stop crying

She tried not to let that fact disappoint her.

They all watched her as if they expected her to react explosively. The looks on their faces were one of almost comical apprehension. She had never seen them like this before, not even the most famous broadcasts nor the biggest of concerns. She didn't know what to say to appease them, really. Was she really that scary? She swallowed thickly, furrowing her brows.

"I'm fine." She replied with a nod, the awkward situation was making her nervous. She might have reacted a little too robotically, her answer a little too stiff to be really amicable because they all visibly experienced another level of panic. She would have laughed if they weren't treating it so seriously.

Sieon was almost on the verge of crying. His eyes were watering as he fumbled with whatever he had behind his back, he looked as if he were holding back his tears. His lips trembling as he bit into them viciously. Hikaru was shifting about even more rapidly, his huge shoulders swaying back and forth in his panic. Knowing the cry baby, it wouldn't be long before he started sobbing.

Oliver was panicking, his hands moving to stop the two members from exploding. His eyes flickering between the both of them and back to her, his brows pressed together into an expression of concern. Why was he panicking too? He looked at her, with an expression on his face that seemed to scream that he didn't know what to do.

Casper visibly froze further, transforming into a statue and Ezra-Amber's breath caught in her throat at the sight. His face was so fucking sad. His eyes were red, now that she looked, it seemed bloodshot as if he had been crying for days. His lips were downturned resulting in a mess of dimples on his chin and she watched wide eyed as a tear slipped from the corner of his eye.

He was crying? Her eyes widened at the sight, her heart burning and twisting with her pain. Amber had always seen him as someone who was awfully strong and usually, he came across as aloof. So for him to radiate this much sadness on his face, it pained her. It really did. It was like an arrow straight through her fleshy heart. It was as if someone had forced a burning hot rod into her chest as if someone had ripped out her heart with their claws.

Then her Ezra got on his knees.

It came to her as a surprise, because her breath caught in her throat as he knelt before her bed with both knees on the rug. Honestly, Amber had only seen such apologies in Taiwanese Dramas and being the cynical viewer, she would usually laugh at the actors whenever they got on their knees.

She definitely wasn't laughing now.

"I'm sorry." Ezra said, and his voice. God. Amber couldn't help the burn of tears spring at the back of her throat, sour with her sadness, a lump forming from the sound. His voice was a strangled wail that tore from his lips, a soft whine of words that had her heart breaking for him. He was trembling as he spoke, his shoulders heaving as he fought back the need to gasp with his sobs. He was definitely struggling to not openly weep in front of her, biting his lips as droplet after droplet rolled down his pale cheeks. He bit his lips so hard that a trickle of blood stained the pale pink. "I'm sorry."

She couldn't help herself from staring blankly at him, her mind freezing at the sight of her crying soulmate on his knees. She was confused, conflicted, unsure of what to do. Definitely panicking. She opened her mouth and closed it again as she fumbled about, uncertain of her next move. Her heart was loud in her ears, roaring as she watched him.

" I was a fucking asshole and-and I hurt you." Ezra swallowed thickly, brushing his tears back desperately rubbing at his eyes. He placed his hands on the ground and he looked at her. His eyes were wide, and she could see the red blood vessels present on the surface of his eyes. She had never seen him this-This broken. She couldn't really describe it. He trembled as he knelt, his body quivered with each inhale. "Please forgive me. Please." He begged. His eyes were wide with his sincerity, red with his sorrow, and wet with his tears for her to forgive him.

He begged.

He was literally, literally begging for forgiveness. Holy fuck. Her nose burned, wet with tears and she swallowed. She couldn't stand him sad. She really couldn't stand it, she opened her mouth wanting to tell him to get up and come to her. She wanted to wipe away his tears and kiss his eyes. She wanted him to stop crying because how could she be angry at him, when she loved him so much?

Even now, her heart yearned for him. It stretched its metaphorical fingers for him, reaching to him. It wanted him to hold her, to kiss her, to tell her he loved her. It wanted him more than anything in the world. Ezra needed to get up, get up and hug her because she might just start crying too the longer he stayed on the floor.

Then Hikaru was on his knees beside him. "I was stupid too!" Hikaru wailed and her eyes moved to him. He was crying too, the tears spilling from his cheeks from his pretty tapioca eyes, dripping onto his clothes. "I didn't mean to break my promise and tell Ezra! I'm sorry, because of me, you got hurt!" His shoulders heaved at the force of his bellow, soft whimpers escaping his pretty lips as he cried. Her soulmates were a mess, the two of them shaking as they sobbed.

Oh God, please no. Her heart broke for them both.

"I'm the most idiotic one here if I had just shut the fuck up and not spoke so loudly!" Sieon was on the floor too, his lips trembling as he spoke. His voice was a mess of ups and downs, the baritone cracking and pitching with his emotions. Oh God. "I should have just kept quiet. I'm the worst. The worst soulmate!" He slapped his cheeks over and over again as he sobbed. His cheeks were turning red from the impact. She opened her mouth, wanting to stop them only to be interrupted by Casper.

"Stop, it was my fault." Casper sighed, getting on his knees. "I knew everything. The entire situation and yet I-I let it continue on." His eyes pricked, turning red. Was he crying too? Oh God, please stop these soulmates. "I could have stopped it."

"If you're at fault then what about me? I could have pulled her away." Oliver was on his knees in a heartbeat."I could have protected you better." He looked down solemnly at his knees, trickles of tears dripping down his cheeks. "It pains me so much to see you sick." His voice crackled, breaking as he spoke. "If I were better you wouldn't be-in the hospital."

His words must have struck something within all the guys because if it were even possible the sobs escalated, their tears were flowing at a greater quantity and Amber was left panicking at the almost comedic situation. Their tears were punches to her chest and she just couldn't take it seeing so many of her loved ones crying, begging for forgiveness.

She wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.

"Guys." She raised her voice over the tear fest, her heart aching at the sight. She needed them to stop. "Guys. Guys." They quietened down, the sobs and repeated apologies softening into sniffles and hiccups of sound. "The thing is I'm not angry at everyone at all." There was a moment of silence, which would have been hilarious if not for the fact that her soulmates were on their knees and crying.

Could they please stop crying?