
She inhaled sharply as he pressed a kiss to her milky inner thigh, nipping at the skin. Holy fucking shit. He bit down gently, nipping her skin as he slowly pulled the frock up higher and higher up her hips. Her eyes flickered to Hikaru, unable to look and he met her eyes his eyes dark with his lust.

He exhaled and she watched dumbfounded as her Hikaru slipped his hand into his sweat pants, caging his cock in his fist to palm himself lightly. His breath hitched with his pleasure and for a moment she was lost in the sight of him pleasuring himself to the sight of her. Her eyes unable to leave the outline of his pumping fist within his sweatpants.

Then Ezra nudged his nose against her covered sex and she squealed, pleasure roaring through her veins as her clit pulsated with awareness of his breath on her sensitive nub. She kicked her legs out, squirming in his hold but he refused to relent holding her hips tightly as he rubbed his nose on her covered clit. She almost came then and there at the sight of Ezra.

He was wrecked. A deep blush dusted his cheeks, flushed with his need and his eyes were dewed and glistening with his want. He pulled back to lick his lips slowly, sensually, the pink muscle taking its time to moisten his lips.

"Mmm, you smell so fucking good," Ezra groaned, he pressed his nose to her fabric covered clit, rubbing his nose up and down the hooded nub and she squirmed again, her hips undulating under his touch. "Don't rush this for me. I'm going to take my damn fucking time." He ordered, pressing her hips down as he exhaled steadily over her core, his hot breath sending spikes of pleasure across her body

Holy fuck.

She whined and Ezra chuckled darkly, reaching for her panties to slowly peel it off her hips. She watched horrified as the black fabric came away from her cunt in messy strands of her glistening arousal. Ezra didn't seem to mind, tossing it haphazardly over his shoulder.

"That's better," Ezra hummed as he admired her soaking cunt. Amber squeezed her eyes shut, pressing her free hand to her face in her embarrassment.

She couldn't look at him, she couldn't and yet she needed to. She sneaked another peak at him, her heart hammering in her chest at the appreciation in his eyes. She could feel her cream dribbling down her core and she could hear it dripping into the toilet. Fuck. How embarrassing. She was so wet she must look as if she were peeing.

"Look Hikaru, she's so fucking pretty," Ezra hoisted her hips up and she stifled a shriek as he hooked her knees over his shoulders a dark, predatory look in his eyes. She darted her gaze to Hikaru watching as his eyes dropped to her glistening lower lips. Oh God. Oh my fucking god. She squeezed her eyes shut then opened them again unable to help herself.

"She's pretty, so pretty," Hikaru hummed in response nodding to Ezra's words as he swallowed thickly.

Amber watched as Ezra continued to tease her, his fingers massaging her inner thighs, brushing over the stretch and dips of her straining muscles. She shivered involuntarily a breathy whine escaping he throat as his fingers danced at the sides of her needy swollen cunt, refusing to give her the pleasure she needed.

"She's dripping like a damn waterfall." Ezra snorted softly, running his fingers over her slit and pulling them up to show her the sticky strands of her cream that stretched over his digits. "So sticky."

"Oh please," she murmured, shifting her hips as blood burned in her cheeks. "Stop teasing me." Ezra grinned, letting a huff of amusement from his nose that danced over her exposed clitoris. It jumped, pulsating strongly with her pleasure. Holy fuck.

"Please what?" He rubbed his thumbs on her inner thighs.

"Stop teasing me, I need you to-to." Her nipples brushed against her frock, sensitive and filled with her wanting.

"Cute, but I want you to say it," Ezra stuck out his tongue evilly.

"Urgh," Amber flushed, quivering in her seat. Damn it. She was tongue tied at this point, her hips moving desperately in the air seeking relief.

"I could give you some prompts," Ezra shrugged. "What do you think she wants Hikaru?"

Her pretty soulmate blushed, swallowing thickly as he shifted, lacing her fingers with his. "She wants you to lick her."

Lick? Amber's heart leaped into her throat, her lips parting to let out a soft exhale. He must be joking…Licking her there? Anxiety flickered in her chest at the thought, but the naughty Amber, the one that read way too much smut, was eager to finally experience what it was like for a man to go down on her.

Ezra grinned, tilting his head. Her heart was pounding in her chest and a wave of heat rushed through her at the sight of him. The dark naughty, almost knowing smile did things to her cunt and it forced another dollop of cream from her pussy. She could feel it sliding down her slit.

