
"You're sure you want to do this?" He pressed. "This is your last chance to get out."

He smiled, his voice holding a teasingly low, lazy lilt. But his eyes betrayed his true thoughts. He wanted this more than ever. He wanted this just like her. The gleam in his eyes was familiar and she'd seen it in Sieon's eyes when he wanted to kiss her.

Would Ezra kiss her too if she asked him to?

"Yes," she replied, feeling a little bolder.

He smiled, the soft look contrasting with the heat in his eyes. He was quiet, wordless when he left and Amber didn't know how to read him. Almost robotically, she laid out the sheet and sat on the fabric. She gingerly placed the headphones over her ears. She contemplated on her next move, licking her lips.

"Promise not to look?" She pleaded through the microphone.

Honestly, deep down, she wouldn't mind if he did.


She shimmied out of his jeans, and she was left in her panties. They were her adorably cuter ones. Soft pink, lacy with ribbons and she observed her thighs. Would he think of them as too fat? She didn't know.

Her eyes flickered to him. As promised, he was faced away from her and she couldn't see the look on his face, only glimpses of his side profile.

God. Her cheeks pinked. Was she actually doing this? The bullet in her hands started buzzing again and she jumped, almost dropping it. A soft heady gasp escaping her throat.

"Sorry." Ezra's voice was lower, rough and raspy through the headphones. Sexier than she imagined.

"Wait how do I use this?" She mumbled into the mic, more to herself than to him.

"You don't know how to..." The shock in his voice was immense.

"No. NO. I DO!' She was blushing, red with her embarrassment. "This is just so..." She struggled to explain. He was quiet before he started speaking, his voice trailing into her ears.

"Rub it against your inner thighs," He exhaled, his voice tight with his emotions.

Oh, fuck.

She parted her legs, feeling self-conscious as she awkwardly brought it across her skin. The buzz shocked her and her frazzled nerves made it even more sensitive. She found herself gasping at the touch, jumping a little. The feeling vibrated all the way to her clit, which throbbed and jumped at the touch. Her skin was so sensitive that the buzz forced another gush of cream from her pussy.

"Good," Ezra purred, voice low and seductive. "Continue."

She heeded his words, voice hitching as she rubbed it over her inner thighs. The buzz soon became familiar and she found herself involuntarily inching the bullet towards her core in search for more. She decided to close her eyes, the darkness that swathed her sight provided her with a sense of security.

It made this seem like one of her dreams and not reality. It made this seem like another fantasy. Another dream.

The pleasure, however, increased with her vision robbed. It forced her to focus on the vibrating bullet that wrecked her body and his voice in her ears. She found herself relaxing, no longer tensed with her embarrassment.

"Stroke it against your lips gently." His voice trailed through the headphone and she nodded, knowing exactly which lips he meant.

She swallowed thickly as she gripped the chair brushing the bullet against her wetness. She was sticky and her cream coated the entire bullet easily with just a brush of the vibrator over her skin.

"God, you sound so fucking sexy." He breathed out, the soft crackly exhale brought her back to awareness but she forced her eyes to stay closed.

The darkness acted as her protection and barrier against the shame. She thought about him listening to her through the glass, thought about him aroused by her sounds and she let out an involuntary soft moan.

The buzz was sporadic and she found her hips gyrating against the bullet as her pleasure consumed her, radiating out in waves. Her skin burned, blazing hot with her arousal. Her head was murky and dazed from the heat, light-headed by pleasure.

"Don't you dare touch your clit," he growled, a soft rasp of air cut from his vocal cords.

Fuck. She exhaled through clenched teeth, succumbing to the pleasure.

"Please?" She breathed out airily, trembling softly as the waves of desire coursing through her body had her clenching around nothing again and again.

Her inner muscles were contracting around the emptiness, her clit throbbing at the sound of his voice. She let her fingers brush against the tight bundle of nerves. Shit! The burn of heat forced a strangled groan from her lips. The pleasure was much stronger than before, causing her hips to jolt upwards into the air.

"Naughty girl," he exhaled. His voice was airy with his pleasure and she could hear the strain in them. The sound was stretched, thick with his own arousal. "I can't believe you're letting me listen. You want me, don't you?"

She didn't stop rubbing the bullet over her folds, dipping it into her opening as he continued. "You've wanted my tongue on your pussy. You wanted me to make you drip like a faucet with the flick of my tongue."

His reference to his song almost forced the orgasm out of her, her toes splaying and stretching as her body shook with pleasure. She was panting, moaning wantonly as he spoke, dirty-talking her to her high. The memory of her masturbation session to the song sent her body into a frenzy.

His voice was dripping sex.

"Press it against your clit," he said and she faltered, suddenly afraid. The pleasure that wrecked her system was so intense that she was scared of what was to come. "Do it, before I come in and do it for you."

He would? She listened to him, her clit trembling as she pulled back the hood with soaked fingers pressing the bullet against the sweet spot over her panties.

The cry that escaped her lips was a violent reaction, and it forced a deep guttural moan from her lips. Her thighs were trembling and she was so aroused that she was sitting in her own puddle of cream. Her fluids were soaking the sheets and dripping down her inner thighs.


She could barely hear herself, the moans that escaped her small frame were no longer painfully obvious to her ears. She was lost in her head consumed within a dazed cloud of pleasure as she masturbated.

Then the bullet reacted, its vibrations increasing in intensity with Ezra's sadistic control. She bit back a surprised yelp, but the moan that escaped her lips was a husky timbre of pleasure. She shied away, whimpering a little, the pleasure too extreme for her body.

"Don't you fucking dare," he growled. Her nipples were sensitive, rubbing against his shirt painfully and sending jolts of pleasure that added to the rising wave within her. She found her body climbing and her pleasure ascending as the bullet drew out her moans, the occasional expletives and pleas of his name.

"You like it, don't you? Like that I'm here." He rasped and her mind flickered to the thought of his body, tensed with need.

The way the neck in his veins would pop out when he spat fire. The way his eyes had looked at breakfast, dark and hard with his lust. He had wanted her then, just as she wanted him.

"You like that I'm hard and dripping in my boxers while you masturbate in my fucking chair."

She was filled to bursting, reaching a high as she quivered and shook.

"Cum right now." His hoarse sexy voice, raspy with the lack of oxygen and low with his pleasure, sent her system into overdrive. Her thighs slammed together as her back arched. Her lips were parting to let out a soft scream that she was incapable of stifling even with the bite of her lips. It ended up coming out as a whine as her swollen clit vibrated along with the bullet, bursting the bubble of pleasure building up at her core.

She squirted, pressing her thighs together so that the liquid would coat his sheets. She was trembling as she creamed her favourite panties completely. The soft keening moans that escaped her lips were impossible to control.


She might just be falling in love with Ezra.