
The call was her fault.

Amber flushed at the thought. She had forgotten to tell Deok-Su of her whereabouts in the midst of being seduced by Sieon. Her poor friend had fretted over her safety, calling her repeatedly until she had picked up the call.

She hadn't been the luckiest of people. So even though she wasn't gone for that long, Deok-Su had panicked over the possibility of her getting caught and sent to the police for being a stalker. Either that or kidnapped by yet another obsessive fan.

They both knew that she wouldn't be able to take another soul related attack. And one more would send her straight to a casket if her soulmates refused to see her.

Amber had felt awful about it. While Deok-Su appeared aloof, from experience she knew how much he loved and treasured every single one of his friends. Not many got close to his heart and so he had probably been worried sick.

Thankfully, he wasn't angry. When she approached him in his studio to beg for forgiveness, he had been smirking at her appearance, snapping a photo of her for his fiancée much to her chagrin.

Her lips had been swollen. A deep crimson shade that tingled with each touch. Her hair was a mess of sexy curls as if she'd rolled around in bed. There was light in her eyes and colour to her cheeks. It was not that easy to tell without a before and after picture, but her friends could definitely see the effects.

Somehow, making out with Sieon had been beneficial to her health. The paleness that once haunted her face had vanished and there was newfound energy in her body.

Energy she didn't realise she was missing.

After the whole crazy fan incident, weariness clung to her bones. There was a deep ache within her body that refused to go regardless of how much sleep she got. It made her feel sluggish and exhausted. Her mood worsened as emotions dulled into a numbness that she struggled to get out of.

Sieon's touch had taken a bit of that off. His kisses had melted the tiredness away momentarily and her soul felt full and warm when wrapped in his love.

Is it love?

Amber sighed, a wry smile on her lips.

Maybe not yet, but it was attraction, sexual attraction. Their bodies were so compatible sexually and genetically. It was physically impossible to keep their hands off one another once they had a taste of the forbidden fruit.

Amber's thoughts drifted to his large hands pulling her to his body, his palms cupping her ass. The warmth of his skin penetrating her clothes. She thought about his sweet breath mingling with hers in a heady rush of heat. His skin was silky as they explored each other's bodies.

She thought of the way they fit into each other's arms like perfect jigsaw puzzles. The dilation of those dark smouldering eyes as he watched her as if she were the most beautiful woman he had ever met in her life.

She shook her head frantically, trying to dispel those lustful thoughts in her head, feeling a little sheepish. His touch had improved her health, but maybe not so much for her heart. The moment her mind drifted to him, her heart was sent running, pounding against her rib cage.

Her body felt light with adrenaline, her feet buzzing with a need to jump and run. She was happy, and the thought of him would bring a small, warm smile to her face. A goofy smile. The kind that lit up her eyes and made her cheeks turn a pretty rose pink.

He liked her. He liked her so much that he couldn't keep his hands off her. He had found her attractive despite having already met hundreds and thousands of beautiful girls in his industry. Each more perfect than the next, but he yearned for her just as she did for him.

Even if he were just treating her as another fling, Amber didn't care. The fact that he had given her a chance to be in his arms, was enough. At least for now.

Her progress with Sieon was something she had never even dared to dream. He had lit a raging fire of need in her heart that would not be easily quelled.

Her panties were completely ruined and it had taken countless amounts of tissue to wipe herself down. It was pretty disgusting and she had spent a few minutes just trying to dislodge the copious amounts of sticky liquid off her cotton underwear. She grimaced at the thought.

She should consider bringing a change of underwear and keeping it in her tote bag or something. Just in case, he decided to— Amber coloured, swallowing thickly at the thought.

Holy shit.

Amber slapped her cheeks. Her mind was blown yet again at the thought. She'd been doing this on repeat since yesterday. How the hell had she managed to bag Sieon in a single day? And she had been so confident about it too!

He was her superstar. But at that moment, she didn't see him as such. She had seen him as her soulmate and now as she collected her thoughts she was beginning to remember that he was her idol first.

Amber frowned, pursing her lips in thought. She shouldn't think of him this way. It would give them more reason to toss her away. She didn't want to be just another girl. Another fan, another faceless figure in their sea of supporters. Another crazy girl after their cocks just because of their money and status.

Her mind flashed to MinJae and she swallowed.

No. She needed to keep her fangirling down, store it away under lock and key and start seeing them as human beings. They were just her soulmates. Those guys were just her soulmates. Nothing more, nothing less.

She would love them for who they were.

She hoisted her bag up to her shoulders, fiddling with the straps as she walked across campus. She'd definitely brought way too many things with her. The straps dug into her shoulders painfully, pushing against the muscles that led to her neck, triggering a headache at the base of her skull.

Truly, her new university was a school for the overly rich and wealthy. She liked to judge a school by its toilets, which usually spoke volumes of the school's wealth. Amber was used to dirty restrooms that smelled like human waste, with flushing systems that failed every month.

