Her mouth went dry at the thought as she held herself, her fingernails digging into her skin. Her dreams might as well have been borne from the deepest parts of fiery hell.

They were pure sin. Dreams that featured thick veiny cocks dripping with precum and dark, lustful eyes. Dreams that featured metal chains on her wrists and dozens of sex toys. Dreams with threesomes and foursomes, and gang bangs even. The members' faces were alternating in each immoral fantasy.

She had woken to a deep ache between her legs that burned in her lower belly with her need. Her cream dripping from the apex of her thighs and soaking her sheets in her arousal.

It was a mental problem, one that probably required a psychiatrist to fix, and many, many counselling sessions. A problem that she was hoping to fix with a one night stand. And clearly, that wasn't working.

"It's not right. My brain should not be doing this," Amber said softly. "I shouldn't be thinking of those things!"

"Stop beating yourself over it." Miri soothed. "It might just be your hormones working into overdrive in preparation for your birthday. I was horny as fuck before I met my Deok-Su remember? It's just that soul yearning crap."

Soul Yearning: Characterised by a strong level of sexual attraction, it is the need to be close to one's soulmate.

"I hope it is. I really do."

"I'm sure it'll pass," Miri said. "Unless, one of the IDOL members is your soulmate, which then explains the attraction."

Amber laughed at that point, a high bark that should come naturally but didn't reach her eyes. It felt a little forced in fact, her body stiffening at Miri's words. She coughed, clearing her throat to speak when she did not hear the responding giggles that should have come from Miri.

"You must be joking."

There was a pause before her best friend spoke. "If I'm right you owe me a Starbucks Vanilla Frappuccino."

"Please Miri."

She could not be serious, right?

"A Starbucks Vanilla Frappuccino and a Caramel Macchiato. Venti for both."

Amber shut up at that, contemplating over her best friend's words. She groaned as a flicker of something that she could only call hope and stupidity sparked in her chest. No, no. No fantasies. She rubbed her face as she desperately tried to knock out the idea from her head.

There was no way in hell an IDOL member was her soulmate.

The general understanding was that one's soulmate could be found in one's environment. Science engineers found love in science industries. Teachers paired up with teachers. Chefs with servers. Classmates with classmates. Neighbours with neighbours.

Her parents were colleagues.

Her mother was a translator who had met her father, a soul bond researcher, as co-workers in the same company. Both were fooled by fate as one of the unlucky few whose soul bonds were undetectable or difficult to identify.

Soul beam: In which the more time one would spend with the love of their life, the brighter their skin would glow.

Her mom described it as fireflies that glimmered softly in the dark or the glow of stars in the night sky. Her dad would launch into a full science lecture. Something about the collision of particles around the air that would create energy.

It had been difficult for her parents to find each other. Simply because they usually met one another in a bright office setting. Suffice to say, it took quite a while for both of them to realise that they were soulmates.

The solution involved a faulty lock on a cleaning closet and a clumsy pair of feet. That made for a pretty cute 'How-I-met-my-soulmate' story. Both had been delighted at finding someone at their workplace.

Fate was kind in that sense, kind to soulmates and their search for one another.

Amber laid back onto the mattress, turning on the loudspeaker on her phone to drop it beside her as she propped her head up with her hands.

Even so, long-distance romance was not unheard of. There had been instances of tourists meeting the love of their lives on a trip. People finding their soulmate on social media, streaming sites, TV dramas even in the movie theatre.

The thought sent another jolt of consideration through her mind. Maybe Miri was right…That would definitely explain the weird, strangely vivid sex dreams. Amber shook her head. No, no. No.

Amber was a normal girl in an average art college with average intelligence. Her grades were pushed up by hard work and sleepless nights, making her marks a tad higher than the average student. Her passion was in the arts that was for sure.

But not the performing arts. Let alone the music industry.

Amber hated attention, hated being put on the spot. She combusted easily in front of a crowd, her cheeks burning so red a thermometer to her head would read at 38.5 degrees Celsius. She was incapable of becoming a public speaker, let alone a singer or an idol.

This meant that the chances of any of the IDOL members being her soulmate was so close to zero one would have to peer through a microscope to see the space between her fingers.

There was no way they would ever meet. Amber nodded to herself a little bitterly. They were from different worlds, separated not only by space but by money. They were like two different alien species. Amber sighed, tapping on her phone and clicking on the application, which revealed the double digits that determined her current net worth.

Amber could not even afford the cheapest seat to their concert. Her savings were washed away by the art materials she needed for school...dumb shit like resin, polymer clay and the occasional fake grass.

There was simply no way that she would ever meet the members of IDOL.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Miri's voice echoed through the speaker.

"I'm just considering your words," Amber replied. Her mind drifted to her hobbies in writing fiction and she flipped herself over to lay on her stomach. "You know what? Maybe I just write too much smut. It's messing with my head. That's all."

She bit her lips, rubbing at the back of her neck feeling sheepish. When the dreams first started, she had penned down those fantasies without a second thought. Dreams could be the place where the best, most creative of ideas were formed and at first her wet dreams were just expendable material for her writing.

She didn't think too much about it when she had posted them as gay smut fiction online, but now she wondered if she should just take them down. Delete those works that solidified her depravity.

The stories that she had written were raw and filled with her unbridled desire, which made them some of her best works as an author. But at the same time they could be awfully disturbing for the IDOL members involved.

That was if they would ever read it which was unlikely, considering the fact that only two of the members could speak English fluently.

"If you say so," Miri sounded unconvinced.

"Besides, I'll know next week on my 20th birthday," Amber shrugged, running her fingers through her hair. "When I get my soul bond and possibly meet my soulmate, that is."

She swallowed, feeling the familiar ache of fear and excitement churning within her belly. Her destined one. The piece to her soul and the person she would fall irrevocably in love with.

The IDOL members?