
When the words left his mouth it just seemed to solidify the situation, it just seemed to make his nightmares into a reality and the tears spilt from his cheeks, increasing in its amount. He couldn't see through the tears that blurred his vision and they continued to spill down his face as he spoke. "I was blinded in my pain. In my own anger."

He swallowed, unable to look at her as he continued, his body heaving with each word. "I thought I was alone so I just-I know I shouldn't be giving you all these stupid excuses. But, I really-I truly." He hiccuped, sniffing as he garbled out his words through the tears. His voice was wet and it cracked as he spoke. Each syllabus was accompanied by a dry sob that tears out of his throat and a pain in his chest that hurts more than anything he's ever felt in his life. The pain in his chest roared through his body making his limbs turn numb with his exertion, he couldn't breathe through his tears and he struggled to speak.

"I really want to be with you. I really want this to work out. I-I didn't mean the things I said. I was lost in my rage. I was confused. I didn't think. I know, I'm stupid. Oh, I really don't know what to do. Please." He swallowed thickly, rubbing his tears. His panicked mind moving to think of all the other ways he could get her to forgive him.

He continued, desperately spilling out all the words in his head. He could do nothing but talk because he knew if he didn't she would leave. "What can I do? I know I hurt you. I don't deserve you. I know, I know I made you mad. I know- I-" He broke, sobbing as he spoke. "I know I almost killed you. I know I'm horrible. I am. I am." He nodded viciously, admitting his sins. " I-I am the most horrible soulmate in the world. I can't do this, please my chest hurts so much. I don't know what to do. What should I do? What should I do now? I don't know what to do-" He exhaled, dry sobs wrecking through his body, a strangle of words through his throat.

"MinJae...Don't cry." His eyes flickered to his soulmate and he was surprised to see her crying too. The tears spilling from the corners of her eyes, pretty like crystals in the light. "You'll make me sad too." Somehow seeing her cry made a rush of pain spring in his chest. His chin wobbled, as his lips turned down.

"I-I can't stop crying." He wailed, rubbing the tears from his eyes.

"Dummy." She sighed then she snorted. "You know, what? We're actually on the same fucking page."

"What?" MinJae blurted out, sniffing and then her lips were on his. He was in shock, his eyes widening at the sight of her closed ones. Her lips were soft, softer than what he remembers and her kiss was gentle and sweet, a simple lip on lip. Nothing too special, nothing too sexual. In fact, it was so sweet that it made his soul melt into goo and his heart fly out of his chest. She parted from him, giving him a look and he blinked, the tears leaving his eyes as his vision cleared.

"You're like a wall." She complained, raising a brow. He opened his mouth then he closed it again, then he opened it.

"C-can I try again? Please?" He asks softly. She smiled and this time the smile reaches her eyes. The soft hazel was sweet like the dalgona (달고나) candy his mother would buy for him when he was good. His heart skipped a tentative beat as he hoped and prayed to his God that she would accept him. Was she accepting him? He couldn't bear to give himself hope. What did the kiss mean? He didn't know. He was a little stunned by her action.

"Sure." She let out a huff of amusement and pecked his lips. He blinked, startled at how fast this one was. Although something flickered in his chest, amusement bubbling from within him.

"That was unfair." He breathed, pouting a little. "That was too fast."

"Are you Goldilocks?" She sniffed through her smile.

"I want one more." He pleaded, letting his voice drop into a whine. "One more." She obliged with a cheeky frown. This time, when her lips meet his, he consumed her, reacting quickly before his fish swam away from the net. He took control, swiftly raising the intensity as he clung onto her as if she were the only thing tying him to this world.

He was lost in the sensation of her mouth on his, her small body on his, her scent, her taste of mint from the toothpaste and something more. He wanted more of her on his tongue, more of her on his lips. More of her. He was flushed, his skin buzzing as he moved and captured her lips again and again never letting her go from his embrace. She was everything and he wanted the moment to never end. He was flying, flying over a garden of apple trees with the sun on his back, and her in his arms. He was soaring over the oceans, swerving through the clouds, dancing over the waterfalls.

