
Ezra snorted, sitting up to speak to them. Amber bit at her lips, sucking at the flesh as her heart pounded within her, faster and faster with her embarrassment and arousal.

"You've all heard the recording." Ezra shrugged as if it were no big deal. "The female vocals for the new song."

The responding gasps and sounds of pure shock was unexpected.

It reminded her how bad that recording had been.

"Fuck, are you serious?" Sieon gaped at him, standing with his eyes rounded in his shock. "That was her?" Amber couldn't look at them, glancing down at her feet as she blushed and squirmed in Ezra's hold. Damn it. She knew accepting his request to moan was a bad idea. What had they heard? How had he mixed his track?

"Best recording of my damn life," Ezra replied easily with a smug grin. She shoved him then, a gentle punch to his shoulder and he chuckled with a shrug. "It's the truth."

"So that was what you were doing in the recording studio." Oliver mused. "Did you..." She didn't look up, her eyes glued to her feet but he must have done some kind of lewd hand sign because Ezra snorted.

"I wish." He placed a protective hold over her midsection "I just gave her one of my vibrators and controlled it."

The silence that followed was loud. She could hear her own heartbeat in her ears, pounding loudly in the quiet. But, it didn't feel awful in a way one would when they heard their shitty exam results, or when they've received news of their unemployment. It was...Exciting, somehow. Exciting for them to know. It made her feel shy and a little embarrassed. But it did arouse her, because now that they knew that she was open to such things...

Would they want in too?

Oh God. Her heart was racing in her chest so fast that she could almost feel it at her throat. She buried her face in Ezra's neck and he chuckled, gently running his fingers through her hair. "I'm sorry. Was that too much?"

She swallowed then shook her head, pulling herself out of his protection.

"No, we should be honest." She said with a sigh, rubbing her face. "I'm just...A little embarrassed." She turned back to stare at her fingers, unable to bring herself to look up. "Uh-I'm a virgin. So this is all very new for me." She licked her lips nervously looking up at her soulmates. They were watching her kindly, encouraging her to continue. Their eyes were warm and sweet, even...A little excited. "I hope everyone will take care of me?" She squeaked.

"Don't worry, I'm a virgin too!" Sieon stated almost proudly as he stood with his hands on his waist. "We can learn everything together." He winked and she couldn't help but a bubble of laughter escape her lips.

"Me too." Hikaru murmured, rubbing her fingers with his. "This is all very new to me. I'm equally embarrassed." He grinned encouragingly. "Don't worry. If you don't like us talking about this together, we'll keep it in mind."

"No...I-" She couldn't bring herself to say it, blushing so red that she felt as if she might faint from the heat of her skin. "I like it." She whispered.

"You're so cute." Ezra purred at her words and she watched as his monolid eyes sparked with his adoration for her. "You just make me want to eat you all up."

"If you're eating her, I want in." MinJae raised his hands up. Both of them in fact. She couldn't help laughing at his antics.

"Me too!" Sieon raised both his hands up.

They would have continued with their teasing if not for the sudden knocks on the door. The sound shocked Amber, making her jump in her seat. Ezra held her tightly as they all turned to stare at the door, their brows furrowed with their confusion.

"That's weird. I told the staff and nurses not to disturb us for another hour-" Oliver began to say before the door was pushed open and Amber's breath caught in her throat at the sight of the older lady. She was beautiful as always, with her doe eyes and long lashes that mirrored that of her son.


Her saviour at the concert and the mother of her youngest soulmate.

"Mom! Please," her eyes snapped to JieMi watching as he stepped before the older woman trying to get her out. He was here the whole time? Her heart stopped at the sight of him as a mix of a thousand different emotions swirled in her chest. Hikaru held her, his grip tightening over her skin almost as if he feared for her reaction to him. Ezra growled, hugging her close.

JieMi was here the whole time and still...He didn't come to see her.

That thought hurt. It hurt her in ways that she could not describe. It was a strong sense of disappointment that was filled with a finality that shocked her. Her emotions calmed as she continued to watch him fumble and panic and she was suddenly filled with a resigned sort of acceptance.

So be it.

"JieMi. Please, you can't expect me to not see her. You're telling me she's your soulmate too and you don't want to see her?" Da-Hee pushed at her son, looking absolutely exasperated. "What are you talking about? I ought to beat some sense into you-" She turned to walk into the room, stepping in with her brows pressed together. She stopped as her eyes met with Amber's, frozen as her eyes widened.

Amber gave her a soft smile.

"Hello...Da-Hee. It's been a while."

The room went quiet.