
She turned back to look at him then, but he avoided her gaze staring at his feet. Was that just her imagination? She bit her lips, staring at him carefully but the door opened then and her soulmates rushed in. MinJae and Oliver stood at the doorway, surrounded by a small group of security guards with worry staining their features. Their faces were flushed from running too quickly to get to them, and they panted as they leaned against the doorway.

"My sunshine," Oliver said softly in greeting, instinctively taking her hand, his voice laced with exertion. "Are both of you okay?"

"I'm fine. He's better but he doesn't look so good," she whispered back, lowering her voice carefully. "I'm not sure if we should get a doctor."

"I see…" Oliver answered, letting out a soft sigh as he glanced at JieMi. Amber had given them a rundown of the situation via text and it was nice to see them complying with her requests to give JieMi the safe space he needed. It was the least she could do for him.

"If it's soul bond related, sleep with you should work just fine," MinJae mumbled back, tapping his chin. "We can call the doctor tomorrow?"

"Let's just bring him back to the dormitory." Oliver nodded. "We can monitor his condition."

Amber turned her head then to see JieMi huddling into himself his rabbit ears wilting over his head, with his head down to avoid looking at her men. He seemed to have withdrawn into himself, unwilling to speak once again. Was he always like that with the guys?

She exchanged glances with her men and they shrugged, pursing their lips together, giving her a gesture that told her that this was normal. That JieMi was distant and detached in their presence, never speaking his mind, never admitting his thoughts despite their love for him. And it didn't make sense why he would not seek help from the people who loved him the most.

And perhaps Amber was the only one who could pull him out of his shell.

MinJae pushed the wheelchair to him without another word and Oliver scooped him up easily to plonk him upon the seat, eliciting a soft startled gasp from JieMi. They didn't comment on his ears or tail, or the state of partial undress he was in due to his newly formed appendages. Although they did give him soft encouraging words, the affection thick in their voices, patient and loving.

"We're going to get you home, okay? Your brothers will take good care of you."

"Hikaru's already cooking your favourite. You can eat it and then go to bed."

They entered a car with MinJae and Oliver at the front, and Amber and JieMi at the backseat. Her rabbit soulmate seemed drowsy at that point, his head swaying forward as he hunched into himself, desperate to avoid their eyes but too sick to stay completely still. And his eyes struggled to remain open as his head lolled forward, lashes dusting over milky cheeks one too many times to be normal.

"It's okay," Amber soothed, gently pulling his head to her shoulder. He didn't even resist, flinching a little before nuzzling into her shoulder. "You can rest for a while." She laced her fingers together with his, enjoying the flow of gold between their bond. Another minute passed and his head dropped against her shoulder, too weak to resist her offer.

And Amber's heart began to melt.