna-chan. You have grown so much."

Tsunade said nothing for a while but then broke out in tears as she hugged her grandmother.

Hashirama stood next to Ishizu. "I don't believe you summoned us only to see our grandchild."

Ishizu shook his head: "No, the reason was that right now she needs somebody who can hold her in her arms. She lost so much. Her lover, her brother... you. I also indirectly killed her Sensei. I wanted her to show that people still loved her. Once a strong Kunoichi and the best medic and now a woman who has hemophobia. I summoned you here to help her."

Mito and Tsunade parted away and Ishizu could see a smile in Tsunade's face she didn't show before.

Tsunade turned to Ishizu: "I can't thank you enough for doing something like that but the question remains why did you do it."

Ishizu smiled. "I bet Orochimaru told you he will give you your loved one's back but did you not think he could use such things against you? I summoned those two to help you with your problems. It looks like I manipulate you with them but they are not under any control. I will let you alone with them so you can have a nice conversation."

With that Ishizu left the three to talk.

Tsunade POV

I didn't know what to say as Ishizu left me alone. I had a burning sensation in my heart as my grandmother hugged me. I couldn't try to control my emotions and let them all out. I told myself to never cry again after Nawaki's death but seeing my grandparents I just couldn't.

I told Mito how my life was a living hell when I lost my lover and my younger brother. Mito said nothing and just hugged me tighter. It helped, and I started to calm down.

When I could talk, I started to tell them how my life was. I sounded like a small girl trying to impress my grandparents. At one point Mito hit Hashirama when I told her that I gamble and drink.

I knew that I got it from him but Mito wasn't happy about it. I told them what I had planned to do to Orochimaru, and it stunned me as they told me that they would love me no matter what. I was a grown-up woman and I could decide for myself.

Ishizu walked in and asked what my decision was. "Come, we go to Orochimaru."

Ishizu just nodded and put his mask on and de-summoned my grandparents. "Aren't you going to prevent me from going?" I asked curious about his decision.

I could feel that he smiled under his mask: "It is your decision and I am still your slave so I can't disobey you." I smiled. Before we went to Orochimaru, we looked to see Naruto. He was asleep, and I was sad that he couldn't do it.

"Oh, Tsunade, don't jump to conclusions. He finished it. I saw it with my own eyes when you talked. Don't underestimate the son of Kushina," said Ishizu behind me.

General POV

Ishizu and Tsunade left for Orochimaru. Ishizu was under a mask as they approached the snake. Orochimaru was smiling but as he saw Ishizu he frowned.

"Tsunade, I thought you would come alone. Who is he?" Tsunade looked at him annoyed. "He lost a bet a long time ago and is my slave, he won't bother us. He has a Jutsu preventing him from speaking. Now enough about him. You want me to heal your hands, don't you?"

Orochimaru looked at Ishizu but then turned to Tsunade and smiled. "Yes, we had a deal. I will bring back your loved one and you will heal me." As Tsunade was about to touch Orochimaru, a kunai interrupted the process.

It was Kabuto. He saw the killing intent radiating from Tsunade and prevented more damage to his master.

"Kabuto, what are you doing?" hissed Orochimaru, furious as he was denied healing from his subordinate.

Kabuto bowed: "I am sorry but Tsunade didn't want to heal you. I felt the killing intent from her Jutsu."

Orochimaru looked at Tsunade angry: "So you betrayed me, Tsunade?"

Ishizu stepped forward: "She never betrayed you, pedomaru, as she would not help you in the first place you pedo snake." Orochimaru smiled: "Then I will just kill you both."

Kabuto moves to the front. "Be careful Orochimaru-sama. The person with the mask is Ishizu Sasaki." Orochimaru laughed. "I couldn't be more happier. Now I can kill him for helping the old man in sealing my hands. Let's see if you all will survive."

Both Ishizu and Tsunade chased after Orochimaru and Kabuto as both went to an open area. Tsunade attacked Kabuto while Ishizu moved for Orochimaru.

