
God. Mental Amber proceeded to complete the Ice Bucket Challenge on herself ten times. She cleared her throat. Time to change the subject before she started to say something nasty.

"Um, listen...Ezra, about this whole thing. I—"

"I get it," Ezra interrupted her quickly.

He sat up straighter, running a hand through his hair. The light wash of sweat kept his hair slicked back just a little to look sexy but not enough to look oily and disgusting.

"You did this for me, so I'm really thankful," he said again and she could hear the sincerity in his voice. "You don't have to worry about the implications and whatnot. I won't say a thing."

He shook his head, his voice strong and steady. "We can just take it as our secret," he flushed, biting his lips nervously. The action was unlike the usually confident guy that she knew. "I swear to God, I won't tell your soulmate."

His last words were sincere, too sincere. His eyes met hers. His gaze was strong and hard as if he dared her to question his intentions, dared her to interject. Though, there was something about his gaze that pleaded to her in ways that she didn't understand.

Amber swallowed, a little disappointed and confused. That was what he was worried about? He must have misread her expression because he stuttered out another reply, shaking his head lightly.

"As I said, I have had sex partners so really, I get it," he repeated again.

Was this just fun and games to him? The twinge of pain that shot through her heart was like a knife that stabbed into her flesh, and twisted over and over again. "Don't worry about it. We were just exploring and shit, no strings attached." Ezra said, lifting his hands in surrender.


She gave him a small pained smile. That didn't sound too good. She wanted those strings, wanted them to tie her to him, wanted him to hold her in his arms.

But somehow those words seemed to be incapable of escaping her lips. While her heart urged her to come clean to Ezra, her mind was fearful of admitting the truth. Her mind was afraid of the unpredictable unknown, conjuring a thousand scenarios on how it could go horribly wrong. It urged her to protect herself. Stay safe, it said.

Amber accepted that warning a little reluctantly.

"Okay," she said simply and he gave her another one of his cute grins. The smile hid the flash of emotions behind his eyes that she barely caught sight of. It was like the flicker of a shooting star in the sky. He glanced at the sheets nervously, reaching over to take them from her.

"I'll take these," he stood to take them from her, grabbing the sheets easily with large hands and pulling the vibrator out with the other.

She pursed her lips together, her cheeks reddening as his fingers brushed over the very same bullet that had sent her into ecstasy. Her mind fumbled with her questions. Shit. Did she wipe it clean? This was kind of embarrassing.

He didn't seem to mind, looking unfazed and her traitorous mouth opened again in her daze.

"What do you use it for?"

She was a little confused over why he had a vibrator. She'd always believed that the bullet vibrator was more for girls than guys. She had assumed that the boys in this house would be the kind to be stocked up with artificial vaginas or something.

"What do I use it for?" He raised a brow looking amused, the smirk on his lips a little naughty. He tilted his head to the side, the smirk transforming into a sexy grin. "Pleasure, what else?"

She flushed. What the heck was she trying to ask? He continued answering her question with a soft quirk of his lips.

"You mean how do I use it."

He filled in the gaps for her, eyes glittering with his amusement. His crude honesty kicked in as he spoke. The confidence and laid back attitude she was used to seeing on him made its appearance again.

"If you press it to the edge of a guy's cock," he drawled, turning the bullet over and over in his fingers as one would to a pen. "It'll drive him absolutely," he dropped his voice into a growl, spelling out the words carefully. "Fucking," he licked his lips, "crazy."

He breathed with a smirk, resting his weight on one leg in a lazy stance. She was distracted by the way he was looking at her and she swallowed nervously. Was he flirting with her?

He continued, seemingly snapping out of the mood with a shrug and a turn of his lips. "In fact, if you tape it on the head of his penis and attach a cock ring he might just do about anything to cum." He snorted, letting a huff of air escape his nose with a pleasant smile on his lips. His eyes, however, were tumultuous waves out at sea, crashing and roaring with the wind.

