
He had proven it on more than one occasion to Amber. Fans liked to call him a bad boy because of the songs he made and his aloof mannerisms, but in reality? Ezra was just a warm softie. It was either that or he was just really desperate for her voice to be a part of his song. She scoffed at the thought.

Her voice? He must be kidding. He can't be serious. Amber flushed. Sure, she was not that bad at singing, but she was no nightingale. She was just part of the common folk. People who could sing 'Happy Birthday' or the national anthem without feeling way too embarrassed.

There must be some kind of catch to this arrangement. Something that he really wanted from her. Just as how she was not just a poor, night club waitress who was targeted by a bunch of perverted assholes. But rather, she was his soulmate after his heart.

She spat out the remaining bubbles from the toothpaste, washing her face quickly with his facial soap, an expensive but familiar brand. She helped herself to a tiny bit of his skincare products, using just a little moisturizer before turning to observe the clothes he'd laid out for her.

No bra, of course, but he had gotten her a soft navy jacket to hide her nipples, along with a black t-shirt and some soft skinny jeans. Her face heated up at the thought of his careful consideration, her eyes flickering to her nipples. The white really made it kind of see-through and the coldness of the morning air turned her nipples perky and sensitive. The bumps were protruding out a little too obscenely.

Shit. Her face reddened at the thought of her standing in the kitchen in this state. She had tried using her fingers in an attempt to push her nipples into a softer state, but she only succeeded in making them even more erect and obvious. Sometimes the pushing thing worked but she was probably too cold right then.

The design of her uniform was truly not meant for normal lighting. Without the darkness of the club, it exposed her body in ways that only underwear should. Amber had filtered through his clothes in the bathroom. The white shirt had been the best option of the pile.

The other clothes that he had were all pretty crap at hiding nipples, some too thin and others too silky. There was one black shirt that had been absolutely lewd due to the way it had curled over her breasts like a second skin. She eventually decided to go for the thickest fabric, and the more fitting shirt, telling herself that she would use her arms to shield her body from his gaze.

She had forgotten about it the minute she stepped out of the toilet. In her sleepy haze, she had walked into the room without a care in the world, standing up straight to reveal her breast to his wandering eyes. His blatant, heated stare on her chest had exploded her heart into smithereens. The look he had given her had woken her up almost immediately.

Amber blushed at the thought. She was afraid to face him now. She glanced at his clothing choice for her and her heart spasmed in her chest.

Oh, God.

She pulled the white shirt over her head and found herself sniffing at the fabric before comparing it to the smell on Ezra's shirt. The scent was different, Ezra's was more of a cold mint compared to the sweet floral that had lulled her to sleep.

Amber pressed her lips together, deep in thought.

He told her that the shirt she slept in was not his. An implication that what she wore was his partner's. Amber took another deep inhale of the scent. It reminded her of roasting tea leaves with a soft floral sweetness like that of a baby's. She was sure she'd smelt this scent before, and her sensitive nose twitched at the thought.

This was the smell that had sent her into a land of comforting warmth. It gave her pleasant dreams of someone humming and giggling softly as he held her hand. She didn't remember who she had dreamt of but the person in her dreams had been lovely. Sweet and soft, with a voice like salted caramel.

Did that make any sense?

Her heart warmed at the thought, like gooey treacle syrup over pudding and a peculiar sensation danced through her hair. She glanced upwards sharply. But the mirror before her reflected nothing, no flowers or sparkles of gold, just her messy bed head dripping with water.

The phantom scent of lilacs still haunted her and she frowned, folding the white shirt as she wiggled into his jeans.

Her guess remained unchallenged.

MinJae had been Ezra's partner in sex. The thought sent a burst of imagination through her creative brain. The imagery of soft exhales, hands brushing skin and the glint of handcuffs in the darkness teased her mind and she flushed at the thought.


She was not against the idea of her soulmates having sex with one another. It was not because of her perverted hobby of writing gay fanfiction. No.

Those fantasies were just creative exploration to her. Amber's lips quirked upwards. Just because one dissected lamb hearts in a lab for biology, didn't mean one loved killing baby lambs.


She welcomed it because unlike JieMi who had blatantly announced his absolute hatred for her, the two of them were interested in their soulmate or at least had some semblance of respect for her. Plus, she needed some help in satisfying their sexual needs.

Amber dispelled the thought. It ran a little too far into the future and brought unwanted hope into her heart. Hope that she didn't want to deal with. She stepped out of the bathroom, the previous clothes that dressed her skin dumped into the laundry basket in the washroom.

Ezra was waiting for her, already sipping his coffee as he swiped through his phone. The cute hair band that held his bangs back was gone and her heart sighed in disappointment. She wanted to see that forehead, maybe kiss it one day.

"Good morning," she told him, taking a seat at the counter.

He raised his head to give her a smooth nod and a small quirk of his lips. He was not used to her presence and she knew that he had been observing her carefully. His eyes were trying to read her personality and character. He was watching and waiting for something.

For what? She didn't know.

"Is this mine?" She squeaked out looking at the spread.

He was generous and everything was plated nicely into beautiful colours that appealed to her eyes and her stomach. God. Her heart pounded pathetically in her chest. He was amazing. So amazing.

She didn't deserve him.

"Who else am I feeding?" He drawled back sarcastically with a low chuckle, stabbing his fork into a piece of kimchi. "Ambrosia," he said thoughtfully. The rasp of his voice and the way his tongue curled over her name sounded a little too erotic for breakfast.

Her name on his lips made her heart race and she froze. How the hell did he know her name? Shit. She paled. Had she even introduced herself? They spent the night together, and Amber hadn't even told him her name?

"Your tag. On your uniform," he answered her questions without being asked to, continuing to eat as he watched her carefully. "I'm Ezra. Ezra Lee."

She knew that. He didn't know that she knew that. Amber flushed.

"Ah, um—" Should she say hello? Introduce herself? "—I'm Ambrosia Momo Pei or Amber and thank you for taking me in."

Amber pursed her lips together, glancing down at the food. "And cooking for me." Amber burst out feeling a warm thankful smile spread across her features as happiness buzzed within her. The thought of her soulmate and ultimate crush cooking for her just blew her mind into smithereens.

How was she so lucky?

Ezra looked a little stunned at her reaction and he dropped his gaze bashfully. It was cute because Amber noticed the way his pale cheeks could hardly conceal the soft pink flush of embarrassment. Without foundation, he was completely incapable of hiding the colour of his skin.

She was not sure what to do in this situation so she kept quiet, watching him as she picked at her salad trying to appear ladylike and dainty in front of him.

Talking to Sieon had been easy, he was outspoken and direct, always straight to the point. He spoke to her in a humorous joking manner with lewd undertones to everything he said.

Ezra was clearly still wary of her and Amber didn't know him well enough to understand him. It was quiet for a moment and Amber panicked a little wondering what she should say before Ezra finally started to talk to her.

"How old are you?"