
She might be a little too good at poker, which was destroying her plans to seduce them because now it seemed as if they were the ones seducing her.

Amber chewed on her lips, trying desperately not to look at the magnificent bodies of her soulmates. They were all shirtless at this point, save for MinJae who had opted to lose his pants first revealing long creamy legs and thick, muscular thighs that rippled and flexed with each shift of his body. She felt like a lecher, salivating over their beautiful, beautiful skin. Her eyes were blessed by ropes of thick corded muscles of varying shades, and nipples.

God, nipples. She didn't know why she liked their nipples but her eyes snapped to those buds of pink and dark rouge when she was sure they weren't looking. They were perky and cute and her fingers itched to play with those erect buds, to tweak them between her fingers and just—She glanced back to her cards and then to the dealers, another good hand. Another great win.

She grinned, dropping her cards. They would lose their underwear with just another win and her sweater was still on. "Royal flush."

"Goddamn it Amber!" Ezra cursed roughly and the rest of the occupants in the room groaned. Amber bit her lips, gleefully watching as her men peeled off yet another piece of clothing from their person. She tried not to leer, diverting her eyes to the ceiling and then wincing at the painting of an orgy taunting her from above. Damn it.

Sieon caught her eyes as she looked down and the brat gave her a knowing boxy grin, and a darted tongue flicked over his lips. Another one of his attempts to get her to stare at his lips, and she watched as he lazily tugged at his jeans and his underwear too in the process, momentarily revealing the mess of soft curls that she knew was signs that he had gotten a little too close to his groin—She looked away before he could go any further and actually flash her his dick before the end of the game. It was something her Sieon would do just to tease her.

"I'm beginning to wonder if you're actually cheating." Oliver frowned, staring at his cards and letting out a long sigh. He unbuckled his belt, pulling off his pants and revealing skin tight boxers that clung to the thick bulge between his thighs, one that just hours ago had been pressed tight to her clothed pussy. Amber hastily looked back at the cards, hoping he didn't catch her staring. Dang it! She was starting to sweat from the heat of her own burning cheeks and her head felt light and dizzy. She might have miscalculated the attraction she felt for them and now everything was going torturously slow.

She just wanted to kiss them, maybe play around a little, was that too much to ask?

"Don't be a spoil sport," she teased softly, thumbing the cards in her hands as if they were the most interesting things in the whole damn world. "I'm just lucky today." She shrugged giving him a small smirk. "Maybe lady luck just wants me to see you all naked." Oliver blushed at those words, his cheeks turning a pretty, violent shade of red. He tried to meet her gaze head on, tried to stare straight into her eyes, but then his cheeks grew too red and he looked away, trembling as he nibbled on his lips.


"Oh, you're wearing the boxers I got you for Christmas!" Sieon chirped as Hikaru dropped his jeans, revealing long legs that stretched for miles and miles. It drew her eyes from pretty, naked ankles to sweet, thighs the colour of sweet honey and then to the strain of his swelling cock—

Amber's eyes darted over the crude print of his boxers, her lips quirking at the image of flying dicks. Cartoon, flying dicks crudely drawn in its fleshy beige entirety, drenched wet in sticky liquid that stretched into pearlescent wings. What the fuck? Her eyes danced to Sieon's own pair, the same ones that she had seen the first time at the dorm. Dancing zebras with ginormous swaying cocks. Good God. It didn't help that the boxers were silky and curled over their bulge in ways that should be obscene. She couldn't help the peals of laughter from escaping her lips and Hikaru turned a flaming red. Although Sieon appeared pleased by her amusement preening in a way that she could only describe as that of a cat's.

"I didn't expect to play this! I only wore it because it's good quality," Hikaru squeaked, brushing a deep vibrant red. "S-stop looking." He hid his ass behind a pillow, flushing madly his eyes shimmery and wet with unshed tears. "I d-didn't know this would happen—"

"I like it," Amber interrupted him quickly, a small smile on her lips. "It's cute."

"If you think that is cute," Sieon drawled, husky smooth," wait till you see my…" He paused, purposely spreading his legs like the pervert he was and her breath caught in her throat. Then Ezra shoved him and he toppled forward with a low groan, his legs parting so wide he was almost doing a full split. He snapped his thighs shut almost immediately groaning about stretched muscles and inflexibility.

"Idiot," Ezra chuckled although his eyes flashed darkly and his words were edged with a hiss. "You're calling your dick cute? What the fuck?"

"What should I call it then? A monster? I don't want Amber scared of my dick! I want her to like it, like a pet or something. So, it's cute!"