"Hey, hey." She parted from him, her body quivering in his arms and he blinked feeling a little dazed and drugged from the gold that swirls between them. She sat on his torso, her cheeks pink as she smiled at him. "What has gotten into you?"

"One more." He chirped out, making the symbol of 'one' with his free hand. Then he takes both their hands and makes a begging gesture with his hands. "Pretty please." He purposely used the more childish version of the word, letting his Korean melt into a baby voice that he'd mastered after so many years of television. "Please. Please. Please."

"You're cheating. That was not one kiss." She squinted at him, faking a look of judgement. He cupped his hand on her cheeks and sealed her lips with his own. One kiss, two kisses, three kisses. He melted into her hold, his tongue moulding with hers, tasting her, needing her. His skin was so hot he could almost set fire to the bedsheets, his tears practically evaporating away from the fire of need that burned between them.

His cock throbbed as she moved, her core brushing against its sensitive head and he groaned over her lips, wiggling his hips needily eager for another taste of pleasure. His hand dropped to press against her hip bones, rubbing into the sensitive spot that caused her breath to hitch. A low moan escaped her lips and the sound traveled all the way to his cock which spewed yet another dollop of precum. He's breathless at the sound, so utterly aroused by her sweet voice that his mind blanked for a moment, his hips eager to snap upwards and rub his hard cock against her soft plush ass.

He wanted to hear it again. Her voice on his lips, the vibrations of that dark creamy chocolate that drags from her throat like an aphrodisiac to his ears. He nibbled on her lips, dragging his other hand up to trail to her breasts, eager to circle the rosebud like nub that would bring her greater pleasure-

The door whooshed open and his eyes darted to the incoming nurse pushing a cart into the room. They parted quickly, her climbing off him in a heartbeat as she moved to snuggle by his side. He straightened his clothes, pulling his knees up to block the sight of his raging hard-on. His heart was pounding when the older woman approached them with a motherly smile, seemingly oblivious to what they had just done.

"Hello dears. This is your lunch, Ms. Pei." The nurse greeted them pleasantly, placing the tray on the movable table and unlocking the wheels to slide it over to them. MinJae's heart soared, fluttering with happiness at how his soulmate was cuddled by his side, clutching his hand tightly. He sneaked a peek at her, a wide smile on his lips at the sight of her red face and swollen lips as she snuggled into his hold.

So cute.

He tried to get a grip on his emotions, glancing at the food. There was rice, stewed chicken as the main course, herbal soup and a couple of side dishes that looked a little too healthy for his liking, being the chilli lover that he was. The nurse continued to speak, placing a small cup of pills and a glass of water for his soulmate to take.

"Take all of them after your meal and oh, hm...Mr. Ryu?" She checked her chart before calling out his surname.

"Y-yes?" He cleared his throat nervously, his heart beating hard in his chest.

"We encourage sexual contact, but please don't overexert Ms Pei." She winked comedically. Oh fuck.


MinJae's cheek burned, changing into a beetroot red. His skin practically heated up the air around them, boiling him alive. He squirmed sheepishly nodding before the nurse turned to go leaving the room in a jovial mood. He winced hearing the door shut.

"Eh. She looks like she sees couples having sex all the time." His soulmate pointed out. "I think it comes with the job." MinJae raised a brow at her words, snickering a little. She made a face, sitting up to slip the chopsticks out of the plastic. "The doctor told me about it too, gave me a few winks."

"Is that why you kissed me?" MinJae asked cheekily.

"That was a peck. You gave me a kiss, mister." She gave him a look and he laughed. Then he pressed his lips to her cheek because he couldn't stop himself from touching her. As she ate, he reached for the stand taking his phone. It was about time he told his best friends. He nodded to himself, swiping to their group chat. If she could forgive him enough to kiss him, they stood a chance too and even if their relationship wouldn't be that widely accepted. They could be happy.

MinJae: she's awake:))))))
