
"I-I need to go. I have to go. I—Do you need a ride? I'll call one for you later. I—" He needed to cum. He wanted to cum. He had to cum. He was on the verge of cumming. He had to run before he orgasmed right at her feet. "I'll text you. I have to go. I swear I will." He stammered and then his cock twitched, spewing another fountain of semen into his already sticking boxers and he darted off, running as fast as he could. He tore right back to his car, and stepped on the pedal like a maniac, making a speedy turn to a place that he knew she couldn't find.

It was really just a car park just a few streets away.

He was quick to pull down his pants, jerk down his boxers and whip out his painfully aching cock. It bounced in the cold air, red and awfully swollen, so hard and so aroused that the head had turned into a soft purple hue.

JieMi tossed his head back, pumping it quick and fast as the orgasm cursed over the line that he knew would take a simple grab of his dick to cum. It should have been a simple grab, just a brush of his palm over the head. But he didn't cum. He furrowed his brows, thumbing the slit and an awful shudder raced over his skin, pleasure coursing through his veins. But his cock refused to orgasm, simply spewing another dollop of pre-cum that soaked his already dripping fingers.

What the fuck?

He tried again, roughly palming his dick and going over the veins and the head. He did everything he could, tugged at his weak spots, rubbed at the sensitive bits until they hurt, thumbed his frenulum, pulled at the skin. But whatever he did, he only managed to pull his pleasure into a higher peak, the line to orgasm was always just a step away but never ever fucking close.

He simply could not fucking cum.

JieMi was panting at that point, his cock twitching with the slightest of wind, so sensitive that a shudder would course through him whenever it swung. Even the dripping pre-cum was a form of stimulation that made sweat bead over his brow and his muscles flex and ripple in his body.

But nothing fucking worked.

And he needed to hump something.

His eyes darted to the empty cup, to the rim of the cup that her lips once were and he went fucking mad, pushing his cock against the plastic lid, again and again. He was grinding, thrusting, crushing his hips up against the cup but it didn't work. Nothing worked.

Nothing fucking worked.

JieMi blew out a frustrated breath as he covered his face with his hands. What was wrong with him? He'd soaked everything with pre-cum at that point and he sat in a dripping mess of his own want, his cock redder and more swollen than before. He scratched his head a frustrated growl tearing through his lips and it was then when he felt it. The long velvety smooth thing that sat on his head alert and twitching. He touched it, stroked it and his eyes widened as his sticky fingers matted the fur on the soft thing.


He pulled himself up, glancing at the mirror in his car.

Rabbit ears.

They were dark and long, and they sagged over his head, floppy and useless. They drooped downwards, long and black like his hair. But he found that he could make them twitch and they stood a little more erect when he thought about it. He tugged at them, twisted them and winced when pain burned at the base when he tried to rip them off.

No, no, no. Oh fuck him.

He pulled down his pants to his calves, twisting his body back to stare at the base of his spine and horror filled him at the round little bob of hair. It sounded wrong to call that hair. It was a smooth, thick bump that was covered with soft fur and it twitched side to side. He tugged at it, ripped out a few hairs on the thing and electricity ran through him, the pain blossoming from his behind. JieMi cursed, squeezing his eyes shut as he rode out the pain.

A fucking tail. A real, fucking tail.

It didn't take long for him to drag his semen crusted thumbs over the keyboard of his phone to key in a desperate Google search of 'rabbit ears, tail, appearing with soulmate'. The answer stared back at him in seconds and his heart dropped.

Animal of the Soul: In which a soulmate will turn into an animal hybrid that best represents them. Common examples include cats and dogs.

JieMi rapidly scrolled down the list of animal hybrids searching for what he needed. Rabbits. There were a couple of species, but he didn't care for specifics. He clicked on a random link, scrolling down quickly to read.

Rabbit hybrid soul bonds usually occur with soulmates who are not truthful with their feelings, keeping their needs and wants a secret from their soulmate. When the soul bond is ignored for too long the soul will then create the perfect situation for them to have to go to their soulmates, transforming the person into one of the horniest animals on the planet.

No, no, no. His face fell at those words. God, no.

Male rabbit hybrids will experience greater discomfort as compared to their female counterparts. They are compelled to mate 24/7 and they will not be able to orgasm without their soulmates due to the soul bond.

He stared helplessly at his painfully hard cock and back to his phone.

It is more critical for male rabbit hybrids to solve their issue. If left alone, male rabbits will quickly become destructive from sexual frustration which may interfere with their daily lives and behaviour. Doctors strongly advise soulmates with such bonds to take care of their urges as much as they can with their soulmates. And it is only then will they be able to function normally.

Warning signs: humping, scenting, mood changes, constant energy, gnawing, extreme need for sex.