"Would you like that?" He hummed low in his throat. "I have a kink for oral sex, it fucking turns me on." Ezra drawled, rubbing slow circles on her inner thighs. "I would love to taste you. That is if you will let me."

"Please," she whispered.

Ezra let out a soft laugh, his eyes glistening with his lust and then he attacked.

Holy shit. Her back arch as her breath caught in her throat. She could feel him there. She could feel him, wet and hot as he moved over her most sensitive area. She could think of nothing but his amazing, skilful tongue.

It was on her, twisting in her folds. Ezra started off with long slow kitten licks from the bottom of her fluttering slit to her hooded clit that has her writhing for more. He hummed, moaning appreciatively at the taste.

"You taste fucking amazing," he breathed and the exhale was a ghost of pleasure that brought another moan from her lips.

Ezra made a lewd popping sound with his mouth, smacking his lips as he suckled on her clit, laving the flat of his tongue on her hooded nub to expose the sensitive bud. Amber whined, her back bowing forward as her mind focussed on the nub of pleasure between her thighs. Hikaru seemed to like her sounds because his fist quickened in his pants, his fingers pumping his cock as he watched them with pupils that were blown wide with his pleasure.

"I've been wanting to do this for so long," Ezra groaned before he leaned in again, giving her a long slow lick up her slit before working on her clit. He was relentless, not even stopping to give her rest as he darted his tongue over her sensitive nub.

Her panting grew harsher and more drawn out as he began to quicken his speed, leaving nothing untouched. His skilful tongue was dipping into her slit to capture her cream, before darting back to her engorged clitoris to press it between his lips as he sucked harshly.

There was nothing she could do but writhe and try to stop the moans from escaping her throat. Her fingers were squeezing Hikaru's as she squirmed and grinded her hips against Ezra's tongue in search of her rapidly approaching high. She was practically fucking herself on his tongue as he dipped the muscle into her. He was moving to dance his tongue over her clit, quickly sinking his middle finger deep into her fluttering cunt.

It was a sudden thickness that left her gasping and trembling as she rode herself over his hand. His fingers were pumping her and he quickly inserted a second and a third finger in rapid succession, rubbing the pads of his fingers against the spot within her that made her cunt squeeze deliciously around his thick digits. His thrusting fingers made a lewd slurping sound that echoed around the room. It would probably embarrass her if she weren't lost in the haze of her pleasure.

She was quickly approaching her high, her body filling with so much heat that she was bursting for release. Her cunt began to tighten around his fingers as he pumped her through her pleasure, her body shaking and shuddering as he played her to the sound of her moans. He latched his lips around her clit, sucking harshly, flicking his tongue faster and faster around the engorged nub. He fucked her on his fingers as he ate her out as if she were the most delicious meal he had ever tasted in the world.

She reached the peak of her pleasure, her toes curling as she hunched her back into him, her thighs locking over his head as her pleasure consumed her. She came, her body gyrating over his face as she tumbled into his arms. Her muscles flexing and releasing as she rode out her pleasurable high.

It was rush of sensory deprivation that tore through her frame as white flashed before her eyes consuming her whole. Hikaru seemed to know that the scream would tear through her throat because he swallowed it down with a harsh kiss. His tongue tangling with hers in a sensual dance as she quivered and trembled to the dance of Ezra's tongue. Hikaru's lips were wet, syrupy heat that was soft and filled with his love and adoration for her. They kissed, their breaths mingling as their tongues danced together, intimate and familiar.

Then her clit was protesting at Ezra's lips, the sensitivity almost painful to her shaking body. She weakly slapped at Ezra, her lips breaking free from Hikaru's to whimper softly in protest. Ezra stopped, letting go of her clit with a soft pop as he licked at the cream that slicked down his chin and over his lips.

"You're so fucking sweet." Ezra groaned in his throat, he pulled his hand out of her, stretching his fingers to show her the filthy strands of her cream drenched on each digit.

Then he brought his hands to his mouth, sucking her cum off his fingers as if it were fucking ice-cream, giving her a small satisfied, smirk when he finished. Holy shit. Her body twitched and shook at the sight, sensitive and pulsating with the after effects of her pleasure.

Amber blinked the daze from her eyes as she relaxed onto the toilet seat, panting hard. Her eyes flickered to Hikaru's noting the dampness of sweat beading on his brow and the tension in his jaw. He bit down on his lower lip as he stared back at her, sending yet another wave of excitement through her as her eyes drifted downwards to Ezra. He was just as wrecked, his eyes glistening with his eagerness to for more.

Fuck. What did they just do together?