Come here

The ride back to his condominium was quiet at first as she sat in a drowsy daze, feeling sleepy from the patter of rain on the window. She kept silent, letting him have his own time to his thoughts. Then he broke out of his quiet musing with a question.

"How do you know each other?" He asked softly and Amber blinked awake. She glanced at her soulmate, surprised at the question that he had thrown her way. It was a clue that gave her access to what he'd been thinking about the whole time.

Had he been jealous? Her mind supplied her with the memory of his snappish, rude attitude towards Oliver and the way he had seemed to almost drag her out of the dormitory like a hissy, bristling cat. Wait a second...She pursed her lips together in an attempt to hide her smile.

"A convenience store," she told him, then decided to relieve him of his curiosity and jealousy. "He spilt milk on me so I borrowed his jacket."

She paused considering what other information to give him. "We saw each other the next day and he lent me his sunglasses." Sunglasses that seemed to have destroyed her soul bonds. She blamed Oliver a little, but it was not his fault. It was their crazy fans and her being in an unfortunate situation. "That's it."

"Short," Ezra raised a brow. His choice of words sent a small smile to her lips and forced a huff of air to escape her nostrils from her amusement. Was that what he had been sulking about the whole way here? The length of time she knew Oliver? "I see."

He looked pleased, the small smug smile on his lips a little adorable. He didn't even try to hide his expression. She gave him a funny look.

"Hey, friendships don't need a specific length of time to form, okay?" She chided softly.

"Friendship huh," Ezra echoed.

He glanced at her. His dark eyes meeting hers, the flames under those pretty black pupils heating her skin. She was starting to get used to that look in his eyes, that fiery burn in those usually lazy and cool eyes.

"What about relationships?" His voice dipped a little, and he let the air escape his throat in a rough sexy exhale. He was doing that rapper/singer seductive shit again. Amber faltered, glancing at her soulmate.

"W-what kind?" She stammered, her voice sounding a little choked.

She coughed, clearing her throat from the sudden stickiness that clogged her vocal cords. He wasn't implying something about their relationship, was he? He seemed so obsessed with her mysterious soulmate. The things he'd been saying had soiled her mood. What was with the change in attitude?

Her eyes narrowed. This wasn't because of Oliver, was it? Was he threatened by a prospective competitor and decided to just fuck it and make her his? Her heart jumped at the thought. It liked the idea of his lips on hers. Hold on, she should not count her chickens before they hatched.

"Depends," he drawled, tapping his long fingers on the steering wheel.

"On what?"

"On you," he shrugged, stopping the car abruptly.

She was a little shocked at his bold actions, her eyes flickering to their surroundings. They were at a random road, in the middle of the rain with absolutely no one surrounding them except for trees. Perfect spot for him to kill her and bury her corpse, her morbid brain supplied.

He turned to look at her, snapping his seatbelt off to move. He propped his arm up languidly, a finger pressed to his lips as he watched her with a small smirk. Shit. Why the hell was he so damn hot?

The sudden full attention from her soulmate sent a shock wave of pleasure through her system. Her body stirred, remembering his control over her pleasure and his voice in her ears.

Desire pulsated between her legs in time with her heartbeat, thrumming with her need. She squeezed her thighs together in an attempt to relieve some of her suffering, but only succeeded in increasing her arousal.

"Me?" She murmured out her reply, watching as he inched closer to her and yet her body refused to move back.

He smiled, almost pleased and she was engulfed by his heady scent of mint and rain. His face was so close to hers she was distracted by the darkness of his eyes. Their colour was so black that the specks of light which reflected over his pupils were like the stars in the night sky.

Truly, only in the darkness could you see the brightest of stars.

"Tell me to stop," he said, his voice low and raspy.

He reached to cup her face with long, soft fingers, moving to tilt her chin upwards. She'd never heard this tone from him. This voice, that was openly thick with his lust and need for her. The emotions were raw, no longer held back as they had been previously. No longer tied back by whatever conscience that had chained him away from her.

"Tell me to stop now," he warned, his tone dangerous and dark. It promised too many things, things that she wanted. Things that he seemed to want as much as she did.

She kept quiet, watching as her soulmate's smile grew wider with her silence. His thumb brushed across her bottom lip, rubbing it gently with slow circular strokes. His touch elicited excitement deep within her belly that fluttered like butterfly wings.

"No?" He asked softly, tilting his head to the side, letting his hair brush against his eyes prettily and revealing the pale smooth creamy skin of his neck. His moist pink tongue dragged quickly across his lips, the action oddly arousing to her eyes.

She shook her head, enraptured by the sight of her soulmate before her. The white-blonde of his hair that reflected the soft light that emitted from the street lamps, bathed him in a wash of gold and silver. He was beautiful, his eyes half-lidded to reveal those pretty, lush lashes.

"Good girl," he purred, the smirk spreading across his lips.

He lunged forward pressing his lips to hers without even giving her a second to think or consider what was actually happening. Amber gasped, her sound of surprise consumed by his kisses.

He was harsh and demanding, and he surged up to her stealing kiss after kiss without even giving her a moment to catch her breath. His lips were hard and gruff against hers.

He was not a tender, soft lover like Sieon. He was rough, dominating and needy. She was panting, blindsided by his attacks and whenever he parted from her for just a second, he was back again for more. Ezra was like wildfire in a sea of drying vegetation, consuming her with his burning touch.

His touch drugged her senses and turned her into a muddled heap of pleasure. Her thighs were trembling lightly with her pleasure and her core dripped with her arousal, staining her jeans with her wetness. His heady spicy scent engulfed her and she could scarcely do anything but let him kiss her again and again.

Ezra let out a low sexy growl, pulling her closer to him with a harsh grip on her forearm. He nipped on her lips to demand better access to her tongue. She was panting, her head swimming with his heat and his scent.

His taste of sweet sugar and mint was spreading across her taste buds as he nibbled and suckled on her with a whole new intensity that she hadn't experienced with Sieon.

He was skilled and knew exactly what to do with her. The tempo of their make-out session was increasing so quickly that she was befuddled. She was unable to do anything except let her natural instinct take over to meet his touch.

When they finally parted he was chuckling softly, cheeks flushed a soft pretty pink that was beautiful on his pale skin. The somewhat innocent shade was an ironic opposite of the state Ezra was now in.

"Come here." He exhaled, the delighted lilt in his voice made her giddy.