
"Huh?" Amber's eyes widened at his words and she glanced at him, noticing the stiffness in his face and the sad twitch of his lips. "No, no. I just don't want to be a burden to you—"

"You're not." His voice was cold, harsh with his frustration and the change in his face was evident when he turned to her. She had never seen that expression on his face before. His usually cheery adorable smirks had transformed into a chilly look of pure anger. He was furious.

"Never say that. Never," he spoke before turning to the road. She was shocked by the force of his statement, by how offended he was. His voice was cold, icy and steely like the slice of a burning blade on cold butter. "You'll never be a burden to me." His voice was softer this time.

She was quiet, unable to respond to his words.

"Focus on your education and your dreams," he continued. "We're a team now, a team." He smiled.

It was sweet, like a drop of honey on the tongue after a spoonful of bitter medicine, it washed away the chilly atmosphere he had left behind. "As a team, we share our bank accounts." He nodded frantically, then he glanced at her with a sad expression. " don't want to be a team with me."

Hell, how could she even reject such an offer? Damn it.

"Fine..." Amber said, her voice small.

He smiled, looking proud at his first win of their 'argument.'

"Send me your school fees and bills later please." He told her.

The thought of fees and bills caused her mind to wander then, trailing to the legal side of their soulmate bond. She frowned. Hikaru was technically her first confirmed soulmate and she remembered vaguely that there was some kind of form to sign.

What do we do now?" She asked.

"Hmm? Drive home?" He blinked. "Are you hungry?"

"No, no," she snorted at his words. They just ate a mountain of food. Did he really think she could eat more? She gave him a funny look. Seriously? "I mean legally."

"Legally, I'll have to tell my company." He leaned back into his seat languidly, one hand on the wheel and the other playing with her hand. "They'll help facilitate our meeting and hire security for you," he replied. She shot him a look of alarm. His company?


She swallowed thickly, fear gushing through her veins and flooding her system. That might be a problem considering how she was blacklisted as an obsessive fan. Hell. They probably couldn't do much to her with Hikaru by her side.

However, telling the company would mean letting every staff member know and such information would never escape the ears of her six other soulmates or the public.

"Because of my age, it's okay for me to reveal to the world that I'm taken but we can keep quiet." He continued, oblivious to her fears.

"Please," she said quickly.

Hikaru smiled, leaning over to press a kiss to her cheek adoringly. She flushed at the soft press of his lips on her skin. It was fleeting like the brush of a butterfly's wing, gentle like the breeze through her hair. It helped to soothe some of the fears that bubbled in her chest.

"Anything you want." The look of adoration in his eyes shone brightly in the darkness of the car and she flushed looking away, unable to stop her heart from thrumming in her chest. "I'll be here for you." He said, his voice was sweet and soft. It caressed her gently, warming her inside like the brush of summer wind through her hair.

He continued. "My best friends will protect you too. They're like brothers to me and they'll do anything for me." His voice was firm with his pride and love. "And by default that includes you."

She paled. Shit. She forgot that he would definitely be telling them about her. Why wouldn't he? They had lived together for so long it was only natural that they would need to know. She was sure that he was bursting to spill, to tell them that he was finally taken. Just as she had been with Miri.

"The thing is..." She tried to say.

Her chest was brimming full with her guilt. She could feel it, almost taste the impending doom. She needed to tell him that he wasn't her only soulmate or else the shit storm would hit the fan. But at the same time, the cold feeling of fear rushed up to her skin and twisted and turned in her belly. It flared deep within her reducing the warmth of the soul bond. "I, well. I'm—"


She glanced at him, the words unable to escape her mouth as her lips trembled. He watched her, his eyes brimming with his concern and confusion. She knew he would believe her. He would because she was his soulmate.

But if he had to bear all that information and keep the secret from his friends. That was a form of torture. Her brows furrowed at the thought of him suffering.

She was honestly unsure how he would take it. She didn't really know if he could even accept her after learning the truth. Her face fell as she struggled to form the words.

"Momo, it's okay," he soothed, breaking her from her thoughts. He laced their fingers together tightly. "If you can't tell me now, you don't have to tell me." He smiled gently. "Take your time." He was gentle, understanding and she almost cried with her relief.

"Please don't tell the rest of IDOL yet," she whispered, her eyes meeting his. "I'll explain...Soon. Just wait for me. Then you can tell them."

One day. Soon. When she was ready to face all her fears at one go.

"Okay," he nodded, a cheeky grin spreading across his cheeks. "Is this because I'm not your favourite in the group?" He teased poking her skin with a finger.

"Nope, it's not that," she snorted, slapping his hand away lightly. "I don't have a favourite..." She decided to give him. A clue perhaps, if he could catch it. "I've always liked all of you."

He raised a brow and smiled, turning to look at her mid-drive. "So my BFFs are my rivals?" Ouch. She hurried to school her features from the blatant shock to a neutral look. That hit a little way too close to home.

He continued. "Will I have to beat them off you?" She swallowed thickly at his words, looking away to feign embarrassment.

"Shush!" She told him, her voice light and airy. A false expression of her amusement but inside she wasn't okay. Hell, she was scared. Worried. Guilty.

"Okay, okay. My bad, I won't tease you about it," he chuckled, pressing another kiss to her hair before turning to start the car.

His movement sent a gust of air that wrapped around her. He smelled of something floral, like blackcurrant and violets. Touched with a tinge of spiciness that warmed her inside. A scent that calmed her down with each deep breath.

"Where do you live?" He asked, changing the subject as they hit the main road. It was empty and the rain continued to fall hard and fast on the surface of his car.

She blinked. A little unsure of where she should tell him. Ezra's condominium? Her apartment? Miri's home? School dormitory? She blanched at the thought of Ezra seeing Hikaru with her. She was not sure how the both of them would react but something in her guts told her that their meeting wouldn't be too good...

"Along the streets of Sky Temple," she replied honestly. Might as well head back to her original home, even if it were dangerous.

"The one near to the club?" He immediately asked. His voice was tight, as if he were tensed. She shot him a look, surprised at the tic in his clenched jaws and the wrinkle between his brows.

"Yeah," she said.

"I see," his voice was solemn and low, deep in thought. "It's not safe there." He pursed his lips together. "Ah, Shit," he sighed. "I didn't think about buying a house. Fuck." He cursed, letting the word roll on his tongue, his voice lower and gruffer than she was used to.

The sudden crude language shocked her a little. Her adorable man using bad language meant that this wasn't something small. This was big. Was that street really that bad? Her mind drifted to the memory of Ezra and how he had reacted.

Maybe, that was why he wanted her to stay with him.