
Correction. He didn't even try.

He took his time, picturing the way her breasts would look in lingerie. He preferred red, with garter belts and lace, and see-through mesh at all the right places. His mind drifted and he started to wonder a little about whether the colour of her nipples was the same colour as her lips—

His eyes trailed upwards to meet hers. She had a brow raised, a soft quirk present on one side of those luscious lips. He found himself blushing, cheeks heating up in embarrassment.

Fuck. She caught him red-handed.

He sniffed trying to look aloof, forcing his expression to remain neutral and his eyes to rest on hers. He knew that staring someone in the eye made one look more confident. So he did that, stare and shit, just to hide his humiliation.

He liked the startled look that flickered across her face and the soft dust of pink on her cheeks at his heated gaze. But he was unable to bring himself to continue his stare due to a guilty conscience, and he dropped his gaze to lean against the elevator bars.

His tactic failed. It definitely did, because he turned away, pressing his hand to the back of his neck in an attempt to cool down his body. He was sure that it was red like the tips of his ears, burning with the heat of his embarrassment.

The elevator dinged, signalling their arrival and the two of them stepped out of the elevator. He ushered her to the door quickly and tapped in the code as fast as he could. He stumbled a little, fucked up and then decided to use the thumbprint.

Ezra groaned mentally, he was sweating a little and tried desperately to appear controlled. He was making such a fool out of himself.

The lock finally slid open, the robotic feminine voice chiming out of the system. Ezra pushed the door open, his heart hammering a little as his mind tried to remember when he had asked cleaning service to take care of his room.

Was it before sex or after sex? He'd not entered this condominium for so long, that he didn't know. He took a quick step, body prepared to cover for whatever remained of his last sexual encounters.

Ezra was kind of a freak when it came to sex. He liked to fuck his partners all around the house like it was their job to christen the area. The kitchen counter, the couch, in the shower. Hell, any surface that could withstand some form of weight would be used.

Thankfully, everything was meticulously clean and the smell of unaired antiseptic and fresheners burned in his nostrils.

Thank God. He wanted to cry in relief.

If he had welcomed her to a flat that smelled like sex with crusty stains of their semen all over the floor and possibly even the walls, he would die. From his memory, he remembered some dripping from the leaves of his plastic plants and plenty on the kitchen counters.

Fuck. His mind was spinning at the thought of bringing her to such a place. Ezra might just die of embarrassment. No, he would die of embarrassment.

"There's a guest bedroom," he said and his voice came out a little hoarse.

His place was pretty small, so it barely took him half a minute to lead her to the vacant room. The room was quaint and pretty, painted white and blue with cute minimalist furniture. His favourite part of the room was the soft blue comforter, covered with realistic prints of waves in the sea and draped over the queen-sized bed.

It used to be his.

"You can sleep here tonight."

He would not mind.

"Can...I shower?" She asked softly, peeking up at him from under long thick lashes. Ezra stiffened, realising his mistake. She was caked in makeup and the stench of the club. Of course, she needed to wash up. Of course.

Another screw up of the day. By the Gods, why the hell was he acting like this?

"Yes," he cleared his throat again, feeling somewhat nervous and jumpy. "Come on." He stepped back and brought her to the toilet attached to the hallway.

"Thank You."

She gave him another one of those pretty smiles. The kind that seemed so soft and warm, like the golden rays of the sun peeking out from fluffy clouds at dawn. The kind that painted the sky a warm orange and gold, spilling pink over the horizon. Then she entered the bathroom and closed the door quickly behind her.

He found himself feeling a little lost outside. His eyes drifted over to the shadows that cast against the frosted door and he tried to make out the shape of her body. The sound of the shower hitting the floor started and his mind wandered again to thoughts of her naked body dripping with beads of water.

Each transparent bead sliding down peach skin, dipping into the valley of her breast and disappearing between her thighs. Ezra would love to go down on his knees and spread those thighs, bury his nose into her wetness—

Fuck. Stop it, you asshole. You're not here to get your dick wet. Ezra cursed under his breath and he headed towards the kitchen. His attempt to get as far away from her as possible. He was not exactly sane tonight and he needed more mental restraint.

He circled the counter a few times before deciding on making a drink. Ezra was not one to be hospitable to strangers, but he would do this for her. He mixed a concoction of honey and hot milk that he warmed on the stove. Something he liked and he hoped she would too.

He frowned, glancing down at the cooling liquid in his ceramic mugs. Was this drink a little too childish? He pondered over it for another few minutes, wondering whether it was a good idea to dunk in some vodka to make it more 'adult'.

Was it even a good idea to add vodka to milk?

"Hey, I took your clothes," her voice trailed out from the hallway and he glanced up, almost knocking down the mugs at the sight of her.


She was fresh from the shower. Hair wet and dripping from messy curls of dark hair, skin pink from the heat of the water. Her bare face was surprisingly more delightful to the eye than that with makeup and he liked the natural reddish flush to her cheeks and lips.

It was cute, really cute.

His gaze drifted downwards from her face and he froze. She was in their clothes, draped in his maroon sweats and his oversized white t-shirt. He knew why she picked it. He was smaller, tinier than Ezra and so his clothes would naturally fit her better. Ezra's shirt would have sagged at her front, barely capable of covering her breasts.

Despite the smaller size, this shirt still hung on her shoulders, draping over her frame, so long that it covered her ass. He wondered if she considered picking another colour because, the colour white—he swallowed—was erotic.

It revealed to him the soft pink of her nipples, the round erect tips poking outwards from the fabric creating erotic creases in the otherwise PG13 shirt. Fuck. He could not tear his eyes away from the swell of her chest, the round orbs of fat and those beautiful pink nipples.

He was more used to seeing dark brown shades or maybe the occasional deep red, but pink?


Ezra had never been more intrigued by the colour, his eyes were unable to tear away from her chest. She was definitely screwing with him because she was not wearing a bra.

Perhaps, she was after his cock.

"S-sorry, I didn't ask for the clothes. I can get it dry cleaned if you want or buy you a new set. I didn't think—" She began to say, her voice trailing off into a higher-pitched squeak. Ezra was too absorbed in her voluminous chest to care and it took all his willpower to look away. He frowned.