pin drop

"He was. He was sobbing his eyes out, crying so hard he didn't even see me coming." Miri closed her eyes. "You know those Korean dramas? Man, I sure felt like I was a character in a Korean drama when I saw him sobbing in the chair. He looked as if someone died. I thought Ha-Eun died. That would be good for you, you know? So I stalked him for a bit, just to see what he was up to." Miri sighed once again, letting out a huff of air that was bone deep and weary. "He walked to your room, opened the door and peeked in. He was looking at you, I know he was. Could see you from my spot as well, it might have been my fault I forgot to pull the curtains close, but that's beside the point."

"He—What are you trying to say Miri?" Amber felt odd, her breath escaped her in quick pants that drew out all her energy.

"And when he looked at you, his face. My God, I started to wonder if you've been shitting on me all this time because man. That face. I would have given him an Oscar award or two if it was all just acting." Miri grinned sadly, shaking her head.

"Miri…You couldn't have seen that, you couldn't have."

"I rubbed my eyes raw, but dude was definitely in love with you. Maybe…Okay, maybe he just likes you. We'll give him that. And then he started to cry again, and I've got to say that I hate it when he cries. I mean I hate him for being mean to you, but he was my favourite in IDOL. And when you see your favourite singer cry it sort of hurts you a little inside—"

"He was worried for me?" It seemed odd to say that out loud, but her pathetic heart fluttered at the thought, and her soul felt warm at Miri's words.

"That's not what I was trying to tell you Amber," Miri raised a brow. "I think he's stuck. Trapped. I don't know how or why. I don't know if he's just doing Oscar award level acting at 4AM in the morning. I think there's something fishy going on about his relationship and he's too trapped to admit shit about it. Maybe Ha-Eun's holding his mom hostage—"

"His mom was there at the hospital."

"Maybe his dad? Who knows?"

"And what can I do about it?" Amber snapped, as her thoughts spun in her head. "He's the one who didn't seek help! He didn't come to me to explain things. He just threw me aside! And he broke my heart with all those damn words! I—"

"Okay, okay, relax. I agree. I'm on your side," Miri soothed, "don't get your panties in a twist. I'm just saying that there's no harm in trying to find out what's going on with JieMi, right? He still lives here right?"

"He does…"

"Are you going to hate him for the rest of your life? Can't you call it a truce and be friends? It's better to be roommates with your friend than to be roommates with your enemies." Miri shrugged. "Just my opinion. You can ignore it. I've told you before that JieMi doesn't matter. You've got six other hot fish already in your net. You don't need him to satisfy your cravings."

"I, but I…"

Miri was right. She couldn't go on with the rest of her life hating JieMi, they would have to stay close to one another to satisfy the soul bond. It would be better if they were friends and maybe she could get her answers from him if they got closer. Maybe things would change if they became friends, after all…His reasons for why he didn't want her were mostly attributed to the fact that he didn't know her. What would JieMi say if they were friends?

"Speaking of cravings, why haven't you have sex with them yet?"

"What?" Amber blinked, gaping at the sudden attack from her best friend.

"Don't you find them attractive? I mean, you're technically supposed to have sex with them according to the doctor." Miri pursed her lips together. "Are you afraid of the act? Is your heart not in the right place with them yet?"

"No, no, I'm not afraid. We've been doing things," Amber winced at her choice of words. "But they never take it too far, I think they're afraid that they'll hurt me." They seemed to be. Amber pursed her lips thinking back to their actions. They were all very, very careful, maybe even too careful. She winced, perhaps they were still worried that they would hurt her feelings. That she would believe what they had said in their anger, believe that she was a slut that needed six men instead of one. Maybe they were much more traumatized by her Soul Tear than she was. She swallowed thickly at the thought, furrowing her brows.

"They're gentlemen huh? That's nice, but I think they need a little push from you, a go-ahead sign, a green light. Sometimes, us girls need to take charge in getting what we want from our soulmates. Deok-Su was the same, he didn't want to seem like a horny bastard that only thought with his cock so he tried his best to remain as aloof as he could. I thought he didn't like me, thought I was the only one having those urges, cried for weeks."

"Why didn't you tell me that?" Amber gasped. "Oh, Miri…"

"I didn't have to. I ran into his room one day, teary-eyed and absolutely pissed off. I asked him then and there if he would let me ride his dick because if he didn't, I was going to die from Soul Yearning. We broke the bed that week, the springs couldn't take all that bouncing." Miri stood then, dusting her ass. "Just think about my words. I planted those seeds of doubt in your head because I want you to get better, you know that, right?"

"I do and I love you so much, Miri."

"I love you too Ambs."

They hugged again, Miri rubbing her back gently as Amber basked in the warmth of her touch. They emerged later to the sight of her father laughing loudly at something her soulmates had said, and her mother looking absolutely smitten by her soulmates. Her parents and her lovers chummier than ever. Amber had quietly clipped her soul band back onto Casper and joined in the conversation. When it grew late and the night grew colder, her parents and Miri left together, exiting the building with promises to come back another day.

"Did you have a nice talk?" Casper asked as they closed the door, kissing the top of her head. Amber nodded, swallowing down her nerves. Oh boy…Could she do this? She looked at them all, her eyes combing over their features, dancing over the loving glint in their eyes. She could and she was ready to do this.

"Somethings, things I didn't see." Amber explained cryptically, then she schooled her features a mischievous grin flickering over her face. "Say, do you have work tomorrow?"

"Not really," Oliver shook his head. "We're taking a short vacation of sorts. Why would you ask?" Amber's smile widened.

"Do you want to play a game?"

"A game?" Sieon blinked, raising a brow. "Like what?"

"Strip poker."

You could hear a pin drop in the silence that followed.