"Last time you were at full power Orochimaru but now with no hands let's how hard it will be for you to take me on," said Ishizu attacking Orochimaru who used his Kusanagi sword to defend.

Ishizu POV

Annoying. That's what it was. Orochimaru still had connections with Akatsuki through Kabuto and Sasori so I couldn't activate my Rinnegan. Not only that but even without his arms, this snake was so agile that I could only hit him a few times.

Strength was not everything a Shinobi had. Orochimaru was a smart Shinobi and I had to be very careful not to make a mistake.

"Tsunade!" Shizune screamed. It seems Naruto, and the others arrived. I peeked for a second and saw that Kabuto used Tsunade's weakness, Hemophobia. Orochimaru used my carelessness and kicked me away.

Instead of fighting Naruto, Kabuto jumped to Orochimaru. 'That's different from the anime,' I thought. Something was not right and I had a tingling sensation in the back of my head, signaling me to be ready for a hard fight.

"I presumed you would somehow appear here Sasaki-kun, so I made something just for you. Consider it a present. I don't want you to interfere in this fight anymore," said Orochimaru.

Kabuto used Orochimaru blood to perform hand signs.

My eyes widened. 'Damm, Kabuto is using this jutsu.' 4 hand signs and a coffin came out of the earth.

"Jiraiya, Naruto, no matter what is inside the coffin, I will protect you from it. Naruto help Shizune defend Tsunade from Kabuto. She needs to calm down from her shock. Jiraiya, you take on Orochimaru," I commanded.

Orochimaru laughed: "Ku Ku Ku, I think it will be quite a hard time to fight her. She was someone you knew pretty well Sasaki-san."

As the coffin opened, I saw red hair. It shocked me to see here reanimated. The horror was alive.

"No. It can't be," I muttered.

Out of the coffin came Kushina Uzumaki. Mother of Naruto Uzumaki and wife of the 4th Hokage.

"Where am I and why can't I move?" asked Kushina, waking up from her slumber. "Go, attack him Kushina-chan," commanded Orochimaru.

Kushina moved with incredible speed towards me: "I am sorry Shinobi-san but I hope you can survive."

Nobody knew that I was ready for this as I couldn't stop myself from grinning.

General a POV

Naruto had tears in his eyes as he saw his mother. Jiraiya was furious to see his former friend using his student's wife as a weapon against them.

Shizune fought against Kabuto while Tsunade looked down in fear of the blood.

Only one of them was smiling. It was Ishizu, himself, although not seen under the mask. "Hahaha, finally I can make one of my dreams come true!" Ishizu laughed like crazy.

Kushina wondered what was wrong with him. "You do not understand how long I have waited to fight and defeat you, you RED HAIRED ONI FROM HELL!" screamed Ishizu from the top of his lungs.

The last words stopped the movement of Kushina even when she was controlled. Even Orochimaru looked at Ishizu, wondering what his problem was. It dumbfounded Naruto as he saw his Sensei insulting his mother. Jiraiya could only shack his head as he knew the reason for it. Tsunade also came out of her shock.

The most important reaction was that of Kuchina herself. "This name… Ah, so it is you, right?" The former Jinchūriki has a smile that quickly changed.

Her hair began to define gravity, and it appeared like 9 tails. "How dare you say something like that to me, Ishizu!" With unbelievable speed, Kushina ran at Ishizu and before the latter could block, a fist was implanted into the mask, shattering it, again.

Sometimes Ishizu wondered why women hit him in the face.

Ishizu flew a few meters and landed on his feet, before shaking his head. This was the second mask a woman destroyed it. They were not cheap.

Kushina strolled to him, having a smile which one could see only on a devil: "Now, Ishizu-chan, please greet me like I always told you."

Ishizu spits out some blood from his mouth as he grinned at her.

"It is good to see you again…....… okaa-san."