The toilets here looked like they could be from a hotel. Expensive air circulation systems that ensured minimal smell, toilet bowls bleached to a godly shade of white. Each toilet bowl was equipped with the latest technology that included seat warmers and the like.

If that didn't say anything about the place, then perhaps the food would.

The cafeteria mirrored a buffet restaurant, with chandeliers hanging from the wooden beams of a chapel-like architectural design. The windows were made of stained glass featuring beautiful renaissance artworks. When sunlight filtered through those windows, it bathed the entire area in a thousand hues of colours.

There were also vegan options to pick from the buffet.


Her previous school had struggled to even offer a vegetarian option and for years her vegetarian classmates had to bring packed lunches. Amber sneaked a glance at the simmering roast beef at the counters, her stomach grumbling a little at the heavenly smell.

Shit. She was hungry but could not afford to eat at the cafeteria. She would have to wait until the end of class to grab a bite.

Her eyes darted towards the sight of a few of her classmates, her lips stretching into a polite smile. Some returned the smile, others looked away in favour of speaking to their friends.


She sighed. It sucked that she was here so late in the year. Most of her classmates had their own little groups of friends by this point and entering one was difficult. She'd tried, but she was not really into the topics they spoke of.


Frankly speaking, she was not very good at socializing with new people, and some of them were really, really famous people. Her eyes darted to yet another idol and she quickly looked away.

Like most famous people, they regarded her with fierce scrutiny. It was clear that they were afraid of her. They probably saw her as another weed trying to get into their friendship circles for fame.

They had heard of her ambiguous entrance into their school. With no actual real proof that her soulmate was in the vicinity, most of them assumed that she was a crazy fan. A fan who was trying to get into the pants of a celebrity.

Sure, some of her classmates were nice. They were willing to help her catch up with schoolwork and they pitied her situation. But she was still unable to cultivate a proper friendship, spending most of her time outside of class at work. And so Amber had given up on finding a real friend in her new school.

She turned the corner, heading up the long flight of stairs towards the library. She was in search of extra reading material to give her a better grasp of everything she'd missed.

The library was just as impressive as every other facility on campus.

A single chandelier hung at the very centre of the tiered halls. Soft sunlight filtering through the ceiling and into the area, revealing the swirling motes of dust particles.

There were rows and rows of tables and chairs for studying, each equipped with a charging port and a table lamp. The sheer number of books that the library had was crazy. And her eyes struggled to process the sight.

She approached one of the navigation computers. The system prompted her to go to level 8, Art and History. Amber took the elevator up to the top of the building, finding herself in a much less populated area. The distinct sound of the tapping of keyboards and the soft hum of whispering humans was missing from the area.

Instead, it was replaced by the muffled ringing in her ears. It was quiet, too quiet here. The ambient sound absorbed by the soft carpeted floors of the library.

Amber stepped towards her section. She reached the shelves and knelt to search for the book she needed. Her fingers brushing against the spine of each dusty book. She was too absorbed in her search, too overwhelmed by the dusty scent of old paper to immediately notice the soft sounds emitting from behind her.

She had already turned the corner when her ears finally registered the sounds. She glanced upwards. Her eyes flickering across a single long wooden table to see the figure. He was perched casually on the table with one leg propped up on the wooden surface, and the other hanging loosely over the edge.

His eyes were closed, head tilted back to reveal the underside of long fluttering eyelashes. His body was bathed in the soft golden light of the sun. The sun highlighted his every feature. The sharpness of his jaw, the tip of his nose, the dip of his collarbone and the curve of his bottom lip. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail but a few strands escaped to frame his face, each dark curl seemingly accentuating the beauty of his features.


Holy shit! What was he doing here?

Then her eyes darted towards the female between his legs.

What the fuck?

Amber froze, her eyes drawing to JieMi's hands fisting into the hair of the female between his legs. She was swallowing noisily, bobbing her head up and down over his groin. Amber could see glimpses of a glistening rosy cock as she moved.

Her breath hitched and she pressed her fingers to her lips to stifle the startled sound. Despite the situation, Amber found herself wanting to applaud him for his control and ability to appear like a model despite being blown.


Yet another sexual endeavour completed right in front of her face!

Why the hell was he always doing something lewd?

Amber groaned mentally. She was pleased to find herself uncaring of his deeds. The pain that once wrecked her body was now a soft prick that didn't hurt as much.

She just felt angry. Her resentment bubbled in her body. It began deep within her chest and then it radiated outwards, thrashing in her tiny frame. She wanted to rip off his cock. She wanted to kick him in the nuts. She wanted him to feel her pain.

She swallowed down her anger, inhaling and exhaling steadily. She should just ignore him, pretend he didn't exist. She stepped backwards, intending to leave.

She seemed to have forgotten how to walk because her leg smashed into a bookshelf. The sound was muffled. Soft and not as obvious as compared to the lewd slurps and suckles from his girlfriend. JieMi's eyes immediately flashed to hers and for the second time in their lives.

The two locked gazes.

And they switched.