
He slipped on a bucket hat, pulled a mask over his blushing cheeks, stuffed his twitching rabbit ears into the soft fabric and stamped it down with his palm. He cleaned up the best he could, wiped up the dripping semen and sprayed himself with thick fumes of deodorant.

JieMi pulled on his jeans, shoved his hard cock in with generous wads of clean tissue into his underwear. It hurt when the zipper pulled tight against his hard cock and his hips jerked at the pressure at first, his newly found tail twitching at the lack of space. But JieMi was stubborn and he knew he could do it. It took another minute for him to breathe, and a third for him to start the car. He drove to school, determined to get through his torturous day.

Walking was hard, his feet was clumsy and weak, shakier than an intense work-out day and lacking in energy. He stumbled about in the campus, dragging his feet with each wobbling step. He had to catch his breath against the wall every few minutes, had to pull himself together to stop thinking about humping the strangely appealing railings. He eventually slid into the lecture hall, stiffening his shoulders and clenching his jaws together as he forced himself to feign normalcy despite his racing heart and teary eyes.

The lights were turned off, the hall swathed in soft blue and green light. His classmates were watching a movie, no doubt another critique session of the videography and cinematography, and all eyes were glued to the projector, the students frantically scribbling in their notebooks. And relief flooded his veins as he carefully climbed to the back of the hall, thankful for the lack of eyes on his trembling figure.

Ha-Eun was at the back row as usual, chattering and whispering to her friends with bright smiles and soft giggles. JieMi meekly walked up to her, his eyes glued to her frame as he gave her a small, trembling wave. She met his eyes, confusion in her brown orbs and for a moment JieMi was filled with a strange sense of hope and relief, the need to ask someone, anyone for help was at the tip of his tongue. And she could help him. She was the only one who could help him, him and his need to get the ache in his cock out of the way. But his girlfriend simply glared at him, turning her nose up and made a dismissive hand gesture, waving him away.

It was easy for him to read her actions.

Fuck off and find your own seat.

It was a bucket of ice to his head, a slap to his cheek as he stumbled back, his heart strangely hurt. His body awfully cold. He fumbled, moving to an empty spot at the corner and slumped into his seat, arms crossed as he glued his eyes to the screen, hoping for distraction, for salvation. But nothing entered his head, not the music that peaked at a crescendo, not the teary eyes of the actress, not the frantic shouts of the actor.

And he was suddenly strangely aware of the world, of the eyes burning in his frame, of the strangers that surrounded his body. He was suddenly so damn fucking aware of everything and everyone. Aware of how alone he was with no one to understand him, no one to cherish him, no one to help him. JieMi was lost in the sea, pain rippling in his frame. The eyes, thorns in his skin. The strangers, spotlights that scrutinized him. Him, an animal in the cage for them to pick apart. Him, a slave to a chain. Him, the man that was…

His mind leapt, jumping straight to his happy place, to the memory of his soulmate, to her smiles, to that future that he could have had but threw away. He was in that world, in their world. But that world was gone, that world was destroyed by his own hands. Her scars, a result of his sword, her pain, a result from his ignorance. And he was lost.

So damn fucking lost.

And it was when he was at his weakest did he smell her in the air. That soft, sweet apple scent that clouded his vision and sent his heart into overdrive. It soared in his chest as his tail twitched from side to side, his cock burning with need. He had to cross his legs, his feet trembling and desperate to just hump something, anything. He jerked forward, his knees thumping against the wood and the pain cleared his head for just a moment.

The students in front of him turned back to give him curious glances which he waved off with a head to his arms. It was then when he prayed, his mind reciting the words over and over again. God, please don't let her find him. Don't get her up. Don't let her see him. Please. But he had to look, he had to and he found himself peeking up from under his lashes.

And the world melted away when he met her eyes. Her gold eyes, lit by blue, her pink skin swathed in soft cold shadows, her concern bright in her gaze. She was beautiful then, like a siren at sea. Her hair spilling down her back, her lips parted as she gazed at him. And there was nothing else that he could see but her, nothing else he could hear but his thundering heart in his ears and feel his pulsating cock. There was nothing else in the world but him and her, and that undeniable zing of heat in their gaze. And her lips moved.