Holy fuck. Was that what he did to MinJae? Her eyes glazed over at the thought of her pretty soulmate and the mellifluous voice that escaped his lips. What did he sound like in throes of ecstasy? Her lips parted before she could take a second to think.

"So you use this on your partner?" She asked softly, her voice tinged with her surprised and slight arousal.

His eyes locked with hers as he watched her carefully as if he were trying to read her expressions. For a second, she was afraid that her face gave out too many answers to the questions that he had.

"Mm," he hummed in agreement. His lips twitched upwards. "Myself mostly." Her eyes widened at his words. Realisation dawning upon her at the implications of his words. Did she just use his sex toy? Holy shit.


He smiled grimly, taking her expression the wrong way.

"Disgusted? I told you I clean it thoroughly—"

"No," she shook her head, feeling her skin warm with the thought of him.

The thought of their collective usage of a sex toy. The thought of him coming apart under the very same toy that had sent her into a state of bliss. The thought of the indirect touch of his cock on her pussy. His cock rubbing against her—She flushed. What was she thinking?

"I'm not. If you're not disgusted by the fact that I used it."

He raised a brow, taking a closer step up to her.

His scent. Another gush of arousal shot through her system at that smell. Musky, and fresh like cold winter air, tinged with a slight undertone of sweetness.

"Why would I be?" He smiled, his eyes curved into crinkled moons.

Her eyes flickered up to his face as he loomed over her, the smile dropping into a small smirk. He was too close and she could almost feel the heat of his skin radiating outwards. She could taste his natural masculine scent in the air and it sent her into a heady daze of desire.

"In fact, I think I'm privileged as fuck." Her brow quirked at the word, her mind fumbling over the translation from Korean to English.


Did she get it wrong? She watched as his tongue darted out to lick dry lips and his eyes flickered over her face. Those dark orbs traced her features before going down to her lips.

She noticed the drop of his gaze and she found herself gravitating towards him. He stepped up closer to her and she was startled by their difference in height.

He was so close she could see every single thick eyelash that framed those mono-lidded eyes. His pale creamy skin was a vibrant contrast against those deep red lips, slightly swollen from the abuse of its owner. He had bitten on them and nibbled on the flesh until the colour had progressed a few shades darker. His lips were so red that she was drawn to look at the soft flesh.

Red, the colour of power, the colour of passion, the colour of lust.

"You," he breathed. His voice was a dark rasp that crackled a little as he dipped it into a low moan. She was transfixed by the soft smile on those pretty lips, unable to look away. Her eyes were completely and utterly consumed by his features as everything else in the background dimmed into a low dull hum. "Are so impossibly beau—"

His phone dinged and they snapped out of their daze, jumping backwards from one another as if they'd done something sinful. He cursed fluently in Korean fumbling with his phone to slide it open, eyes flickering over the message.

"My friends are coming home." His words broke her out of the spell that he had cast over her. Awareness rushed back to her with a sharp sort of intensity. She had forgotten in the heat of the moment. And now she remembered where she was. And who she was with. She inhaled sharply.

His friends.

Her soulmates.

"Come on, let's go," he sighed and she nodded, stepping forward to push open the door. The whoosh of air was followed by the sweet scent of tangerines. Her eyes widened, flickering upwards as her line of sight was met by a wall of skin wrapped tightly in a thin sweater.

Almond-shaped eyes.

Her breath hitched as she stepped back into the embrace of Ezra. Her head hitting against his chest and his hand automatically moved to steady her, his fingers pressed against her arms. Normally, she would have been thrilled by his touch, but at this very moment, she was too damn scared to care.


Her usually bubbly soulmate had a pleasant smile on his face, but his jaws were clenched; the muscles jutting out as he grinded his teeth lightly together. His face was dark, sullen and cold with his anger.

The look in his eyes was hard, unfeeling even, and they tore into her heavy with his emotions. They did not look surprised at her appearance. At all.

"Bro," he greeted Ezra, but his eyes were stormy with hostility. "In the fucking studio? Really?" He bit out, his usually bright and sunny voice cold and gruff.

He sounded fucking pissed, and his eyes remained on her face.

Oh shit.