
"Yea..." She said. "Please help me. Spontaneous singing is really, really not my thing. I doubt I can go for round two." The minute the words started, her anxiety spurred her to continue and she was blabbering out whatever her mind supplied. "I'm literally trembling. I'm so close to peeing his pants now. What if you really need the toilet? Do you just walk off the stage and say adios amigos, je dois faire pipi. 不要太想念我啦! 頑張ってください! (Bye friends, I need to go pee-pee. Don't miss me too much! Good luck) All the best?"

Her answer must have done it. Maybe it was the way she said those words. Maybe there really was something different about her features. Amber was not sure. She didn't do that much research on body exchange.

Then again, JieMi probably didn't know much English, Spanish, French and Japanese. Amber's talent was the result of a multilingual parent, who liked to curse creatively in different languages as a form of spite.

But Ezra looked absolutely stunned. His mouth hung open cutely, the classic jaw dropped as he stared at her, revealing squared, pearly teeth and a tiny pink tongue. He snapped it shut and swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing. Amber squinted a little.

Was that glow increasing? Maybe...It's not his skincare? Could the tech team dim down the light on him, please? At this rate, she might just need sunglasses.

"Fuck," he breathed, beautiful voice vibrating into a sexy, throaty groan. He took the words from her lips, her mind, her soul and her very being. It was not a disgusting spit of the word.

He had cut off the air he provided to his vocal cords to only give the barest minimum to produce sound. This resulted in an even deeper growled exhale that was more like a moan than a word itself.

"Fuck yeah," Amber echoed back in that sweet voice of her soulmate. "Starting this with a bang, huh?" She gave him a shaky nervous chuckle. She watched as his eyes flickered. She was practically seeing the cogs in his mind turn and snap into place.

"I'll help you sing the chorus. God, fucking damn it." Ezra cursed, his voice dipping into a low sexy growl. It sent a tremor through her body and she swore the thing in her pants trembled.


Amber froze, her body clamping up at the weird feeling. Previously, it was kind of less noticeable. She eventually got used to it. It was like the feeling of her ass in jeans. One would not be thinking about one's ass cheeks all day until someone touched it. She swallowed nervously, shifting about.


"Quick! Act as if you gave me the lines."

Ezra motioned to her. Amber snapped out of her thoughts and scrambled as she pushed her mic to his face, grateful for the distraction. He gave her a fake laugh, just for the cameras, and belted out the next tune.

"I don't care if it's written in the stars that I'm meant to follow that stream~"

The deep growl of his voice with its scratchy tinge somehow made the song sound ten times more erotic. Amber assumed that he was still in his rapping mode. The one that consisted of raspy growls and harsh snarls that were mixed with moaned words.

The fans roared in approval, going crazy with happiness at his erotic rendition of the song. Amber was startled, her eyes going round at the sound. It was crazy that Ezra was singing.

"I've spent years on this path, beaten down by thousands, blood running into my eyes~"

He was a rapper, through and through. Sure, rappers sang. Sometimes, they would switch into a soft tune to blend in with the melody. Sometimes, they would sing during the chorus. But not Ezra, never Ezra

"My constellations are just fragments of a mirror that reflects a single imagery of the rising sun~"

He was the one member who had sung the least in IDOL's six-year history. He'd admitted on camera that the reason was because he believed that his voice was not suited for vocal melodies. Hence he was generally against it. To hear him sing right now was—


His eyes shifted towards her languidly as he sang. A small comforting smile on his lips and Amber gulped, swallowing loudly at the sight.

"I'll steer my ship ashore, stop and run towards the night of a million skyscrapers and the flashing signs of life~"

He finished it flawlessly and exhaled, running fingers through his hair.

"Damn, I've never sung that live."

The guy chuckled looking impressed with himself. He smirked at her, cocking his hip to a side. "The guys probably know there's something up by now," he shrugged, toying with the microphone in his hands. "There's no way in hell that I would start singing for the fun of it."

It was as he said, because from the corner of her eye she spotted the nearest member heading towards their direction. MinJae was moving across the stage quickly, covering distance as he jogged towards them, all the while waving and smiling to his fans. The boy stopped before them with wide concerned eyes, plump lips pressed together.

He was nibbling on those firm mounds of red-tinged skin. His droopy almond eyes lined with a smoky smear of russet and gold. He was much shorter than JieMi and so he was looking up at her with those huge pretty eyes.

Oh my God. Amber inhaled sharply and the effects of his sweet smile travelled all the way down there. She swallowed thickly. With ruby droplets hanging down his ears and dusty blonde hair, MinJae was unbelievably beautiful.

So, so fucking beautiful.

"Are you okay, JieMi?" He breathed in that soft mellifluous voice and Amber almost died. Her heart sprouted wings. It was airborne, ready to fly straight out of her mouth and escape her chest.

He was dressed in a glittery sweater that dazzled in all seven colours of the rainbow. The light bounced from his clothes to his attractive face in little shimmers of iridescent colours. And sometimes, they reflected right into his eyes to reveal dilating pupils.

"Does your throat hurt?" MinJae asked, and somehow that comes out as a sweet little moan of words.

His voice was 100% her type and the thing in her pants agreed. It took all her willpower to not look down and shift her package to check if it were okay or not. Because Amber was not okay. All she could hear was the rush of blood in her ears, as her heart screamed at the sight of MinJae acknowledging her puny existence.

"Hey, MinJae. Can you cover for him?" Ezra spoke, his voice low and sombre, as he gripped onto Min Jae's arm.

"Bro, what?" MinJae glanced up at him, looking frightened. "Is JieMi sick?" His gaze darted back to her. "Is he okay?"

"This is JieMi's soulmate."


The boy hummed, fluffy hair bouncing a little. Then, he frowned. Amber could see the light bulb go off in his mind. The pretty boy's eyes widened as he stared at her, doing a cute little double take.


Amber watched as MinJae pressed a hand to his lips, his eyes curving into little moons of happiness as he tried to conceal giggles behind his palms. Oh my God, he was cuter in real life.

She was also pretty sure that he was fangirling right now because he was shooting her the same look Miri had been giving her hours ago. The whole naughty eye glint thing and the overly perverted giggles.

"Hey! Could you stop being so obvious!" Ezra hissed. Although there was a smirk on his lips that couldn't stop appearing every time he looked at her. Seriously, they were actually really happy for JieMi.

"We can just pretend we're being chummy," MinJae tittered, the natural cuteness oozing out of him.