Are you okay?

He lurched, stood up so abruptly that the blood left his head and he staggered, swayed at his spot as he tottered out of his seat and up the steps. And he knew she was looking, he knew she was moving, he knew she was after him and despite his throbbing cock and twitching nose, he broke into a run. It was then when the bell rang and the students began to move, the sound of chairs scrapping against the floor a cacophony of noise. He glanced back to the sea of people, thankful and disappointed by the blockage.

He was desperate when he bolted into the men's toilet, desperate when locked the door of a grimy cubicle, desperate when he unzipped his jeans and palmed his cock, rubbing himself against his hand. He tried again and again as he basked in the fresh memory of her smell, of her eyes, of her lips. He cried when he couldn't cum, tears finally dripping down his cheeks. Shit. Shit. He cursed under his breath. He was so damn fucking screwed.

JieMi closed his eyes, a muffled pitiful moan escaping his throat as he slumped down onto the floor, curling into himself. He was shaking as he rocked himself back and forth, quivering as he sobbed and twitched. Everything hurt. His heart hurt, his cock hurt, his head hurt. And he wanted nothing more than to give up, for the torture to end, for him to just go to sleep and never wake again.

It was then when it happened.

It was a flash of light, a brush of wind and the stumble of his feet and then he was slammed against a cold wall of metal. His exposed ass flinching at the burn of cold. His tail twitched at the feeling as his hat tumbled from his hair, his ears erect and standing from his surprise. And his eyes snapped open as the most delicious apple scent flooded his nose.

And his breath caught in his throat.

Amber was before him, so close to him that he was sandwiched between the wall of metal and her skin. Her eyes were round as she looked him up and down, shellshocked and flabbergasted. She was naked waist up, her beautiful breasts exposed and her phone in her hands. Her bottom half was clad in a simple white underwear and the rest of her clothes were hooked over her elbow. And she was beautiful, so damn beautiful and breath-taking that he almost sobbed out loud. But neither his brain nor his mouth was coordinating and all that escaped his lips was a garbled mess of pathetic sound.

And all sense of reason was robbed from his dizzy head.

"JieMi?" She gasped, her voice was sweet and velvety like dark chocolate and whip cream, like the voice of a goddess. He shuddered, quivering before her as he whimpered as his hips jerked forward clumsily. "What—How—" He was dazed, blinking blearily at her, too far gone to care how the fuck he'd found himself before her. "This is the ladies changing room, JieMi. How did you—" She held him then, her fingers over his naked shoulders and he groaned at the spurt of gold that flowed between their skin, hips thrusting forward, grinding emptily in the air. His ears were twitching and he sniffed her, nosing her neck as he made a low steady hum in his throat.

Instincts from his newfound animalistic tendencies.

"You have ears! What—" She licked her lips when she met his gaze and his eyes darted to those red, moist flesh. They were so full, and so red that they looked absolutely fucking delicious. He wanted to kiss her. He looked up into her eyes, lust clouding his vision. He wanted to have sex with her. "I'm going to call one of the guys. You're clearly not okay."

And then there were the sound of footsteps as intruders approached and JieMi growled low in his throat, angry and pissed at the idea of people entering his territory. She was his mate, and they were going to fuck, couldn't these people see that? She was his, he needed to show them that. He needed to take her, he needed to lay claim. He needed— He stalked forward, took a step that but she pulled him back.

"Shit! You can't be here! We'll get caught! JieMi, you're an idol!" He writhed in her hold, but grew docile when she stroked his ears, the hum in his throat growing louder as she ran her fingers over his ears. He liked it when she touched him and he butted his head against her palm, nosing her hand. She pulled him then, dragged him into the locker and he whined as she tried to close it. She couldn't go! She couldn't!

He roared, gripped her forearm and pulled her into his embrace and she staggered forward, slammed into his arms as the door was closed behind them. The click of the lock was ominous, and darkness surrounded them, the only source of light came from the slits in the locker.

She was warm, her body silky and soft on his skin, her scent permeating the air like a drug. And chills were spreading across his skin, his cock was swollen and red with want as he took in big panting gulps of her scent, sniffing at the nape of her neck.

And JieMi went completely fucking mad.