Let's go


When Amber finally decided to admit her sins the very next morning, the hotel room was filled with crazed shrieking from her best friend.

"GOD, AMBER!" She screamed. "You lucky bitch!" Miri was jumping up and down on the bed. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU MET KIM SIEON!" She slapped her back and Amber winced.

"I know," Amber groaned, her voice trailing off into a sad little wail. She didn't want to think about him with his impossibly sexy face, his madly alluring natural scent and their oddly sexual situation in the toilet.

This trip was about getting IDOL out of her damn head. It was about getting rid of her wet dreams before she met her soulmate. It was about cleansing her of her sins, and reminding herself that their music was, and should be, the only reason why she was a fan.

Meeting Sieon did nothing to help that. In fact, it now made things even worse. Because Amber was betting on the fact that he would be nothing like the man in her dreams. She was hoping that in person he was ten times uglier, a hundred times smellier and a thousand times less attractive.

Instead, she got the damn opposite of what she wanted. He was everything like the man in her dreams, maybe even more.

"And," Miri flipped around, waving the hair curler in the air like a weapon, "instead of asking for an autograph or a picture...You ran like he was a demon after your soul?"

A nod from Amber sent Miri into her signature 'I am disappointed in you' posture. Featuring a palm to her forehead, an exaggerated slouch and a long tapered groan. She was shaking her head as she curled her red locks into natural waves.

"My dear best friend of mine," Miri's voice was deep and solemn, purposefully lowered into a sagely voice. "What have I taught you all these years?"

"Stop rubbing salt into my wounds..." Amber said as she hooked on dangling strings of fake crystals to her ears. One-dollar steals from TaoBao.

"But that part about how his touch felt good…" Miri turned to her with a frown. "Are you sure it's not your horny brain messing with your mind?"

"It was weird," Amber replied, thinking back to that incident. "Kind of like being electrocuted? But in a warm way."

She winced at her own words. It sounded strange now that she said it out loud, but she really could not describe it in any other way. He was like a massage chair? She pulled a face. A hot shower? She grimaced. Kind of like a plug to her socket? She cringed at that.

Now that sounded a little too erotic.

"A warm electrocution, very appropriate," Miri laughed at that. "Maybe it's one of those really strong static charges. I get that in cold countries all the time."

"Well, girl." Amber sighed, flaring her nostrils and pressing her lips into a thin line. "I don't know. It was just a very weird experience."

She swore it was more than just a static charge. The heated look in his eyes was a clear indication that he had felt some of it too and she wasn't crazy or delusional. Then again maybe Sieon was just magical and had magical pleasurable hands.

It would explain why fans spent tens of thousands of dollars trying to get a spot at their fan meetings. Those hands were like drugs, happy drugs. And she wouldn't mind letting those hands travel over her skin and—she slapped her cheeks. Bad Amber. Bad.

"Fans would kill for that chance." Miri didn't seem to notice her internal monologue, pacing about the room. "I seriously can't believe you're so lucky! Honestly, it would make so much more sense if you stalked him into the boy's toilet."

Amber whipped around to give her a look.

"I would never do that!" She exclaimed, feeling a little upset that Miri thought so little of her. "Firstly, I don't want to fuel my desire for them. Secondly, haven't you read the news of crazy fans dressing up as males, and heading into the toilets just to check out their idol's junk?" She tapped her feet on the carpet, feeling irritated at the thought. "That's literally sexual harassment."

She couldn't believe how people could be so rude.

"True," Miri nodded. "You're too much of a chicken for such a bold ass move. I can't see you breaking any laws."

Amber stuck her tongue out at her. Accurate, but that was mean. She just didn't see the point to cheat in exams, skip classes, or lie about doing her homework. If she was in the wrong, she would just let herself be punished.

Amber was a goody-two-shoes through and through.

"It's okay my dear." Miri smiled at her serenely. "With your luck, you might just see him again. If Sieon was as informally dressed as you said, there's a 99% chance that they're staying in this very building and so we might bump into them!"

"If we see them, let's leave them alone. We'll see them at the concert." Amber told her with an impatient tap of her feet as she stood at the door. She pulled out the key card and the lights in the hotel room flickered off.

"Fine, fine." Miri dropped the hair curler to pull on a cargo-green jacket, walking up to her. "I'm just saying it's exciting to see celebrities up close."

It was but Amber would rather not risk a second meeting.

"Yes it is," she agreed. "But we won't. I'm sure of that. So come on, let's just go."