
They were not wrong.

"I'm not that angry." MinJae shrugged and collapsed dramatically on Sieon's shoulder with a groan. He was a little angry. Just a little angry. "But I do want to spank her a bit." An understatement of the century, he wanted her to look at him, desperate to cum while he denied her access to pleasure. He wanted her to beg. He wanted her mad, he wanted to laugh as he came and she didn't and—

"That's my fucking kink," Oliver groaned low in his throat, tossing his head back. "But I'm busy."

"Soon." Casper promised, voice dipping into a low hushed sigh. And MinJae winced.

He was the only one in the team who'd yet to sink his cock into their soulmate, and it was completely his fault. Casper treated Amber like glass, an ornament that would break easily the moment he unleashed his lust upon her fragile body. And it was such a shame because MinJae knew exactly how fascinated she was with his cock piercings.

But too fucking bad for Casper.

And thank fucking God for MinJae.

"But she isn't the type to miss something like this," Sieon said, bouncing on his toes. "You think she's actually sick? Maybe we should get her checked—"

"She was sitting on the balcony this morning in nothing but her pyjamas," JieMi piped out. And they glanced at him, eyes widening at his words. MinJae gaped at him, all thoughts of sex gone straight into the wind and into the trash. "After we all fell asleep."


"What the fuck?"

"You can't just—"

"It's an art thing?" JieMi waved his hand as if the word could explain everything. He pinked at their stares and cleared his throat to continue. "Her computer was overheating so I guess she thought it was a good idea to you know, reduce the heat of the computer while the programme was running. I told her she shouldn't have used her laptop for rendering, but I guess she forgot and so—"

"You need to stop her! It's fucking freezing!" Hikaru snapped, eyes flashing as the mother bear in him roared to life. "It dropped below zero yesterday! What the fuck are you doing letting her stay out there in the cold—"

"She came back to bed when I woke up!" JieMi snapped back. "You think I'll let her stay in the cold in just silk? I was the one who warmed her up with my body. I rubbed her feet while you all stayed asleep!"

"Make her something hot to drink next time, or hell-Wake me up!"

"I'm sorry okay? I'm tired too!" JieMi sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "She's probably just seriously sleep deprived from that project, which is why she overslept. And maybe she is sick but it's probably the cold."

"Oh, it's definitely the cold." Oliver agreed.

"I'll buy some oranges and make us all juice after work," Hikaru promised. "We need a vitamin C boost."

"And we need more sleep."

"And more time."

"We need to punish her," Ezra purred and they looked at him.

The man smirked, pale skin glinting softly in the light despite the lack of their soulmate to charge up his bond. As much as MinJae hated to admit it, the glow made him look scarier and even more ethereal in person, and the soft shimmer felt almost like a cock-size comparison competition. One that Ezra seemed to be winning because even MinJae was entranced by the glow.

MinJae couldn't imagine how Ezra must look to his soulmate and that pissed him off too.

"You always think with your dick," Casper complained with a shake of his head.

Ezra raised a brow, leaning back against the wall with a low questioning hum. "Don't we all?"

"We're lucky that she likes it," Sieon said, hands in his pockets. "Another girl would hate us for it."

"You talk as if we fuck any pussy with legs." MinJae shoved him and Sieon snorted. "We're only like this because it's her."

The MinJae from two years ago didn't really give a fuck about people. Sex was purely for his pleasure and his pleasure only, everyone else had been pussies and dicks on legs, social connection that he selfishly needed to replenish his sulking heart. Except Ezra. Ezra was the only exception to his blurred view of his sexual partners and it was only because Ezra was also his best friend, a best friend that he loved dearly and cared about.

"Says the one with over a hundred one-night stands."

"Sir, I'm bi with a strong preference for men. 97% of my tally are men. I used to fuck men. And men only. Did you forget that?" MinJae huffed, rolling his eyes as he licked his lips giving his best friend a seductive smile. One that he knew grated on his nerves and freaked him out a little. "I'd rather fuck you than fuck another girl that isn't Amber..."

"Thanks, but no thanks, best friend. I'll go flaccid in two seconds."


"Back to you, idiot."

"You just gave me a really good idea," Ezra groaned, eyes glinting in the dark. He glanced at Casper with a shrug. "Let me go back with MinJae, I'm almost done anyway. It's just that one rated track with her moans." He smirked, pink lips stretching into a handsome grin. "I could use the inspiration."

"You always use that damned excuse!"

"If you've got a better one you can come with me."

And now here they were, pretending that they were mad, giving each other fuck-me eyes while their soulmate watched. Oh, he would be honest. Ezra was a hot man, the sort of hot that deserved its own pedestal on the shrine of fuckable people. And there was a reason why they'd once spent a week fucking each other until their dicks were red and raw. But his soulmate?

His soulmate was on a whole different level.

Hers was a face that made his chest burn and his heart sick. A body that could coax his cock to stand whenever she wanted him to. And eyes that controlled his soul, eyes that made faking anything impossible. He'd almost lost his cool at the start, so tempted to laugh the moment mirth had entered beautiful hazel. He wanted to giggle, he wanted to simper. He wanted to go back into being baby MinJae, cute adorable MinJae, the MinJae that snuggled to her side and kissed her cheeks.

The MinJae that wasn't angry.

And she'd been distracted by his dance, distracted enough to not look at Ezra when he'd been dancing. Okay fuck, she did look at him, but what they'd done had been enough for her to forget all that. They'd exploded her mind and he could tell from the daze in her eyes, the unfocused dilation and the part of those pretty red, bubble lips of hers.

She was mind-fucked because they were hot as fuck together.

And MinJae knew that.

It was those eyes and those hands that made the orgasm feel so much better. The soul bond had spasmed and squirted the moment her fingers ghosted over his skin, connecting their souls. He'd came fast and hard to a vibrator that he'd used to toss to the side for a bigger, thicker alternative after thirty minutes of trying (and failing) to cum.

He loved her.

"My pants are right here darling. What the fuck have you been looking at hm?" Ezra growled, bringing a knee up to make his point. His zipper was slipping and MinJae caught sight of the dark silk that lay beneath tight, tough denim. She wasn't wrong. His underwear was black.

"I'm right." She pointed to his crotch and he chuckled.

"Using your fucking x-ray eyes."

"You like black," she teased, and then those eyes were on him again, boiling his insides. "I'm sorry Minnie." Her lips trembled, and her bottom lip pursed to reveal silky red flesh, swollen from the dig of pearly white teeth. "It was my fault."

Oh, fuck him. He almost gave in to those lips and those eyes. And the quiver of her nose, and the dip of her eyelids, and the curve of her lips. MinJae forced himself, with great difficulty and willpower to look away before his overly seduced heart could give in and forget about the game. God, it did want to forget the game and just make love to her warm, wet pussy made just right for him.

"You disappointed me," he told her with a soft sigh that was a little too breathy for his liking. It almost seemed like a moan and he panicked in his head, wondering if it exposed too much. He'd hate it if she knew how fast the anger in his chest was dissipating.

"I know."

"So today, it's not about you." He gestured crudely to her cunt, quickly referring to sex. "It's about me and Ezra." He pressed his index finger to his lip, tapping on it with a low groan. "And you are just going to watch." He took a quick glance at her then, heart fluttering as her eyes widened and the 'o' of her lips grew rounder and even more kissable.
