
Only soulmates would be able to see the signs. This soul bond was famous for providing soulmates with the ability to spot one another from afar. They would eventually melt into tattoos on the skin over time.


Someone grabbed her hands and her body melted at his touch. She whipped over to look and the familiar face of Kim Sieon stared back at her. Vines were weaving between their intertwined hands.

The moment their souls deemed them to be connected enough, tiny rosebuds formed before her eyes. They bloomed between their entwined hands specifically on their pinkie, as red and as vibrant as the lipstick dabbed on the inner portion of Sieon's lips. Her heart tripped at the sight.

Rose Rings of Fate: In which soulmates are connected via roses.

As the name suggested, the soul bond remained as tattooed roses on their pinkie which blossomed when they touched. It was intangible, but the roses were normally visible to all.

In addition to that, there was a stream of red fire that connected their rings. The thing trailed between their legs, a molten red line of pulsating gold.

Amber's heart—No JieMi's heart— was soaring, rapping against her ribcage. She was unable to move, unable to think because this rollercoaster was steadily heading towards uncharted territories.

Her seatbelt was not just gone. Her entire damned seat was gone, the rollercoaster was gone. The track was gone. Even the Earth was fucking gone. Her body was flying to outer space while spinning multiple cartwheels. It was that bad.

Amber wanted to laugh. She wanted to cry. She wanted to scream. She wanted to die. How did Lady Fate decide that she was worthy of this? Why her?

Then she was being lifted, someone hoisted her body up from its shell shocked state. He dashed away, carrying her like a sack of potatoes on his shoulders. From the corner of her eye, she could see Sieon fibbing a shrug as he spun her microphone between his fingers.

The fans were laughing. They thought it was a ploy, that the members were bullying her, bullying JieMi. The guy, whoever he was, dashed into the safety of the darkness of the backstage.

It was a mess backstage. Her eyes flickered over the flurry of activity. There were dancers running about, security mumbling into walkie-talkies, staff speaking to one another rapidly as they fiddled with equipment. Everything was just so, so, so loud.

Whoever was holding onto her like a sack of potatoes gently placed her into a plastic seat. The movement caused her skin to brush against his, and her eyes widened as she caught a glimpse of the crumpled lift of his shirt. And his skin—

His skin.

Intricate golden lines pulsed across his contracted abdomen in a beautiful pattern that spread from his heart. Her touch resulted in a sudden burst of gold that danced across his skin before disappearing quickly.

Her eyes noted the fading of golden light underneath his white shirt. The distinct heart-shaped shimmer of gold pulsated once more. Amber only caught a brief glimpse but it was enough for her to know exactly what it was.

Midas touch: In which touching your soulmate will leave imprints of gold.

Like the tale, the touch of the soulmate would unlock golden patterns over their skin.

Hikaru's beautiful face greeted hers, his features were half concealed by the darkness and half-illuminated by stage lights. His perfect eyes met hers as kissable lips stretched into a kind smile.

"Hey, you're safe now. Don't panic, okay?"

Then someone gently patted her shoulder and Amber's eyes drifted upwards to the leader of the team.


She swallowed thickly. Full brows, a tall bridged nose that buttoned out adorably, and foxy eyes. The handsome man smiled. His dimples sunk into his cheeks and his lips stretched into a vivacious smile, revealing pearly teeth. It took up his whole face, consuming him whole and then—

His eyes.

In the darkness, she should not be seeing those colours. Colours that glimmered from within his dark eyes. She could see shades of purple, shades of gold, shades of pink, blue, green, yellow...Colours of the rainbow.

Then she was noticing the multi-coloured footprints behind him on the floor. She was noticing the imprint of luminescent colours on her shoulders which took the shape of his hands.

Soul Slime: In which the soulmate will leave colourful imprints on everything he/she touches.

Oh God.




"Are you alright? We'll figure this out together. Don't worry." Casper grinned. Don't worry. We will figure this out. TOGETHER. Her head swam and then everything went black.