oh sh*t

He blinked, furrowing his brows.

"In case you didn't notice, I'm ugly," he snorted. Amber was appalled by his words. Did the words of those haters get to him so deeply? "I'm like those pale, bloodless looking losers that hover around at the back and my personality is awkward as fuck. Girls only like me for my music and voice."

"That's bullshit," Amber said, sounding incredulous. "You're handsome. I don't know what kind of mental beauty standards you have in your mind but you're good looking."

"Stop joking around."

"I'm not."

She really believed so. Sure at the very start, she used to see him as another Asian male singer, but the more she got to know him, the more she liked him.

She continued to speak. "Looks are just product packaging." She shrugged. "Eventually, the hype of beauty dies down the more you look at someone. And for those losers only interested in facial features, they get bored and leave an amazing human being. Their loss." She pointed out.

She smiled. "It's better if you find someone who becomes even more beautiful to you when you spend more time with them. Not trying to be weird, but the more I talk to you the more attractive you are to me. So I'm sorry if I turn awkwardly red when you stare at me for too lon—" Amber laughed as her cheeks pinked at the deep stare he was shooting her way. The kind that indicated that he was deep in thought. "Gosh, stop doing that. Look away."

Ezra grinned. It broke the bored expression he had, making him look absolutely adorable. The gummy grin on his lips elicited a deeper shade of red on her cheeks.

"You're cute." He stated easily, dishing out compliments so quickly that Amber was slightly confused. She was really not sure how to read his complements. But she knew that he was usually the kind to be brutally honest and so if he said it, he meant it.

"So are you," Amber shot back, feigning nonchalance but inside, she was steaming.

"Thanks," He said and their conversation seemed to have broken the icy wariness between them.

"Okay, so can you tell me what you want me to do?" Amber asked. Ezra chuckled softly, looking amused.

"Just eat your toast," he shrugged. "We'll get there eventually. I'm not going to kick you to the curb any damn minute, I already told you I'll help you. Relax." He chewed on his toast.

"If you say so." She grinned.

She picked up her own slice of toast, biting into it quickly. The crunch of toasted white bread paired off with a lot of butter tasted heavenly. She could feel the soft, cold creamy heap melting on her tongue turning into a delicious liquid that flowed down her throat.

The taste blew her mind and she went back into her stupid eating mode. A soft moan escaping her lips before she could stop it.

She loved butter. The creamy cold substance on hot crispy toasted bread was usually a treat that she only got to enjoy at buffet breakfast. Her mother had banned her from eating buttered toast at home. Simply because if she was allowed access to the whole tub, Amber would finish it within three days. She treated that shit like ice cream.

Ezra was extremely generous in the amount of butter he heaped over the bread and so she found herself letting out a soft sound of approval.

When she opened her eyes, she was met by the sight of Ezra looking like an absolute mess. His eyes were squeezed shut, brows furrowed into a deep frown. His jaws were clenched so tight that the muscles bulged outwards. Lips spreading into a thin hard line.

He was tense, muscles tight and body clenched with his strain. His fingers were made into fists with his knuckles white. Amber faltered at the sight of him, setting her toast down. What was wrong with him?

Then he was opening his eyes, revealing those deep charcoal orbs. They bored into her, smouldering hot and filled with a heat that lit a fire deep within her lower abdomen. His eyes swam thick and heavy with a thousand flickering emotions. It was dripping with deep unadulterated yearning and so, so so much want.

The look sent a tingle of pleasure that trickled to the apex of her thighs and she squirmed, rubbing them together in an attempt to quell the fire.

"Fuck. Do you always eat like that?"

He didn't even bother being polite, growling lowly. His voice was a soft heady exhale of air, low and rough. It seemed that she'd broken him out of his previous quiet, gentle mannerism and he couldn't help but snap at her.

"Like what?" She replied, the words pouring out of her mouth before she could stop to think

"Like you're fucking someone?"

He was crude. He had never been the kind to stop himself from saying whatever the hell he wanted to say when he was feeling particularly passionate. Usually, Casper would be the one to step in to stop him during interviews.

Oh fuck. Was that moan really that lewd? It sounded like a complimenting hum to her. Her mind drifted to Miri's complaints of her erotic eating habits. She blamed it on her grandparents. They liked it when she ate well and would reward her for it.

They didn't start off as moans when she was a kid, more like excited squeals. But as she got older and lazier, the once exaggerated reaction died down into a low sultry groan that was even more erotic because of her naturally low voice.

It became something that stuck and the habit would appear sometimes. She blushed, folding her hands together. Fuck she did it again. It was just too early in the morning to stop herself from being disgusting. She was usually more reserved once she'd woken up a bit more. She blushed and then replied with an apology.

"Sorry. I do it sometimes, not on purpose," she coughed, taking a swig of coffee. The bitter drink burned her tongue, the pain waking her up. Shit.

His reply almost made her spit out her coffee.

"You are perfect," he spoke, voice dipping into a purr.

What? Amber blinked, eyes widening as she watched the delighted smile brush across his lips. His smiles always changed his entire demeanour, spreading across his frame and transforming his features.

This time the smile he gave her was big and wide, revealing his gums. It changed him from that broody unapproachable sexy man to this happy, cute adorable fluff of happiness.

"I need you to moan for me," he explained, looking excited at the thought. He was practically buzzing. His eyes were glinting with mischief, lips spreading wider. "For my new song, you're going to adlib as the girl I'm fucking."

Oh shit.