"A pet? A fucking pet?"

"What? I like pets!"

"You want her to treat your dick like a dog? Or a cat? Wait, let me guess maybe…A tiny little hamster?" Sieon flushed at Ezra's words, his brows knotted with a dark glare and Amber had to snuff a giggle from escaping her lips. There they go, her dumbasses were at it again, bantering about stupid things that made her laugh so hard her stomach would hurt for days.



"Guys!" Oliver snapped. "Your dicks are just dicks!"

"I'm accessorized to lose," MinJae admitted softly, quickly changing the subject and drawing her eyes to himself. He winked at her then, reaching for the hem of his shirt. Amber watched as he peeled it off, tantalizingly slow, raising it carefully to reveal soft ivory and rippling muscles. Then the glint of silver caught her eye. Piercings. Her breath was lodged in her throat at the piercing on his navel, silver balls that caught the light and bounced the rays into her eyes and then the glittering piercings at his nipples. Holy fucking shit.

"Wow." The word escaped her lips before she could stop it. And her core ached, a delicious squeeze of inner muscles that sent a jolt of pleasure up her body, turning her skin into a sensitive mess of nerves and heat.

"I've had them long enough to go without wearing them sometimes," he explained, rubbing his fingers over dusky red buds that were cleanly pierced with a barbell of silver. She stared, transfixed as soft nubs turned hard and erect with his touch. "Do you like them?" He murmured, the words escaping his lips in a gentle, sweet moan. His plump pink lips rubbing together. He was breathy, aroused, needy, a lick of his lips told her that he was nervous too as he looked up at her under long lashes.

"T-they're really pretty," she admitted and she noticed now that the room was quiet, save for the whoosh of the heater and the hum of the humidifier by the bed. The tension in the air was transforming from the stiff bricks that threatened to topple to a smooth pudding that coiled in the air, sweet and juicy.

"If you keep winning, you'll see more from one of us," MinJae giggled softly, pressing his fingers to his lips and Amber blinked at his words. More? More where? They were all naked save for their underwear at this point. Bare chested and clean. Then her mind jolted, reminding her that it was their groin that she had yet to see. A piercing…at the groin. Oh. Oh… Fuck. She turned bright red, a gasp escaping her throat and her men chuckled, exchanging smirks.

"Someone here is like a fucking robot," Ezra said roughly, a low vibration of sound that melted with one another into a husky growl that made her clit throb. "I can't do it, I hated piercing my ears I try to do clips if I can." He shook his head, slouching against the bed. "I don't know what kind of pain tolerance you have, but you're fucking insane man." Whoever it was, the person didn't speak and Amber was left staring curiously at each of them trying to read their expressions.

"Curious?" Casper hummed, giving her a smile that touched his eyes and flashed dimples that should not adorn a face as devastatingly handsome as his was. The smile on his lips peaceful and serene, lips that Amber knew was softer than silk and warm like summer. And his fingers danced over her wrist, featherlike and smooth as his thumb dipped into her palm to clasp her hands as a lover would to his beloved. "Or scared?"

Amber bit her tongue before she could ask if he was the one with the piercings. She started to cross out the cocks that she had seen. JieMi's…She crossed that one out, tossing it into the trash of her mind. Ezra's, Hikaru's…And that was it. But they could have taken off their piercings when they had made out in the toilet. Damn, a cock piercing. It seemed hot in her head having seen images on the internet; the idea of a long thick shaft with silver beads or rings, but she wasn't sure how it would feel inside of her. Not like she'd ever had a cock inside of her before, piercings or not.

"Curious," she admitted then a thought flickered in her mind and she inhaled sharply. "What happens when you go through the metal detector at the airport?" Her men laughed, chuckling at her words.

"Surgical steel doesn't set off the metal detectors," Ezra raised a brow. "But he does get looks all the time once he walks through the scanners. It's funny as fuck."

"And he takes them out most of the time because of his profession," Casper pointed out with a shrug. "He doesn't need accidents of torn fabric and exposed skin due to jewellery." Maybe Casper wasn't the one with the cock piercings, unless he was talking in third person. Amber frowned, feeling stumped. Who was it?

"Aw, look at her face she's trying to guess who it is," Sieon said, crawling over to ruffle her hair with his hand. "So cute." He cooed, rubbing her cheeks with huge hands, squishing her cheeks as if she were a kid or maybe the cutest soft toy he had ever had. She blushed, pink staining her skin. She took the cards again, her lips pursed into a thin line. She wasn't going to leave until she found out who!

"I'm curious now, so I'm going to win this, damn it."