
She cursed under her breath and it was instinctual for her to wrap her arms around his neck in an attempt to untangle their earrings. His breath hitched at her touch and she stammered out an apology as she struggled.

"Our earrings are stuck. Sorry, give me a second." She murmured lowly and it must have been her imagination because she thought she felt his body shiver at her words.

She dug her pinkie into the offending knot, plucking at the metal chains. She pulled, her body shifting along with it and he froze. His muscles were tensing and flexing under her, fluttering from her touch.

I'm sorry. She mentally apologised repeatedly. Her cheeks burning so hot she swore he could feel the heat. She tried again, tearing at the two. Shit! The knot grew tighter and she cursed under her breath. He stiffened. A low, exhale escaping his lips and brushing against the nape of her neck. The action sent a gush of arousal through her, her excitement saturating her panties.


She quickly realised that untangling their accessories was pointless. The two earrings were simply knotted too tightly for her to get away with this easily. That and her hands had seemed to grow clumsier by the minute from his soft, sexy moans.

She resorted to simply removing her own earring. It gave way easily and she instinctively pressed her fingers to his chest to push herself up from their hug.

There was nothing much to look at.

Honestly, three quarters of his face was covered up, even his hair. A black beanie concealed basically everything on his head, letting only short wisps of a dark blonde hair escape.

The colour was too dark to be a proper blonde. It was more of an ashy dark gold colour, a shade she was pretty sure cost more than her entire bank account to dye.

His youthful face was concealed by a black spongy mask that covered his lips and all of his nose. The only thing she could see besides his brows, well-threaded and thinner than most, were his eyes.

These were huge eyes.

Mono-lidded eyes that were framed by thick but short lashes that curled outwards at the edges. It was fox-like, all sharp and sly. It was curious, his gaze. His eyes seemed to speak to her, glittering and gleaming under the light, as if he were looking at her very soul.

She pursed her lips and her cheeks pinked, eyes widening as she realised the full extent of how intimate their position was. Their faces were mere inches apart, her breasts pressed tightly against his.

She was very aware of how she was straddling his upper thigh, feeling his quadriceps pull under her ass. She let out a small yelp and she moved to get up, digging her knees into the ground and pushing forward repeatedly without thinking clearly.

He inhaled sharply and his pupils, they dilated. They blew wider into dark abysses of black tar as a soft groan escaped his hidden lips. His entire body stiffened under her and it didn't take her more than a second to realise exactly what she did to him because his pants weren't exactly the thickest of material. They were soft sweats—cotton-like cloth that hid nothing.

And there was something really firm and long, pressing against her thinly covered knees. If she concentrated hard enough she could even make out the shape of the bulge of his cock. Holy fucking shit! Her eyes widened as they met his. She was grinding her knee into his cock.

He seemed to realise that she knew because a flash of embarrassment flickered across his eyes. She pulled back hurriedly, cheeks transforming into a flaming red hue as she murmured repeated apologies which he echoed back in his own cute stammers.

She flopped to the side, pulling tangled legs out from his and finally they both managed to stand. She stood up so quickly that blood rushed down from her head and her eyes went green a little from the sudden loss of blood.

Amber was so embarrassed she didn't dare to look at him again. She bowed quickly. A ninety-degree angled bow that made her back muscles burn in protest. With her eyes teary with embarrassment she slid through the comforting plastic and away from the stunned man, running as fast as she could.

It was only when she burst out of the museum and headed to an isolated area that she let out an embarrassed muffled scream. Amber was pretty sure she had just lost her knee virginity to another good smelling Asian male.

A hot, delicious Asian male.

Amber let out another frustrated wail into her palms. Her face crumpled as she fingered her empty left lobe. And there goes her favourite earring.


Casper was lucky.

He remembered the times when he was just a nameless rapper, yelling words into a battered old phone and recording songs with the most horrendous of sound qualities.

He fought with his family over his dreams.

They had always wanted him to follow the family trend. They were all top-tiered workers. Lawyers, surgeons, politicians and businessmen. Workaholics with a lust for money.

His mother had not stopped working even after his birth, hiring a nanny to care for him. For the first few years of his life, the only representation of her love for him was in the pumped breast milk that she sent by courier to his caretaker.

When he was younger, the proclaimed 'worst link' in the family had been his cousin. An accountant working for a start-up company.

An accountant.

Casper could not see how that was a bad job. Yet his cousin had been ridiculed, looked down upon by the family and seen as the scraps of dirt on their leathered feet. They saw him as a failure, someone who would never earn as much money as themselves.

He'd seen that cousin clenching his fists under the table as his aunties passed over thick packets of pocket money during the New Year as if they were doing charity. That cousin had turned on him the minute he voiced his job as a rapper and suddenly he was the black sheep of the family.

It was not like he lacked anything.

Like the rest of his elite family, Casper was smart. His IQ, naturally higher than the average person, was boosted up by tuition from high ranked professors. His childhood consisted of lesson after lesson of math, science and business. It was no wonder that the minute he stepped into official education he propelled upwards like a fighter jet in a flying competition against pigeons.

He remained as the cream of the crop for the next decade of his life.

It was easy for him. Unlike the other students who started from rock bottom, he had always been afloat in the ocean of education, chilling on his private yacht above the waters as his classmates struggled to even swim to the surface.

It was just too bad that he was born smitten with the Arts.

So when he decided not to head for university and instead start his career as an underground rapper, his family had recoiled like oil against water.

It was his mother's strangely soft heart that had kept him from the streets. He was, after all, their only child. He had written tons of songs about his feelings on the matter, countless notebooks and typed letters.

Now with the success of IDOL, he could make fun of all who had criticized him for his life choices. People like his shitty relatives. He liked to curse at them in his songs, calling them names like 'heartless money-making machines' or 'steel robots that painted themselves in gold but had hearts of dirt'.

Childish. But he couldn't help it.